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Flour price hits record high of Rs2500 per 20kg in Karachi

10 kg pillsbury wheat atta is currently sold at around 450 inr in Indian shopping marts...not bad, but it was between 350 to 400 last year.
10 kg pillsbury wheat atta is currently sold at around 450 inr in Indian shopping marts...not bad, but it was between 350 to 400 last year.
India imposed wheat export, so you ll be fine for now. All depend on when the Ukraine war ends.
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@Johny D @HAIDER bhai

INR 45/kg is almost the same as PKR 125/kg, no? So prices are not very different across the two countries.

But the impact of the price depends on purchasing power. That may be different. The price you are quoting is half of price I am paying. But it still forms insignificant part of my monthly outlay.

It is unlikely that the purchasing power of the two countries will be very different, although I am not sure. The per capita GDP is about 20% higher in IND, but then income inequality is also higher. The saving grace is that about 60% of Indian population gets about 5-7 kg price /month almost free of cost. (Until Dec it was 10 kg)

@Johny D @HAIDER bhai

INR 45/kg is almost the same as PKR 125/kg, no? So prices are not very different across the two countries.

ya may be..but in general rice and wheat are cheap in India due to almost free ration to over 300 million ration card holders, they are not necessaily poor but take benefit of govmt food safety schemes..this keeps prices in check in open market..

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