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Flaws in British Defence Planning

I'd like to quote Abingdonboys comment #8, I think we're doing a Falklands version of CIWS.... Strapping 7.62 general purpose machine guns to the rails of the ships! That's the Conservatives approach.

Seriously though I would imagine that Dauntless would have been fitted with Goalkeeper/Phalanx and Chaff with her tour around the Falklands granted the amount of political and military posturing that went on not so long ago?
Seriously though I would imagine that Dauntless would have been fitted with Goalkeeper/Phalanx and Chaff with her tour around the Falklands granted the amount of political and military posturing that went on not so long ago?

You'd like to hope so wouldn't you? But it betters belief that the ship was even commissioned into the RN without such a basic system installed from day 1. If the RN/MoD were so short on funds they couldn't even install this relatively cheap but of kit it makes you wonder where else corners were cut. Can anyone explain it to me the logic behind communising a $1BN USD destroyer without a CIWS?!! The stupidity behind such a decision is just mind boggling!!
With the Type 42 destroyers being decommissioned or mothballed then couldn't the MOD have harvested the CIWS from them?
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