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First Photos of Destroyed Leopard and Bradley’s, confirmed

Whats your point? I was addressing the claim. That “single tank crew” didnt do a thing to stop that advancing column. I actually doubt the russian and ukrainian vehicles had visual contact because of the wooded area. The russian tank was firing at the disabled vehicles to the right and the treeline next to them.
Now please dont tell me I live in a fantasy world, while using alternative facts as an argument.
Funny the man said things that will not happen in reality and then told you it was reality and your view is alternate.

That guy is Bullshit, he think he can talk it over with someone who actually had the experience on these thing, that should show you he delusional he actually is. Because in his word, he knows better than a tanker, next he will tell you he is Erwin Rommel in the last life and he knows all about tanks....

Funny the man said things that will not happen in reality and then told you it was reality and your view is alternate.

That guy is Bullshit, he think he can talk it over with someone who actually had the experience on these thing, that should show you he delusional he actually is. Because in his word, he knows better than a tanker, next he will tell you he is Erwin Rommel in the last life and he knows all about tanks....

Those vehicles were obviously destroyed by mines. But that doesnt suit the narrative. Just wait, it will be posted atleast ten times in the next couple of days with the claim that this russian tank is superior.
Those vehicles were obviously destroyed by mines. But that doesnt suit the narrative. Just wait, it will be posted atleast ten times in the next couple of days with the claim that this russian tank is superior.
Yeah, as I said on the previous post, it's quite obvious these tanks/IFV are in a minefield, having mine damage to undercarriage and track, that's pretty obvious those are mine damage. But sure, they fly a drone over it and it suddenly means those drone kills those vehicle.

Well, if I throw grenade on tanks in the minefield, probably my grenade destroyed those tank...........for real, these people will believe if those are Russian Grenade and Western Tank.....LOL :rofl:
Then do tell me where in this graph, which you quoted, said turret armour is better protected then the rest if you are not saying RHAe?

View attachment 942273

You use a graphic that listed RHAe as your reference point that tanks in that bit are better protected than the rest. Which is first of all, again, not what we had talk about, and second of all, it did not related to what we are talking about. Again, if tanks are better protected by certain angle at that particular point, then there ALWAYS exist an angle that were LEAST protected by the same point if the entry angle are different.

And still you are too stupid to realise why they use sloped armour in that part of the tank, which I had already explained but you nonchalantly burst it off as "It's obvious captain obvious comment" without even realise why I put that on, you don't have enough space to work in that area, that's why the armour is sloped, and that's what RHAe implied, because sloped armour will always be smaller in thickness, that's why you put it on a slope, otherwise you would have used spaced composited armour instead of slope. Again, if you read the leaked document between the line, you know that the frontal hull is around 60-80 degree slope, yet it offer 650-750 RHAe, you then look at the turret, it's on a 30 degree slope, ad it offer 1000 RHAe. That tells you that part of turret armour is at least half as thin as the hull armour. But you would not have a clue on that now don't ya?

That's your mistake, instead of owning up to it like a grown man, you ride it thru like a monkey.

THIS POST ONLY SHOW THAT YOU KNOW THE SQUARE ROOT OF JACK SHIT ABOUT TANKS. I do not expect this post of mind will be explained or refuted by any technicality from you, but what I do expect is name calling and personal insult from you.
You really have bad complexes and intellectuall comprehension problems, so i will try it in a different way: No fricking matter what angle, the Russian Kornet will penetrate your superduper Abrooms and will turn you into a slag of fertilizer, if you are in the LOS of the HEAT beam and/or the accelerated armor particles by this beam. There is no tank in the world with enough armor against a kornet. No Abrooooms, no Leopod, no T-90, no Armata or what ever. Forget it, kid.

You can argue as long as you want, polluting this forums with walls of garbage text or what ever. Really, the fµck is wrong with muricans and their complexes.:lol:
You really have bad complexes and intellectuall comprehension problems, so i will try it in a different way: No fricking matter what angle, the Russian Kornet will penetrate your superduper Abrooms and will turn you into a slag of fertilizer, if you are in the LOS of the HEAT beam and/or the accelerated armor by this beam. There is no tank in the world with enough armor against a kornet. No Abrooooms, no Leopod, no T-90, no Armata of what ever.

