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FM Qureshi criticises India's condemnation of NZ terror attack

The maturity (read stupidity) is quit evident in your comment itself. You are simply resonating what your lawmakers and politions repeatedly say wrt to India and Indian elections.

Yes its true BJP and the right wing Sangh Parivar and other political parties do name Pakistan, China etc. during elections. But if you think that is the only issue that we discuss then you guys must be mature enough. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Do remember the Congress aka UPA lost their mandate last time neither because of any prominent Hindutva narrative nor because of any Pakistan bashing. It was Corruption, Corruption and more corruption which was the topic under discussion across India. Be it 2G, Coal Gate etc.

Again, this so called Hindutva or Pakistan bashing (alleged) didn't helped the ruling BJP/NDA in recently held elections in 5 States is the living testament of how mature Indian voters are.

Again you can think and believe whatever you what, but the fact is Pakistan does have any importance than a Aedes Aegypti as far as India is concerned. :lol::lol::lol:

I seriously didn't read more than two lines of your post.. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
lets agree to disagree.
Fine we can leave Qureshi here.
But the point is Modi's support base includes RSS and their love for Muslims is well known - Modis own role in renovation of ancient mosques is there too - so his base would actually support these attacks, as they have done even larger attacks on their own Muslim citizens. Similar lapses can be seen with our president Trump in US, who deliberately missed out in his condemnation due to his own views on Muslims and his support base of white supermacist and racists.

PS. I hope you don't bring Pak-India issues here, as my post is about {Indian PM and Govts response to a terrorist attack on Muslims in New Zealand} - note there is no connection to Pakistan in the sentence enclosed in the curly braces {}.
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Seems like you are sick just like your FM due to inherent hatred I guess. We have also lost our citizens in this barbaric attack.

We dont know how they appointef this moron as FM.
Then they said terrorists and victims dont have any religion.
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