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Foolish Indian Agression Costs India Record Casualties in First 5 Months of 2018

Sorry, but my people wrote the Rigveda. And the Rigveda's codification began on the banks of the Indus in Pakistani Punjab and moved into the heartland over the next few hundred years.


The codification ended with my people (literally) in Uttar Pradesh.

Here's a neutral source.
The Vedas were first composed sometime around 1500-1000 BCE in the north-western region of the Indian subcontinent - present-day Pakistan and northwest India - and they were transmitted orally over many generations before eventually being committed to writing.

Oh, we can undo whatever we want, whenever we want.

And partition happened because we allowed it to happen, nothing else. Muslim League in 1946 was nothing. It was Congress that came to power at the time. So it's obvious that any decision will be taken by the ruling party of the time. This is common sense.

Later on, Pakistan was further partitioned into 2 by our writ. No power in the world could stop that.

Nice try attempting to rewrite history and whitewashing it with "inferiority complex".

You're not a Vedic Aryan, for most Hindustanis that ancestry was diluted long ago (unless you're a Brahmin, Punjabi or Kashmiri). Nice try.

No, if you could have stopped us, you would have.

We only lost Bangladesh because it was thousands of miles away from the mainland, blockaded, our forces were outnumbered more than 10 times over as per your own military, and we had been fighting a brutal civil war for over half a year. I highly doubt Hindustan could win in that context either.

Don't act like they were a proper part of the country. They wanted independence for a reason, it's because we viewed them as a colony.

Anyway, we've defeated you far more often than vice versa, e.g Shahbaz Khan (a Punjabi general who conquered large parts of Hindustan under Akbars reign), Mir Malagh Khan (a Baluchi who's forces sacked Delhi), Sikander Shah Mir (a Gujjar who firmly established Islam in Kashmir and almost completely removed Hindustanis from the area, earning the title of "butshikan" which means idol-breaker), Sikander Lodi (a half Punjabi-half Pashtun Sultan who ruled over large parts of Hindustan, and expanded his kingdom through further conquests), Kanishka (he came from Peshawar and expanded Kushan rule to include much of Hindustan), Shah Jahan (he came from Lahore and conquered much of southern Hindustan and fought against the Sikhs), Sher Shah Suri (another Pashtun who conquered Hindustan, he was born in Pakistani Punjab), Ahmed Shah Abdali (yet another Pashtun who completely crippled the Marathas and regularly launched raids against the Sikhs, he was born in Multan), etc.

Even a lot of your Hindustani heroes besides IVC were from the Indus, e.g Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan (Hyder Ali's father was Punjabi), the Mauryans (they were ancestrally from KPK), the Sikh Empire (they were Punjabis), the Karkotas (they were Kashmiris), etc.
Bharati has gone desperate.

Nah munna. Go try again and don't show your desperation so clearly next time. Shoo

Obviously status quo would continue. None of us claimed otherwise

Desperation is opening a thread on Indian casualties when you guys face almost the same number just on the western front (excluding LoC)
Desperation is opening a thread on Indian casualties when you guys face almost the same number just on the western front (excluding LoC)

Only a bharati would be dumb enough to find desperation in such a situation. But then you are a bharati so this buffoonery is always expected of you.
You're not a Vedic Aryan, for most Hindustanis that ancestry was diluted long ago (unless you're a Brahmin, Punjabi or Kashmiri). Nice try.

I am a Brahmin. That's why I said "my people".

Regardless Indus was our main starting point.

No, if you could have stopped us, you would have.

We only lost Bangladesh because it was thousands of miles away from the mainland, blockaded, our forces were outnumbered more than 10 times over as per your own military, and we had been fighting a brutal civil war for over half a year. I highly doubt Hindustan could win in that context either.

Don't act like they were a proper part of the country. They wanted independence for a reason, it's because we viewed them as a colony.

A third world country still splitting another country of roughly equal power into two, regardless of the reasons, while on a time limit is good enough to count as a major victory.

Anyway, we've defeated you far more often than vice versa, e.g Shahbaz Khan (a Punjabi general who conquered large parts of Hindustan under Akbars reign), Mir Malagh Khan (a Baluchi who's forces sacked Delhi), Sikander Shah Mir (a Gujjar who firmly established Islam in Kashmir and almost completely removed Hindustanis from the area, earning the title of "butshikan" which means idol-breaker), Sikander Lodi (a half Punjabi-half Pashtun Sultan who ruled over large parts of Hindustan, and expanded his kingdom through further conquests), Kanishka (he came from Peshawar and expanded Kushan rule to include much of Hindustan), Shah Jahan (he came from Lahore and conquered much of southern Hindustan and fought against the Sikhs), Sher Shah Suri (another Pashtun who conquered Hindustan, he was born in Pakistani Punjab), Ahmed Shah Abdali (yet another Pashtun who completely crippled the Marathas and regularly launched raids against the Sikhs, he was born in Multan), etc.

