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Food Price Hikes Badly Hurting Average Pakistani Consumers

IK is unwilling to repeat past govt mistakes. Govt subsidy should not be given to all but only those that actually need it.

Ithink this is where he is mistaken. We didnt have money earlier thats fine understandable. But now we are having increase of forieng reserves and increase Alhumdulillah. So start giving relief in terms of lowering down the food hike. Other wise he will loose election and support next time. People dont care about other things as much as they care about food on the table.
Ithink this is where he is mistaken. We didnt have money earlier thats fine understandable. But now we are having increase of forieng reserves and increase Alhumdulillah. So start giving relief in terms of lowering down the food hike. Other wise he will loose election and support next time. People dont care about other things as much as they care about food on the table.
Model Bazars was a good initiative. I purchase my groceries from one and the prices are fine.
Model Bazars was a good initiative. I purchase my groceries from one and the prices are fine.
Need more of these. Also there should be market price indicator for food items such as for foreign currency. So people know not to pay penny more than that.
Does Pakistan have anything resembling a Walmart?
We have private stores like Imtiaz, Metro but nothing gigantic like Walmart. It could easily enter and beat the competitors.
But now we are having increase of forieng reserves and increase Alhumdulillah.
We can't use the foreign reserves to give subsidies to public. This was the mistake previous govts made.
Other wise he will loose election and support next time. People dont care about other things as much as they care about food on the table.
Previous govt did the same, but they could not win elections despite giving all possible and destructive economic relief to the people.
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