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First F-22P Frigate Handed Over to Pakistan


Mar 6, 2008
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First F-22P Frigate Handed Over to Pakistan


First F-22P Frigate Handed Over to Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, Jul 30 (APP): First F‑22P Frigate constructed for Pakistan Navy at Hudong Zhonghua Shipyard in Shanghai, China on Thursday was formally handed over to Pakistan Navy. The delivery ceremony was followed by Commissioning of the ship, in which Pakistani flag was hoisted on the ship with band playing Pakistani National anthem. The ceremony was attended by distinguished guests from Chinese Navy, Chinese Government authorities and senior officers of Pakistan Navy.

Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Noman Bashir NI(M) addressing the ceremony said that the successful and timely delivery of the First F‑22P Frigate has been made possible by superb cooperation of the leadership of PLA (Navy), SASTIND, CSSC, Hudong Shipyard and CSTC.

He said with the passage of time the relationship between Pakistan and China has grown deeper and fonder in all spheres of defence and economic cooperation.

“Pakistan is indeed proud of close association with China and this unique relationship does not draw any parallel elsewhere in the world.”

He said that F‑22P Frigate project is the manifestation of everlasting strategic partnership between Pakistan and China.

Head of Pakistan Mission and the Chief Naval Overseer, Commodore Mahmood ur Rehman SI(M) welcoming the guests said that the successful culmination of the first F‑22P Frigate is the result of ardent efforts and exceptional professional competence of all personnel involved in this project, right out its inception.

Work on design and construction of F‑22 P ships started in 2005 after signing of a contract between Ministry of Defence Production and CSTC of China for construction of three ships in China and one at Karachi Shipyard. While first F‑22P is now heading to Pakistan, all other three ships are at different stages of construction.

The F22‑P frigates are equipped with state of the art weaponry and sensors. They would also carry at Z9EC helicopter as integral part of the platform. The construction of 4th ship is to be completed by 2013. Addition of these ships will not only strengthen the PN Fleet with much needed potential but will also contribute in enhancing country’s shipbuilding capabilities.
Hmm....this advanced high class frigate would now start a new arms race in south asia!

dont be silly its just a brown water frigate wait a few years for pakistans nuclear submarine then your wet dreams will fail.
Hmm....this advanced high class frigate would now start a new arms race in south asia!

This kind of a "Sarda hua" sarcastic comment wasnt expected from a senior Indian member like you....you could have simply congratulated us rather than cleverly drawing a sarcastic analogy to Pak's official statement against your nuclear submarine thing.....

Dont get angry at me guys,yes,this a good start for pakistan to counter the growing IN.......
Date Posted: 31-Jul-2009

Jane's Defence Weekly

China hands over first Sword-class frigate to Pakistan

Farhan Bokhari JDW Correspondent - Islamabad
View attachment 4267
Key Points
PNS Zulfiqar , the first of four new Sword-class frigates, has been handed over to Pakistan at a ceremony in Shanghai

Chinese support could help the Pakistan Navy to close the gap on India's superior fleet

The Pakistan Navy received the first of four new naval frigates being built by China on 30 July in a deal intended to bolster Pakistan's naval capability.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Noman Bashir, speaking at the handover ceremony for the frigate, PNS Zulfiqar , in Shanghai, said: "The F-22P frigate project is the manifestation of everlasting strategic partnership between Pakistan and China."

"The addition of these new ships will not only strengthen the Pakistan Navy fleet with much-needed potential, but will also contribute in enhancing the country's shipbuilding capabilities," the Pakistan Navy said in a statement.

China is to build four Sword-class ships for Pakistan by 2013 as part of the USD700 million F-22P frigate programme. Beijing has also agreed to supply a batch of Z9-C helicopters alongside the frigates, mainly for ship-to-shore flights.

The handover of PNS Zulfiqar came within days of the launch of India's first nuclear-powered submarine: a coincidence that has rekindled the debate about the balance of power between the two countries.

Western defence officials in Islamabad said that Pakistan's navy was still much smaller than India's and would remain overshadowed by the much larger presence of the Indian Navy. However, Pakistan's naval development could be driven by Beijing's interest in helping Islamabad to counter the expansion of the Indian Navy.

"China wants Pakistan's navy to remain an irritant, even a minor one, for the Indian Navy," said one Western defence official.

With a strength of about 25,000 active-duty officers and personnel, the Pakistan Navy remains the smallest of the country's three services.

Other significant Pakistani naval programmes include unresolved plans to buy three Type 214 submarines from Germany, although the submarine purchase has recently become mired in controversy.

On 31 July opposition leaders in the upper house of parliament demanded an in-camera briefing from Adm Bashir on the navy's own preference for its next batch of submarines.

Jamal Leghari, a senator for the opposition Pakistan Muslim League, told Jane's : "We have seen information that the government is now looking at a [French] Agosta submarine as an option. We want to hear first hand from the naval chief what he has to say about this."

In the 1990s Pakistan purchased three Agosta 90B submarines from France.

One Western defence official said Pakistan had also begun negotiations with China for the purchase of another three to four frigates. "The stage is already set for the next hardware purchase after the F-22P frigates are delivered," he said.
I do hope PN now goes for the Type-54A ships, with a capable long range SAM system, and submarines also.
nice news indeed!
now i hope Pakistan will go ahead with the U214 and then it will turely enable Pakistan to maintain the minimum deterance that is part of our military doctorine!

Congrats! hope things, next one will be 054A+ for our Pakistan friend.
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