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First dinosaur fossils found in Saudi Arabia

The level pf trolling in this site is unbelievable. On-topic, I read somewhere in the internet that scientist has found various fossils of modern fauna (such as hippo, crocodiles etc.) under the sand of ksa's empty quarter region. I always believe that once upon a time the desert that now exist in ksa were once an everlasting green just like tropical forest but somehow turn into desert (may be due to climate change) and this finding has confirm my believe. I mean how could creatures like hippo and crocs live in a place with no sufficient amount of water to support them?

Less than 10.000 years ago most of KSA was tropical. Including the Rub' al-Khali. Looked just like the tropical areas of KSA today in Hijaz, and southern provinces.

Not to turn this thread off-topic I will instruct you to view this thread below:

Wild Arabia - BBC documentary series. | Pakistan Defence

I mean the last lion in KSA was killed 90 years ago. The Arabian Leopard although very endangered is still there. Unfortunately our hunters killed all the Cheetah's.

You can see the Arabian Leopard below:



Illustration of last lion killed in KSA in 1923:


why would they swallow you ? you are not Khalid bin Abdullah Al-Melhem:lol:

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I always believe that once upon a time the desert that now exist in ksa were once an everlasting green just like tropical forest but somehow turn into desert (may be due to climate change) and this finding has confirm my believe. I mean how could creatures like hippo and crocs live in a place with no sufficient amount of water to support them?

it's not a believe it's a geographical fact, there was a lot of rivers in the Arabian Peninsula, and a huge lake in the Empty Quarter

the frozen heights of Hijaz Mountains was the source of the water, the water come down from the Hijaz Mountains and make it way to Najd and end up in Kuwait. if my memory serves me it dried out some 5000 years ago.
it's not a believe it's a geographical fact, there was a lot of Rivers in the Arabian Peninsula, and a huge lake in the Empty Quarter

the frozen heights of Hijaz Mountains was the source of the water, the water come down from the Hijaz Mountains and make their way to Najd and ending up in Kuwait. if my memory serves me it dried out some 5000 years ago.

Still many underwater lakes and water deposits in the Rub' al-Khali desert. Both Hijaz and Najd are plateaus and they are the biggest underwater source of water flow to Iraq and Kuwait. Because both countries are lowland countries so all the underwater flows down to them.
Also in many Jewish/Biblical traditions many of the places described many scientists and historians believe are places in KSA such as rivers, mountains, cities etc. One can read about this it is very interesting.
Less than 10.000 years ago most of KSA was tropical. Including the Rub' al-Khali. Looked just like the tropical areas of KSA today in Hijaz, and southern provinces.

Not to turn this thread off-topic I will instruct you to view this thread below:

Wild Arabia - BBC documentary series. | Pakistan Defence

I mean the last lion in KSA was killed 90 years ago. The Arabian Leopard although very endangered is still there. Unfortunately our hunters killed all the Cheetah's.

You can see the Arabian Leopard below:



Illustration of last lion killed in KSA:



I have heard from many people as well as read some articles referring to Rub al-Khali as Iram of the Pillars, I don't how true is that?

Good stuff you guys have over there in Jeddah:drag:, Stop smoking it:rofl:

@Imran Khan has been under too big influence by the Yemeni community in Jeddah and he started to chew qat in all secrecy and now he looks like this.

This explains why he is so energetic traveling all across KSA and taking photos of everything, LOL.


Of course just a joke dear.
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