You can argue as long as you wan't, polluting this forums with walls of garbage or what ever. Really, the fµck is wrong with muricans and their complexes.:lol:
As I predicted, no intelligence response from you, but then, have I ever expected that? No. But sure, superdupa weapon those Russian had, I don't know since when you became an Indian.

By the way, I don't consider this "Argue" since when did you EVER have any point? You even retracted the only one point you made which is that Swedish test leak, if you don't have a point, it does not constructed as an "Argument" it's just you say and you say, and you mean nothing in this end.

Don't make me laugh, son.
You really have bad complexes and intellectuall comprehension problems, so i will try it in a different way: No fricking matter what angle, the Russian Kornet will penetrate your superduper Abrooms and will turn you into a slag of fertilizer, if you are in the LOS of the HEAT beam and/or the accelerated armor particles by this beam. There is no tank in the world with enough armor against a kornet. No Abrooooms, no Leopod, no T-90, no Armata or what ever. Forget it, kid.

You can argue as long as you want, polluting this forums with walls of garbage text or what ever. Really, the fµck is wrong with muricans and their complexes.:lol:

This is M1A1M.

American M1A2 variants will laugh at your Kornet.

It is, because i am taking the laws of physics and chemistry into account. All your arrogant polemic changes nothing about this.

The internal volume and the mass are growing cubical with the growing size of a missile, but the surface area and so the air friction only quadratic. And it is even more problematic, because you need a minimal mass of the warhead plus the guidance system. If you only have 10kg for the whole missile and 3kg are the mass of the warhead, well, then you don't have much mass left for the rocket fuel itself. And even the 3kg warhead mass are not much, the Strela-10 has 5kg out of 42kg, ~12% and not >30%, so the fuel fraction is MUCH bigger and the kinematics are much superior. Even if the range of both missiles is listed as similar.

And i really hope you don't wanna start arguing about Russian rocket engines ...:lol:

I am questioning your absurd claims about AN/TWQ-1 Avenger and M-SHORAD not being capable and lethal. These systems are extensively tested and can shoot down a variety of objects within range.

Man-portable FIM-92 Stinger is lethal enough to shoot down a Su-30 jet fighter:

Man-portable FIM-92 Stinger is lethal enough to shoot down a Ka-52 gunship:

AN/TWQ-1 Avenger and M-SHORAD can do better.

Technological advances are making it possible to develop smaller warheads packing a significant punch much like thinner machines packing superior performance than bulky machines.

So much for your physics and chemistry lecture.

that is precisely my point

US has the full spectrum of warfare and yet refuse to supply Ukraine with any of it

handing over individual kits which are meant to work as part of a wider integrated defence network diminishes their capabilities or at at least greatly reducing them

they hand over HIMAR but not the M-SHORAD?

they hand over Bradley but no Mine clearing vehicles

do you really believe deep down that US cares about Ukrainians? you know fine well they are just out to damage Russia as much as possible for as long as possible even the Congress admitted it

the quicker they realise they are being owned on the battle field the more chance they will hand over better equipment

what they dont realise is Russia is growing stronger any by day and they have just United the whole nation

I see your point.

Western support for Ukraine was slow to come, true. But NATO is making it possible for Ukraine to fight a war with Russia when others are merely watching.

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2021, Ukrainians were using Molotov Cocktails to fight Russians:

Today, Ukraine has an army that can confront Russian army out in the open and has liberated half of the occupied territory. This is incredible achievement for a country that was no match for Russia on its own.

If NATO drops its support for Ukraine, the latter might loose the war and Russian troops will reach Polish border.

American PLAN A = continue to plug capability gaps of Ukrainian forces. This will take time because training of Ukrainian troops is necessary for using new types of equipment and developing tactics with them.

American PLAN B = provide state-of-the-art equipment to Poland and prepare this country for any eventuality. Poland has a key role in holding Russia at bay.

PLAN A is desirable, nevertheless.

War in Ukraine is taking a toll on Russia as well. Russian losses in Ukraine are on the scale not seen since World War II.
Yes I agree with you we don’t see destroyed leopard tanks so let’s look more closely

Its one damaged Leopard 2 in an area controlled by the ukrainians. How does this prove the Lancets lethality?
Notice the damage - definitely not a Lancet strike:
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