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FM Qureshi criticises India's condemnation of NZ terror attack

Yeah we (the so called MAJORITY) bursted crackers and distributed sweets to celebrate. :hitwall:

Get a life dude. At least come out of your cocoon once in a while. :enjoy:
If some of these fellows ever come to India - they won’t raise their head out of shame on how wrong they were in just reading TOI and other random sources to make an opinion about a country or 1.3 billion people.

I give up trying to convince that all of us not are racist, religious zealots.
We already have many issues to address and he is dragging Newzealand & India talk.
First we should address our own issues. Leave other they go to hell..
Qureshi criticises India's condemnation of NZ terror attack
Mohammad ImranUpdated March 20, 2019
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India did not have the courage to use the words 'Muslim' or 'mosque' in its condemnation, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi points out. ─ APP/File

The foreign minister, while speaking to Pakistani journalists during a three-day trip to Beijing, pointed out that New Delhi "did not have the courage" to use the words 'Muslim' or 'mosque' in its condemnation of the attack.

"If, God forbid, there had been an attack on a Hindu temple, Pakistan would have stood with India," Qureshi stated.

Except; When LeT attacked and killed 32 innocent civilians in Akshardham Temple; this is all Pakistan could muster:

Pakistani Information Minister Nisar Memon condemned the temple attack and said it reflected the failure of Hindu nationalist leaders to build a tolerant society in Gujarat.

"We condemn this attack on an Indian temple by whoever has done it," he said. "This is the kind of society that the leadership of the BJP has built in Gujarat


What a bunch of hypocrites.
Except; When LeT attacked and killed 32 innocent civilians in Akshardham Temple; this is all Pakistan could muster:

Pakistani Information Minister Nisar Memon condemned the temple attack and said it reflected the failure of Hindu nationalist leaders to build a tolerant society in Gujarat.

"We condemn this attack on an Indian temple by whoever has done it," he said. "This is the kind of society that the leadership of the BJP has built in Gujarat


What a bunch of hypocrites.
What if I tell you LET and JEM rest of non state actors died long ago.
It's India who is trying to milk a dead cow.
Get over it.
How india can condemn the killing of innocent Muslims when india is it self involved to kill innocent people of Kashmir.

India is mater of farting from lips. It's a joke to hear official condolence from india, on the other end in social media Indian public were enjoying the killing of innocents
Except; When LeT attacked and killed 32 innocent civilians in Akshardham Temple; this is all Pakistan could muster:

Pakistani Information Minister Nisar Memon condemned the temple attack and said it reflected the failure of Hindu nationalist leaders to build a tolerant society in Gujarat.

"We condemn this attack on an Indian temple by whoever has done it," he said. "This is the kind of society that the leadership of the BJP has built in Gujarat


What a bunch of hypocrites.
So you agree Indian condemnation of the terror attack in New Zealand was lacking? And you justify this because Pakistan lacked in its condemnation for India?
So you agree Indian condemnation of the terror attack in New Zealand was lacking? And you justify this because Pakistan lacked in its condemnation for India?
I am sorry, I thought It would be simple to comprehend what I wrote, My post was just to emphasize how full of crap your FM's statement was.

