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Where do you think we got our first cyrogenic engines from LOL. And our cyrogenics use the much less efficient 'Gas generator cycle', compared to Staged combustion cycle of the Ruskies (It was also used in KVD-1, 3rd stage of GSLV mk1).

I know about the KVD-1 .

Can you point out which Russian launch vehicle today uses a cryogenic stage ??

Energia used RD-0120 .... It had 2 successfull launches but is abandoned .

KVD-1 was never used and now abandoned.

They will use RD-0146 in Angara in the future .

Look at first stage's configuration !

You mean 2 vikas engines side by side will prohibit attaching another 2 S200 boosters .
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You are a man of few words .... :P ..... You will have to write more so that we noobs can understand it .

Sometimes people feign knowledge by saying less ....by doing that they hide their ignorance .

some on other account make their ignorance public by their open boastful bold monologues ...
Sometimes people feign knowledge by saying less ....by doing that they hide their ignorance .

some on other account make their ignorance public by their open boastful bold monologues ...

Thanks for sharing !

I know about the KVD-1 .

Can you point out which Russian launch vehicle today uses a cryogenic stage ??

Energia used RD-0120 .... It had 2 successfull launches but is abandoned .

KVD-1 was never used and now abandoned.

They will use RD-0146 in Angara in the future .

You mean 2 vikas engines side by side will prohibit attaching another 2 S200 boosters .
When I meant that they went to cyrogenics, I meant that they made their firsts (use) in 1980's. They already had cheap rockets for low-mid payload capacity so LOX/LH2 wasn't needed.

I thought that you meant that they didn't have one. Never mind.
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