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Foodie pilot delays PIA flight for sandwiches

The real story is that he supposedly had some relatives at the back, and wanted them to be served something else from a hotel.

The pilot was PALPA president from what I heard.
The real story is that he supposedly had some relatives at the back, and wanted them to be served something else from a hotel.

The pilot was PALPA president from what I heard.

Must be some Foodie this pilot, hunh????

Ironic really; considering that Sandwiches are fast-food!!!
As the legend goes the Earl of Sandwich (an English Noble-man) who was an incorrigible card-player and gambler; considered that assuaging pangs of hunger was not even worth leaving the card-table for a while. So he slapped a piece of meat between two pieces of bread and invented the sandwich, while remaining seated at the game. And saved so much time.
This pilot did great injustice to the sandwich, that he seems to be so fond of!!
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