Even a lot of your Hindustani heroes besides IVC were from the Indus, e.g Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan (Hyder Ali's father was Punjabi), the Mauryans (they were ancestrally from KPK), the Sikh Empire (they were Punjabis), the Karkotas (they were Kashmiris), etc.

Anybody and everybody who has to enter India at the time had to come in through NW India. Many tried and won, and many more tried and lost. None of them have anything to do with Pakistan.
Pakistan has never accepted the accession treaty. The Founding father of Pakistan M. A. Jinnah had outright rejected the accession. He said that the accession was not a bona fide one since it rested on 'fraud and violence' and would never be accepted by Pakistan.

Pakistan's position is :

A Standstill Agreement on Kashmir was offered to Pakistan by Maharaja Hari Singh himself, of his own accord; Pakistan accepted that and it is now an international document.

A similar offer was made to India but India didn't sign such an agreement. So, over Jammu and Kashmir, only two parties – Pakistan and Kashmir were left. In the presence of the Standstill Agreement, no other ‘accord’ as to the status of Jammu and Kashmir (including Accession Treaty) could be made at all under international law.

I guess you are talking about the same standstill agreement which was thrown into the gutter the very moment Kashmir was invaded by their western neigbhour.

Tell me what honour is left when someone act unilaterally against the very spirit of an agreement and then use the same as some legal basis ???? Aint it some kind of pathological fraud behaviour ???? LOL :p:
I guess you are talking about the same standstill agreement which was thrown into the gutter the very moment Kashmir was invaded by their western neigbhour.

Tell me what honour is left when someone act unilaterally against the very spirit of an agreement and then use the same as some legal basis ???? Aint it some kind of pathological fraud behaviour ???? LOL :p:

Maharaja alleged that Pakistan had violated the stand still agreement and he had no choice left but to accede the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India ... But as the UN rejected the Indian claim and didn't declare Pakistan an aggressor state, these allegations remain unsubstantiated. And until and unless these allegations are proven in any international court, Maharaja's accusations and "explanation" carry no weight .... Hope that helps
Maharaja alleged that Pakistan had violated the stand still agreement and he had no choice left but to accede the State of Jammu and Kashmir to India ... But as the UN rejected the Indian claim and didn't declare Pakistan an aggressor state, these allegations remain unsubstantiated. And until and unless these allegations are proven in any international court, Maharaja's accusations and "explanation" carry no weight .... Hope that helps

UN who ???? We hell doesn't care a jack about them or their resolutions, now what does that explain ??? :bunny:

You can do whatever you want but the valley will remain a part of India till eternity even if a Pakistan in current shape exist or not. :p:
UN who ???? We hell doesn't care a jack about them or their resolutions, now what does that explain ??? :bunny:

You can do whatever you want but the valley will remain a part of India till eternity even if a Pakistan in current shape exist or not. :p:
Words of people from other states carry no weight whatsoever in the case of Kashmir.
This is democracy 101 so until people from Kashmir resound the same sentiments unequivocally the claims of eternity and 'atoot ang' are just a load of hot air.
I am a Brahmin. That's why I said "my people".

Regardless Indus was our main starting point.

A third world country still splitting another country of roughly equal power into two, regardless of the reasons, while on a time limit is good enough to count as a major victory.

Anybody and everybody who has to enter India at the time had to come in through NW India. Many tried and won, and many more tried and lost. None of them have anything to do with Pakistan.

If you are Brahmin, you only have ties to Vedic era Indus. Not before and not after.

No, it would have been Central Asia.

Not really, the factors surrounding the victory are pretty important, as well as what the victor actually gained (in your case it was almost nothing).

Also, Hindustan is not little or on par with us in terms of strength. You have always been far bigger and stronger. Not a fair fight at all, which makes all the times we kicked your @55 even more sad.

By that logic, Indus is not part of your history then since Brahmins merely came from Central Asia.

Also, yes they do have everything to do with Pakistan. These migrants are the primary reason so many Pakistanis have such high amounts of Eurasian DNA, and have spawned many tribes/ethnic groups across Pakistan. Pakistan also prospered under them, they considered it their home.
UN who ???? We hell doesn't care a jack about them or their resolutions, now what does that explain ??? :bunny:

You can do whatever you want but the valley will remain a part of India till eternity even if a Pakistan in current shape exist or not. :p:

Yup UN means nothing. Your chutya bakwas about Kashmir being part of India till eternity means everything.

PS: B@stard doesn't know that whether he would be alive next moment or not and is giving predictions for millions of humans till eternity,. Typical bharati d!ckhead.
Army’s refusal to share LoC casualty stats irks Rabbani

Pakistani Army doesn't even tell its casualties to its own government. What it has to hide?

Don't blame Indian army for your loses which your own army is not telling you.
Nothing is hidden from media anymore. Because LOC is heavily populated and some of the houses hardly few hundred yards from Indian post.

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