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Flood Response

KARACHI: Chairman of Pakistan Businesses Forum (PBF) Sindh chapter, Mir Murad Ali Talpur urged the business community to come forward to help flood victims of Sindh and Balochistan. We can’t put this crisis alone on the shoulders of the government.

He also demanded from the National Bank of Pakistan, ZTBL and Sindh Bank to write off all agriculture loans in the province of Sindh and Balochistan on immediately bases for the 2021-2022 year.

He said 1.5 million houses have been damaged in the Sindh so far after heavy rains and urban flooding and completely damaged the agriculture and agriculture related population; cotton is almost 90-100 percent damaged.

All vegetables especially onion which is major crop of Sindh is completely damaged, Sindh not only produce onion for Pakistan but majority of onion export is from Sindh.

The rural economy is badly hit, roads are under water. After heavy rains continued to lash parts of Sindh on Tuesday and Wednesday, left thousands of families stranded and homeless and caused billions of rupees and property damage to the agricultural sector of Sindh.

“Now concerted and well-coordinated effort is required to deal with this climate emergency that our country faces at present.”

PBF official also said estimates of losses suggest the country will return to the international market to make heavy imports of the cotton commodity this year to run textile mills, which earn around 60 percent of the total export proceeds of the country.

Talpur projected that the country would barely produce 5 million to 6 million bales of cotton this year compared to the pre-rainfall estimate of 9 million bales.

“Pakistan has to import around 8 million bales to meet textile mills’ demand this year,” he anticipated.

Currently, it was the cotton-picking season in Sindh, which provides an opportunity for livelihood to thousands of women and men, but due to the crop destruction, they could not find employment.

Murad Talpur further briefed millions of farmers and labourers in Sindh have been pushed into poverty by the rains, but the government has not announced any assistance so far.

The provincial government should declare the entire Sindh as flood/disaster affected and provide financial assistance to them under livestock and housing, immediately providing them with tents, mosquito nets, mosquito spray, food and drink equipment, digging drains and ensuring drainage of water from villages and crops.

PBF vice chairman Sindh, Syed Faheem Ali Shah said right now we are in 7th spell of a torrential monsoon that has left thousands homeless, 830 dead and 1348 injured. From Balochistan, the monsoon system has moved to Sindh where 30 districts are under water.

The magnitude of it can be assessed from the fact that it has rained more than 395 percent in Sindh and 379 percent in Balochistan above the average rainfall. It is a climate catastrophe of epic scale, bringing in its wake the humanitarian crisis that could well match the magnitude of the big flood that was witnessed in 2010.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2022
Are there any relief funds managed by IK/PTI or independent credible charities?

1.67 million displaced in Sindh following back-to-back monsoon spells: PDMA

Mohammad Hussain Khan | Housh Mohammad Mangi
August 27, 2022

<p>A view of the flood situation in Naukot, Hyderabad, Saturday. — Umair Ali</p>

A view of the flood situation in Naukot, Hyderabad, Saturday. — Umair Ali
The back-to-back spells of heavy rains in Sindh have displaced 1.67 million people in the province’s lower and upper regions, according to a report released by the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) on Friday.

Assessing the situation from June 20 to August 25, the report said that a total population of 4.9m and 648,621 households have been affected.

The report said the death toll for Sindh has gone up to 339 in rain and flood-related incidents. Among those deaths, 117 were males, 46 females and 108 were children, while 974 people were injured.

The PDMA report stated that 98,260 cattle had perished so far while 191,030 houses were fully damaged and 395,080 partially damaged. Additionally, 2.72m acres of crop area had been rendered unusable.

A view of a flooded road in Hyderabad division on Saturday. — Umair Ali

A view of a flooded road in Hyderabad division on Saturday. — Umair Ali

The PDMA said that the NDMA was also providing help to the PDMA with 3,880 ration bags, 3,600 mosquito nets, 4900 plastic tarpaulin, 4,835 tents and 95 dewatering pumps.

