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Five reasons why Israel is in trouble

Recall that under Mandate Law Jews are encouraged to "closely settle" Mandate areas through purchase or settlement on state lands, as long as the civil and property rights of Arabs are respected. So Jews' settlements must be accepted as legal until demonstrated otherwise.

On the other hand, the same League of Nations mandate says that Arabs are supposed to respect the civil and property rights of Jews in the areas that come under Arab political control. This did not happen, and peaceful Jews were forcibly dispossessed, unlike the Arabs who sided with the armies of Israel's enemies, or refused to live under Israeli rule. So the Jews have a moral and legal claim upon the Arabs, whereas the Arabs do not have the same against the Jews. Some sort of accounting should be made, yes?

As was pointed out repeatedly by military professionals, these were among the most focused attacks ever, with a high ratio of combatant to civilian casualties, especially impressive as many civilians were pressed into duty as human shields.

The moment of truth has arrived, and it has to be said: Israel does not want peace...Israel avoids the most basic prerequisite for any just peace - an end to the occupation.
First, note carefully that this was published by a Jewish columnist in an Israeli newspaper in 2007, and the author, Gideon Levy, continues to write to today. Let no one deny that Israel allows great diversity of opinions.

Second, the question is, what "occupation" was the author talking about, exactly? Not in Gaza - the Israelis were gone by then. Not in Lebanon, not in Egypt, not in the West Bank, which had by then been carved into Israel- and P.A.-controlled zones. So Levy is taking about Israel's existence as a political entity, period. It's especially noticeable when he cites the disappointment with Ben-Gurion. He's tired of Zionism. He could leave if he wanted. He could move to the P.A.-controlled areas. He chose not to do that; he chooses survival over peace.

As others have noted, this guy fails to pass the "lynch test" - i.e., he fails to condemn mobs of Arabs who gang up to attack Jews who have no hostile intent but have merely lost their way.

Of course, it has nothing to do with the reality on the ground but all about inherent hatred of Jews.
The resettlement of Jews throughout Palestine as agricultural settlers heralded a change in the land, the reintroduction of a culture dominated by rule-of-law rather than rule-by-notable. The notables had hoped that with the Turkish leash gone they could have free reign, and stirred up the Arabs against the Jews, denouncing them as aliens. The resentment was palpable by the time Winston Churchill visited Gaza in 1920 and was greeted by a crowd of 150,000 Arabs screaming, "Death to the Jews!". (Manchester, v2, p. 600.) That was long before Israel existed as a separate state, before Jews had the Mandate to settle on state lands, but after murderous Jew-killing riots had begun.

I don't think Churchill was a Zionist until he heard that crowd. After that, he knew the welfare of the Jews of the Middle East could never, ever, lie in the hands of Arabs, as the Arabs were not worthy of such trust.
Currently there is nothing that can even challenge Israel:

1) Syrian army is totally destroyed and turned into a Shabiha gang, they cant even capture a village without Hezbollah help.

2) Egypt is also in disarray, cant even control Sinai peninsula.

3) Terrorists groups never were a threat to Israel, only nuisance. Furthermore Hamas just got banned in Egypt and cut of supplies. Hezbollah is deep in Syrian swamp and hated by Sunni majority.

4) Iran also never was a threat. It attacks Israel only for propaganda. They will never send even one soldier to fight Israel. Furthemore they are weakened by sanctions and isolated.

5) Since 2004 Jewish fertility in Israel is growing and Arab is dropping. Currently 76% of newborn babies in Israel are Jewish, which is equal to today's ratio. In addition Arabs in Israel see disarray around and understand how lucky they are living in Israel.
Indian is smart enough in that situation not to throw all its weight behind israel simply because it could not piss off so much of its own population and other muslim partners
Our leaders can speak anything infront of the media but they will make sure that Israel ges all the help from back channels.

Indian corruption and bribery is well reported in the defence related news.
Give proof for your claims.
I deplore Israeli use of excessive/disproportionate force along with forcible evictions. It leads to ridiculous loss of life of civilians and children.

At the same time, I am not blind to the militants using civilians and children as human shields and/or firing between them, to gain international sympathy and deplore use of terrorism against Israel.

Gaza is one of THE most densely populated area. You think when Israel discriminately bombs the **** out of Gaza, it needs any "human shields" to have civilian casualities?

Stop carrying water for the colonists.

Moreover, people are fighting Israel because israel is colonizing Palestinians. Your ancestors fought Brits for the same reason. You probably deplore them too for resisting in 1857....because bunch of militant terrorists is what they were...right? lol

Talk about being a mental slave of western narrative.

We however have faced Islamic terrorism sponsored by our neighbouring country. So on that account, people of India sympathise with Israeli people as well. We have suffered Islamic fanaticism because of our neighbour, we know exactly the pain Israeli's face when bombs go off in their neighbourhoods.

