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'Flawed US plan for war with China may spark nuclear strikes'

But you know who funding Mitt Romney, the rich (racist) man betting Obama to lose.
Netherless I hope Romney can win this time to finish off this 4 years too long admonkeystration.
SOS : India. stay out of it. Americans are coming to make you a launch pad. China is a neighbour which we have so much to learn from and who wants to do business with us. USA got no point involving India.

Thats what everyone is saying but most indians here are oblivious to it

US economy will be in ruins if they dont find a major enemy\war very soon. They bet all this on Islamic terrorism but that has failed to produce results. lets see who is there now....oh yeah China
but this will be nice fireworks, chins needs to show US that they can reach main land USA
Thats what everyone is saying but most indians here are oblivious to it

US economy will be in ruins if they dont find a major enemy\war very soon. They bet all this on Islamic terrorism but that has failed to produce results. lets see who is there now....oh yeah China
but this will be nice fireworks, chins needs to show US that they can reach main land USA

It happened on 9/11. Didn't exactly go well for Islamic terrorism. Especially Osama Bin Laden. Millions of Muslims dead killing each other as well. If China wants to attack the U.S. mainland, ask Japan for advice on how to protect their country from what Americans did to it.
They have seemingly corrected the flaw, it is India against China, since Australia is western.

Don't think so, and even if it is, it is going to be even more difficult for the US because India don't want to get involved in the game and China knows that well.

We dont play second fiddle not now and not even during the first cold war.
It happened on 9/11. Didn't exactly go well for Islamic terrorism. Especially Osama Bin Laden. Millions of Muslims dead killing each other as well. If China wants to attack the U.S. mainland, ask Japan for advice on how to protect their country from what Americans did to it.

If want to know how to defeat the US military, just give a call to the PLA. US is not the only country that has nukes now. You punch china, we will punch you back.
If want to know how to defeat the US military, just give a call to the PLA. US is not the only country that has nukes now. You punch china, we will punch you back.

Go ahead and punch and see how many hits you can get. China seems to be concerned about missile defense that we are developing. Like I said Japan thought it was safe. Doolittle Raid show them.
If want to know how to defeat the US military, just give a call to the PLA. US is not the only country that has nukes now. You punch china, we will punch you back.

He told you he was Oldman, he is still in WW2 era.
In the late summer of 2011, U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta signed the Air-Sea Battle (ASB) operational concept into effect, and shortly thereafter stood up the Air-Sea Battle Office at the Pentagon to help implement its core tenets.

So what is the so called Air-Sea Battle which is of particular importance in the western Pacific Ocean, where China is building its own A2/AD capabilities in an effort to deny the U.S. entry in its near-seas?

> It aims to define initiatives to develop the capabilities and integration necessary to help Combatant Commanders conduct integrated, cross-domain operations in A2/AD environments.

> The Air-Sea Battle seeks to use Networked, Integrated Attack-in-Depth to disrupt, destroy, and defeat (NIA-D3) adversary capabilities.

> More specifically, the joint force (integrated air, ground, and naval forces) armed with resilient communications (networked) aims to strike at multiple nodes of an enemy’s system (attack-in-depth) along three lines of effort. Balanced capabilities geared towards executing all three will be required.

Looks good on paper but operationalizing it is a different ball game altogether! However it needs be stressed that if present trends continue, the regional balance of power could tilt in Beijing’s favor as it is increasingly able to deter U.S. forces from entering the region, coerce neighboring states, or – should conflict ensue – win a rapid victory. In response, the United States must work to simultaneously sustain a level of credible deterrence in the region while reassuring allies, including Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, Australia, and strategic partners like Singapore.

The Air-Sea Battle doctrine is now at the center of this effort. How effective it will be, only time will tell.
The Air-Sea Battle is designed to bring China to its knees by enforcing a naval-air blockade; China cannot sustain itself for more than 6 months with oil and shipping cut off. It does not involve the land invasion of China, only the bombing of Chinese radar sites, air bases, and naval bases. It will work just like how the US naval blockade of Japan worked.

Unless the Chinese leadership is willing to accept North Korean standard of living, which is always a possibility.
The last time USA tried to bring its forces into close proximity with China, we shot down their F-22 in the East China Sea. Their SEAL team tried to destroy the remains so we don't learn its secrets, but we killed their entire squad and recovered the F-22 wreckage. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Chinese fisherman find a SEAL team rifle in the East China Sea

USA had better try to strangle China's energy transport routes quickly, because our oil pipeline running from the indian ocean through Myanmar is coming online in June next year. This means China will certainly build a naval base in Myanmar and defend this crucial position within 5 years, and effectively control both sides of the Malacca Strait.

The last time USA tried to bring its forces into close proximity with China, we shot down their F-22 in the East China Sea.

Their SEAL team tried to destroy the remains so we don't learn its secrets, but we killed their entire squad and recovered the F-22 wreckage.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
The last time USA tried to bring its forces into close proximity with China, we shot down their F-22 in the East China Sea. Their SEAL team tried to destroy the remains so we don't learn its secrets, but we killed their entire squad and recovered the F-22 wreckage. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Chinese fisherman find a SEAL team rifle in the East China Sea

USA had better try to strangle China's energy transport routes quickly, because our oil pipeline running from the indian ocean through Myanmar is coming online in June next year. This means China will certainly build a naval base in Myanmar and defend this crucial position within 5 years, and effectively control both sides of the Malacca Strait.


China should work for a friendly govt. in Bangladesh, the one in Bangladesh right now is in the pocket of Delhi. Then it can ask BD to lease the Saint Martin.
The last time USA tried to bring its forces into close proximity with China, we shot down their F-22 in the East China Sea. Their SEAL team tried to destroy the remains so we don't learn its secrets, but we killed their entire squad and recovered the F-22 wreckage. :lol: :lol: :lol:


Chinese fisherman find a SEAL team rifle in the East China Sea
You sure you didn't kill your own?

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