Meanwhile, the post-rain situation still remained critical for residents as dewatering work in rain-affected areas remained slow.

Areas in Qasimabad taluka, Latifabad Units-2, 8, 11 and 12 were badly hit by rainwater which was fixed with sewage now. “The disposal is being delayed as the system is not carrying the required quantum of downpour runoff from the areas”, said Javed Malik, a resident from worst-hit unit 12 of Latifabad.

Among the displaced persons, a majority is of peasants — also known as sharecroppers. They had shifted to roadsides of farmlands after their mud houses caved in or entire villages were flooded.

A view of a flooded road in Hyderabad division on Saturday. — Umair Ali

A view of a flooded road in Hyderabad division on Saturday. — Umair Ali

Most of those displaced have found shelter in improvised tents — some of which were provided by the government as well as non-governmental organisations. “For food supplies, we are dependent on charity given by well-off people”, said Ramo, a resident in Jhuddo tehsil of Mipurkhas.

Other parts of Mipurkhas were disturbed as well due to the slow disposal through the Left Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD), which had a discharge of 10,000 cusecs against the designed discharge of 4,000 cusecs.

“Once levels of inflow start receding in the drain, it will carry more rainfall runoff from other areas”, said Mansoor Memon, director of Sukkur barrage’s Nara Canal.

The tehsil was hit by the LBOD that was filled to capacity as far as its discharge is concerned.
“For me, it is flowing miraculously and we hope that no breach occurs in the spinal [main] drain of the LBOD, which can prove to be catastrophic otherwise”, said Farid Memon, the LBOD’s project director. He said breaches in sub-drains of the system did occur but luckily the spinal/main drain was still saved although a few breaches occurred in the 2020 rains.

A woman with her children in a rain-affected village in Matiari on Saturday. — Umair Ali

A woman with her children in a rain-affected village in Matiari on Saturday. — Umair Ali

The LBOD takes rainwater to creeks of the Arabian Sea. It was bifurcated into Kadhan Pateji Outfall Drain (KPOD) and Dhoro Puran Outfall Drain (DPO) at RD-159 in Badin district. People of Badin consider LBOD a ghost which has always spelt disaster for their district in every monsoon or natural calamity due to its faulty design.

“It is a monster and the government should not invest in LBOD further. Government should close or abandon it”, a local journalist Rashid Leghari had said while putting a question to the chief minister regarding the LBOD last week at a press briefing.

Meanwhile, the Indus river remains in high flood at Sukkur barrage and medium at Guddu barrage, according to a report issued today by the Flood Forecasting Division (FFD). The FFD reported a discharge of 490,393 cusecs of flows up and downstream while the Sukkur barrage was having a high flood discharge of 569,756 cusecs up and downstream. A flow of 500,000 cusecs plus is rated as a high flood.

The Kotri barrage reported a medium flood discharge of 35,279 cusecs up and downstream at 6am on August 27.

Meanwhile, 14 off-taking canals of all three barrages have been closed for around a fortnight due to anticipated rains and flooding in the Indus River.

According to the FFD report, the Tarbela dam would attain its maximum storage soon. Its storage stood at 1549.5ft at noon on Aug 27, according to figures available from the Sindh irrigation department.

Torrential rains wreak havoc in Sanghar​

The torrential rains during the current monsoon spells wreaked havoc across the board in district Sanghar.
The extraordinary spells of rainfall have made life difficult across all six taluka of the district: Khipro, Sanghar, Jam Nawaz Ali, Sinjhoro, Shahdad Pur and Tando Adam.