What if I tell you LET and JEM rest of non state actors died long ago.
Then i would reply : you have bright prospects to become high ranking official in ISPR or Foreign Ministry of Pakistan.
I am sorry, I thought It would be simple to comprehend what I wrote, My post was just to emphasize how full of crap your FM's statement was.
Yes I see the part where Pakistan hasnt rightly condemned all terror attacks in India ... but here we are talking about terror attacks against Muslims in NZ, which is not an enemy state like Pakistan is for India. Qureshi is just pointing out lapses in Modis condemnation - so to make it simple all I wanted to know: is he right? Did Modi, who has a history with mosques and muslims, purposely lacked in his message as the victims were specifically attacked because they were Muslims? Or your issue is only why Qureshi said it? Qureshi would be a hypocrite in true sense if he complained about issues with Indian condemnation of terror attacks in Pakistan.
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People in India have elected and continue to support a Kasai also known as butcher of gujarat as PM. Under that demon 2000 Indian muslims including an MP was murdered, 2 lakh muslims lived in camps for almost a year right in the capital city. And modi laughed about it saying every action has equal reaction. But congress is no better Rajiv gandhi similiarly celebrated butchering of Sikhs in 1984.
People in India have elected and continue to support a Kasai also known as butcher of gujarat as PM. Under that demon 2000 Indian muslims including an MP was murdered, 2 lakh muslims lived in camps for almost a year right in the capital city. And modi laughed about it saying every action has equal reaction. But congress is no better Rajiv gandhi similiarly celebrated butchering of Sikhs in 1984.
Its thousands of year old Indian tradition, they saw only invaders with extreme power and brutality . So, they think, only power can protect them. It is unfortunate but its Indian reality.
It is very simple... Indian elections win is based on Muslim and Pakistan bashing and bjp entirely depends on surgical strikes and cow protectionism to win the elections.. there are very few topics in India that are discussed before elections other than Pakistan and surgical strikes.... While in Pakistan India is hardly mentioned...as if we don't have a neighbor of this name. We discuss corruption and progress before elections.

It only shows maturity.
Yes I see the part where Pakistan hasnt rightly condemned all terror attacks in India ... but here we are talking about terror attacks against Muslims in NZ, which is not an enemy state like Pakistan is for India. Qureshi is just pointing out lapses in Modis condemnation - so to make it simple all I wanted to know: is he right? Did Modi, who has a history with mosques and muslims, purposely lacked in his message as the victims were specifically attacked because they were Muslims? Or your issue is only why Qureshi said it? Qureshi would be a hypocrite in true sense if he complained about issues with Indian condemnation of terror attacks in Pakistan.
lets agree to disagree.
Then i would reply : you have bright prospects to become high ranking official in ISPR or Foreign Ministry of Pakistan.

Its not Black & White from where it began.
You have no idea LET , JEM and other non state actors were Banned in Pakistan.
According to constitution , their trails were run down internally.
& It was court's decision to free their leaders.
however their movements were observed over the years not to exploit Pakistan's standings
The explanation is not self-made but revamping started from Zarb-e-Azab and National Action Plan.
Instead of appreciating Pakistan's efforts India had her own plans to execute.
Instability,Proxies and CWD Formula in Baluchistan... When Indians embrace the dust in that
They role back to where they whine about non state actors in Pakistan.

It is like ridiculing potential of ISI, If things would have been what Indians are considering after imaginative nightmare , things would not be like they are now in terms of peace in india but much much worse . Soviets & Americans can draw this potential idea but you Indian still living in fools paradise. Remember before any strike what monkey does
"Cry a River and jump from one tree to another , make propaganda thats what you guys are good at. "
But i Promise you
When we'll do something , you wont see it coming.....( Even in day light )
It is very simple... Indian elections win is based on Muslim and Pakistan bashing and bjp entirely depends on surgical strikes and cow protectionism to win the elections.. there are very few topics in India that are discussed before elections other than Pakistan and surgical strikes.... While in Pakistan India is hardly mentioned...as if we don't have a neighbor of this name. We discuss corruption and progress before elections.

It only shows maturity.

The maturity (read stupidity) is quit evident in your comment itself. You are simply resonating what your lawmakers and politions repeatedly say wrt to India and Indian elections.

Yes its true BJP and the right wing Sangh Parivar and other political parties do name Pakistan, China etc. during elections. But if you think that is the only issue that we discuss then you guys must be mature enough. LOL :lol::lol::lol:

Do remember the Congress aka UPA lost their mandate last time neither because of any prominent Hindutva narrative nor because of any Pakistan bashing. It was Corruption, Corruption and more corruption which was the topic under discussion across India. Be it 2G, Coal Gate etc.

Again, this so called Hindutva or Pakistan bashing (alleged) didn't helped the ruling BJP/NDA in recently held elections in 5 States is the living testament of how mature Indian voters are.

Again you can think and believe whatever you what, but the fact is Pakistan does have any importance than a Aedes Aegypti as far as India is concerned. :lol::lol::lol:
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