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First Polio Case In Pakistan's Waziristan Since Taliban Ban

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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First Polio Case In Pakistan's Waziristan Since Taliban Ban
ISLAMABAD, May 6, 2013 (AFP) -A child has contracted polio for the first time in Pakistan's militant-infested tribal belt since the Taliban banned vaccinations a year ago, a UN official said Monday.
"The new case has been detected in North Waziristan where we had been denied access in June last year," the World Health Organization's senior coordinator for polio eradication in Pakistan, Elias Durry, told AFP.
Tribesmen in North Waziristan, Pakistan's most notorious stronghold of Taliban and Al-Qaeda linked militants, endorsed the Taliban ban and stopped authorities from vaccinating children under a nationwide campaign.
"This has been the first case since we were stopped from vaccinating children in the region last year," Durry said.
The Taliban alleged that the campaign was a cover for espionage.
Efforts to tackle the highly infectious disease have been hampered over the years by local suspicion about vaccines being a plot to sterilise Muslims, particularly in Pakistan's conservative and poorly educated northwest.
"We are worried because this new case comes as an example of a bigger impending outbreak of disease in the region," the WHO official said.
Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria are the only three countries in the world where the highly infectious, crippling disease remains endemic and infections shot up from a low of 28 in 2005 to almost 200 last year.
Durry said the United Nations and the Pakistani government are working together to reach out to the children in North Waziristan.
It’s morally irresponsible and shameful to let children become crippled from a disease that has been eradicated worldwide. Taliban who have stopped healthcare workers from administrating the polio drops to children in Waziristan and FATA are nothing but bullies who have no interest in the future of their country. Children are the future of any nation. These thugs see them as a vehicle that delivers their dirty bomb to kill more innocent Pakistanis. It is time to identify the enemies of the state and eliminate them so the children of the region can grow healthy and happy and be productive citizens of the world community.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
these talibani's will only learn when there own children contract with polio virus.they feel no pain in others sufferings.bcuz of them so many innocents r suffering.
India should make it top mandatory to screen all pakistanis entering our territory on top most priority. We cannot take chances on our decades of laborious efforts to eliminate polio and compulsorily administer at least 1 glass of polio drops to every visting pakistani of whatever agegroup.
India should make it top mandatory to screen all pakistanis entering our territory on top most priority. We cannot take chances on our decades of laborious efforts to eliminate polio and compulsorily administer at least 1 glass of polio drops to every visting pakistani of whatever agegroup.

what u sayin??:cheesy:
It’s morally irresponsible and shameful to let children become crippled from a disease that has been eradicated worldwide. Taliban who have stopped healthcare workers from administrating the polio drops to children in Waziristan and FATA are nothing but bullies who have no interest in the future of their country. Children are the future of any nation. These thugs see them as a vehicle that delivers their dirty bomb to kill more innocent Pakistanis. It is time to identify the enemies of the state and eliminate them so the children of the region can grow healthy and happy and be productive citizens of the world community.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command

I am usually of the opinion that leaders of any group are pretty smart. The foot soldiers may be stupid. Doesn't the taliban leadership have enough control over their minions to tell them not to target Polio vaccine administrators? If you are in so much doubt, do it yourself. This tactic just defies all decency and logic.
It's really sad. This terrorism is most dangerous than polio.
Congratulations to them....the ban is actually working!


Distribution of Polio cases in Pakistan during the year 2012.

Statistics show that they deserve a pat on the back for this.


The transmission of polio in our region is highly concentrated & mostly limited to certain pockets inside Pakistan and Afghanistan.The efforts won't bring in much success unless the areas on both the sides of the border gets cleaned up.
India should make it top mandatory to screen all pakistanis entering our territory on top most priority. We cannot take chances on our decades of laborious efforts to eliminate polio and compulsorily administer at least 1 glass of polio drops to every visting pakistani of whatever agegroup.

Yeah, and every Indian entering in our country should get checked for HIV/AIDS
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