No. Don't sugar coat things. Everyone knows everything here.

indians who love Israel do it because Israel is killing Muslims.
Heck, you don't even hide it! Go to ANY indian forum..a major one...and you'll see anti-Muslim bashing thread after another. At one forum...they have a "sticky" thread under the section of "National Security issues facing India" and the title of that sticky thread is "Increasing indian Muslim populations" :rolleyes:

And don't even ask me what 'comments' were written under that thread about indian Muslims. If you guys just deplore indian Muslims so much---I wonder how much hate do you have for 'Muslims' in general.

Lastly, Pakistani's have zero say in the matter. Pakistani's are not involved in the issue, they are not party to the dispute.

No, it is not. Pakistan IS involved in the issue. Pakistan is facing the radical terrorism from the likes of TTP/Al Qaeda for a decade..and Israeli colonization of Palestinian people directly feed into the war narrative of our enemy. So solution of Palestinian-israeli issue is a "direct" concern of us...since its just solution will take away a huge chunk from our enemies who are hell bent on spreading radicalization in our region.

Moreover, it is our concern because we are a part of Islamic peoples, too. When Israel colonize a Muslim peoples, it makes us unhappy.

Islam is not a creedal religion, it is a legalistic religion-- a civilizational force of itself. If you had studied "Religion" or "Anthropology" in some elite university of West, you would know what I'm talking about. But lets see it in a simple way..

Islam is not just a religion but a cultural, civilizational force in itself. It has its own laws, personal behavioral code of conduct, its political principles and mechanisms, and even certain parameters for dress-code for individual. It explicitly organizes the interaction of individual and society. All of this makes Muslims not just random followers of a religion, but also "a specific people" with their own unique identity no matter where they are on planet Earth. For example, Muslims have a universal greeting for interacting with other Muslims- "Asslam-o-Alaikum". No matter who you are, and where you are, you will know this greeting. Muslims, no matter where they are, follow same rules about divorce, inheritance, food and diet, and heck!, even personal hygiene. They have a same and very codified structure of Islamic rituals that each Muslim know by heart..no matter if he is Nigerian or Indonesian..It has is own universal language of prayer and religious studies (Arabic)..It is kind of like in military..soldiers have their own "soldier culture", distinct from outside world and easily identifiable with. Turkish girls, Iranian girls, Indonesian girls, Indian girls, and Central Asian girls etc couldn't be further in terms of behavior, geography etc...but they all wear Hijab, in its own unique manifestations. All of this shows that Islam, other than being a spiritual religion, is a civilization of its own. It makes many different identities into one super nation that can be called as 'Islamic People'. Religion like Christianity or Hinduism doesn't. They have trillion of different doctrines, practices, and many different 'holy' books etc. To understand Islam, Judaism and Jews are a good example. Other than nationalities, Jews are also a specific 'people' or define themselves as such. You know why? Because Judaism is also a 'legalistic' religion and not a creedal one.

It doesn't mean that we are one state and that Iran and Turkey will not compete with each other. But on mass level, Muslims do feel for other Muslims and you know it too.

So when Muslims are being destroyed, it DOES become relevant for Muslims in other part of the world. That is why after Iraq war, U.S rating in Indonesia just plunged to record bottom..even though U.S and Indonesia have a very good relationship.

You have to have some "education" to understand this phenomenon. I hope my introduction above gave you some insight.

than Saudi Arabia and kneels when asked to bend by the Arab States. While Indians stand up against any power in the globe when Indian interests are threatened or compromised - from US to Europe to China,

indians stand up for their interests? You have no interest OTHER THAN what are in line with the 'west' :lol:

We Pakistanis stood up and HAVE BEEN standing up against the mightest superpower of world...You know it. Americans know it, too ;)

india has just been an asslicker of white asshole. You guys LOVE the fact that you are appreciated in the West...lol..You side with israel instead of Palestine even though ENTIRE asia (excluding western slaves like japan etc) sides with Palestinians...But you like Israel more. THAT is what is called "***-licking"

Pakistanis even bend over when their own interests are threatened in the name of Arabs. That makes Indians think that Pakistani's are Arab *** lickers and have zero self respect.

Show me where Pakistan has pleased Arabs by going against its own interests? :lol:

@Contrarian is such fanatic hindu liar isnt even funny, since when did Pakistanis enter India to explode? Read this latest report and see who is exploding in India.

Latest data from National Bomb Data Centre (NBDC) show that India suffered 212 bomb blasts in 2013 — more than double of what Afghanistan (with 108 blasts) suffered. Facing internal strife, Bangladesh with 75 blasts and Syria with 36 blasts have done better.

An analysis of the attacks in India shows that its North East region (Assam and Manipur worst affected) and Maoist areas (Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand registering most blasts) have contributed to over 80% of IED attacks even though Jammu and Kashmir witnessed a 50% rise in bomb blasts last year as compared to2012.

India among most dangerous places in the world - The Times of India

And even kashmir freedom fighters which Pakistan proudly supported and will support again if hindu continue to occupy only targetted hindu army in Kashmir. At the moment we are waiting for peacefull solution.

