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First Swedish People were black


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Documentary about dark-skinned ‘first Swedes’ sparks horror on Twitter
18 Feb, 2019 17:59 / Updated 1 year ago
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An ad for an upcoming documentary about ‘The First Swedes,’ who were dark-skinned and blue eyed, has prompted fear and denial on Twitter.
The series will start to air on Swedish television this Wednesday, and when channel SVT began promoting it last week, some people reacted on social media with disbelief and anger.

The documentary will look at DNA technology which has revealed more about how Sweden was populated after the Ice Age and detailing how the first pioneers in the country were dark-skinned with blue eyes and came from the south.

Another population of people who had paler skin and a variety of eye and hair colors arrived around the same time from the east. The two peoples are thought to have mixed fairly quickly, and Nordic people eventually became lighter skinned, allowing them to increase their vitamin D production to survive in the dark winters.

Some Twitter users took the information advertised in the documentary as some sort of conspiracy aimed at making people more open to immigration. “Indoctrination continues,” one said.

Ikväll gjordes reklam på SVT för faktaserien "De första svenskarna" som har premiär om några dagar. De som kom efter istiden för ca 10 000 år sedan alltså. Några av dem var tydligen mörka med blå ögon. Indoktrineringen fortsätter. Såklart det var afrikaner som kom! @svtpic.twitter.com/j9EoNsvgmJ

— Ointressanta Statusuppdateringar (röstar AfS) (@OintressantaS) February 14, 2019
Others were quick to challenge the skepticism.
One person joked it was simply impossible, as his ancestors were “frozen in the ice sheet” before it melted.
Gonna check it out today. I know many right wingers here were pissed off at the series, seeing it as part of the governments plan to normalize immigration.
No one likes their personal space is crossed.

But good people allow it to happen.

And soon opportunists are going to exploit it.
White skin and blonde hair are genetic mutation for helping in sunlight absorption in areas where sunlight is very scarce.

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