 A view of Sanghar after rains and floods as affectees and makeshift shelters can be seen on Saturday. — Photo by Housh Mohammad Mangi

A view of Sanghar after rains and floods as affectees and makeshift shelters can be seen on Saturday. — Photo by Housh Mohammad Mangi

Massive displacement of both the human population and livestock has been witnessed. The breaches in saline drains have also added to the people’s suffering and caused their move to elevated areas under the open skies and to government schools, colleges and nearby cities.
The farmers have also lost their livelihoods as their crops have been completely destroyed.
Charity organisations and some local individuals have initiated local food drives, while the Benazir Income Support Programme stipend amounting to Rs25,000 was also being distributed among its registered beneficiaries.
According to data shared by the Sanghar district administration, as of Friday, the houses damaged in the current rains stood at 52,498, while the number of affected population and families was estimated to be at 598,380 and 89,441 respectively.
The displaced population was calculated to be 321,555 while 89 per cent of the crop area was damaged.
Additionally, 12 deaths and 14 injuries were reported, along with 135 livestock animals killed.
According to the data available, 35,000 people were living in relief camps set up by the provincial government.
The total loss as of now is immense, with vast swathes of crop land gone along with infrastructure. But the true scale of the effects of this will only come after a month or two, maybe after 6 months when the harvest time for crops usually comes.

Food inflation will be a big worry going forward. The costs to rebuild infrastructure will again be immense.

From this tragedy, especially in tourist stations, hopefully we can learn not to construct on riverbed, since floods are becoming all too common. I wish that construction laws become strict enough all across the country. Maybe we cannot change those buildings which have already been made, but can keep a check going forward. Murree, Swat, Kalam, Naran, Kumrat, all places need to be planned and organized.
Sindh ...
Women coming out from their flooded village. In Sindh 23 districts of the province calamity-hit areas following a heavy loss of human lives, livestock and standing Kharif crops.


Very disturbing images , will certainly donate inshallah to Honorable Imran Khan's relief fund for Pakistani citizens only

I "don't trust" any other entity in Pakistan , specially the Shabaz Sharif & Federal government

Imran Khan & Edhi two people who I trust only, Edhi passed away and also his wife

I tried using Edhi's site before and it has many website errors unsure how people even use it.

Islamabad courts claimed Foreign Funding , with Imran khan , well the courts in Islamabad better know this , those foreign Funding Pakistani only will give a dime to Imran khan only
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Flash floods destroy 54 bridges, 50 hotels in Hazara and Malakand ... KPK​

August 28, 2022

(Clockwise from left) Members of a family try to secure household items in their flooded house in Sardaryab area of Charsadda district on Saturday. People wade through floodwater after leaving their homes. A man carries a calf on his shoulders on a road. A motorcycle-rickshaw shifts goods of a family in Shabqadar area. — White Star

(Clockwise from left) Members of a family try to secure household items in their flooded house in Sardaryab area of Charsadda district on Saturday. People wade through floodwater after leaving their homes. A man carries a calf on his shoulders on a road. A motorcycle-rickshaw shifts goods of a family in Shabqadar area. — White Star

SWAT/MANSEHRA/LOWER DIR: The flash floods swept away over 490 houses, 50 hotels, 40 schools, 54 bridges, link roads, 200 riverbank spurs and scores of vehicles in Hazara and Malakand divisions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa since August 25, local officials said on Saturday.

The Swat administration reported the destruction of 233 houses, 41 schools, 50 hotels, and 24 bridges by the deluge in the district during the last three days.
According to officials, floodwaters also destroyed roads with a total length of 130 kilometers in the district.

They said more than 1,000 tourists stranded in Kalam and Bahrain areas were being evacuated by helicopter for the safe return to their respective areas.

Scores of people trapped in rivers rescued

The officials also said the administration had begun rehabilitation activities in the district, while teams were draining floodwaters and vaccinating livestock against diseases.

Information secretary Arshad Khan said around 10 tons of food items had been delivered to the people in the district.
The Kalam residents feared more floods.

Pakistan is clearly prone to major periodic floods. Government should develop strategic plans to manage this and build a sovereign fund north of $1 billion explicitly for this purpose. Definitely not an easy thing to do, but this should be a national priority for the country. International aid will eventually reach the country, but it cannot offer immediate support :undecided:
Posting pictures of destitute people……hopefully permission was obtained?
All these twitterati and social media champion posting photos and photos…..u think thats job done eh, great, congratulations
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