So don't compare your situation to Israel, likes of Hamas target any israeli weather he is civilian or not. And maiosts etc are not Pakistanis but your own kind.

Good to see fanatic hindu liar @Contrarian banned, these hindus love to kiss jews *** and lie.
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Currently there is nothing that can even challenge Israel:

1) Syrian army is totally destroyed and turned into a Shabiha gang, they cant even capture a village without Hezbollah help.

2) Egypt is also in disarray, cant even control Sinai peninsula.

3) Terrorists groups never were a threat to Israel, only nuisance. Furthermore Hamas just got banned in Egypt and cut of supplies. Hezbollah is deep in Syrian swamp and hated by Sunni majority.

4) Iran also never was a threat. It attacks Israel only for propaganda. They will never send even one soldier to fight Israel. Furthemore they are weakened by sanctions and isolated.

5) Since 2004 Jewish fertility in Israel is growing and Arab is dropping. Currently 76% of newborn babies in Israel are Jewish, which is equal to today's ratio. In addition Arabs in Israel see disarray around and understand how lucky they are living in Israel.

Currently is very important word. I support Israel personally. Hindus who have been trying to destroye us since 47 just because these hindus happen to be 7 times more in numbers. Same is the case with Arabs trying hard since 48 but getting their asses kicked by small country.

But all of it can change in few decades, Israel most find peacefull solution. Though i doubt any arab will ever dare to attack Israel again.
Don't forget @500 that Israel also has more diplomatic contact with Arab states than at any time. Especially GCC.

If Erdogan is removed and a secular comes in, then a relationship with Turkey will be back on track.

Just signed a gas agreement with Jordan too.

Things are looking up for Israel.
Gaza is one of THE most densely populated area. You think when Israel discriminately bombs the **** out of Gaza, it needs any "human shields" to have civilian casualities?

Jews lived all over the Middle East, especially in Palestine thousands years before Arabian colonialists came in. Now people who colonized 22 huge countries, territory bigger than even Russia, attack Jews who live in tiny piece of desert 10 miles wide.
Israel recieves 3.1 billion dollars of US aid per year and has been getting it since its inception

$3 billion does not go as far as you think.

We already went over this before but since 1973 war Israel has relied on America to protect its interests which include a yearly aid package ($$) and maintaining a quantitative military edge over all its neighbors. It's own leader say they need that aid to survive but you want everyone to believe it makes little difference?

Dude, We have discussed this before and i concede that if support ( not aid ) is withdrawn, life would become comparatively difficult for Israel and if i am in a position of responsibility of Israel, i would try to everything in my power to preserve that alliance.

The point that i was making that day and has made yesterday also is that the notion that some people have that if USA stops supporting Israel, some AK wielding mullahs would be sacking tel aviv is a delusion.While support of USA makes life easier for Israel,lack of it would not change balance of power to such an extent that some tin pot state ( Syria ) would be able to mount even a decent invasion.


I did not counted Turkey as a middle eastern country in this argument as it does not share Border with Israel and is seprated from Israel by 500 miles which put a limit to Turkey's ability to project power. Turkish airforce, when operating in Israel would be operating without any ground support and would be dependent on AWACS. Also operating far from home base means larger turn around times which decreases temporal availability of Aircrafts for turkish Airforce. I counted Saudi as a relevant power as they have bases close to Israel's border.
Israel recieves 3.1 billion dollars of US aid per year and has been getting it since its inception
Wrong. 3 billion aid started in 1970-es. AFTER Israel crushed its enemies in 1948, 1956 and 1967.
Israel is a garrison state. Its an ethnocratic apartheid that lives by the sword.

Israel is simply politically unsustainable, over the longer term.
Israel has a most stable system: a democracy, your Iran is a primitive theocracy,which can't last for long.

History will not show more mercy to Israel than it did to South Africa.
History shows that those who live by the sword, die by the sword
Israel lives by hitec, Iran lives by oil.

History shows that those who predict Israel death die themselves from Pharaoh to Hitler.

I did not counted Turkey as a middle eastern country in this argument as it does not share Border with Israel and is seprated from Israel by 500 miles which put a limit to Turkey's ability to project power. Turkish airforce, when operating in Israel would be operating without any ground support and would be dependent on AWACS. Also operating far from home base means larger turn around times which decreases temporal availability of Aircrafts for turkish Airforce. I counted Saudi as a relevant power as they have bases close to Israel's border.

O.K, even at that, Saudi Air Force is right up there with IDAF, if not superior. The days of IAF's unquestioned technological superiority are long gone.

Israel could not have survived without West. Thats a fact. Even if they did miracles against Arabs, which they did, they still just could not stand the sheer odds they are up against.

For example, in 1973 war, within first 24 hours of war, almost half of entire Israeli armor stationed at Sinai was destroyed by invading Egyptian Army. Guess what happened next?

America intervened in the side of Israel....and soon the game was over for Arabs :)


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