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First alcohol licence issued in Lahore after 1997

Policing is as difficult as it is currently, legalising liquor would be detrimental long term.
Usually drunk driving in the west is heavily fined. How would that be dealt with here? I have enough problems already with the "drunk driving" of the majority of untrained people driving on our congested "public" roads. Hell my vehicle has been hit at least 5 times while doing nothing; so do the math.
People in Pakistan consume alcohol and that's why licenses are issued. Murree brewrey produce all sort of alcoholic drinks. If it's allowed to work then why we prohibits its sale. It's just my opinion that if we as people are so against it then why let these sort of companies work here. They produce because their is demand.
And should these sort of topic discussed on this forum?
it is surprising people make noise on such trivial matters. those who will drink will drink.
Those Muslims who drink alcohol are hypocrites.

Since Pakistan is a Muslim country, the Prohibition should stay.

No need for that and we have already discussed multiple time here.
In simple words we are hypocrite.
Most of Alcohol is consumed by Muslim. FACT
Corruption Police & Fake Permit. FACT
Many non Muslim only buy alcohol not to consume but to sell it to Muslim. FACT
Many People in Village Die because of DESI Drinks because of Banned. FACT
But we want banned to show that Muslim not consume. Fact is many do not in majority but still large number do.
Totally disagree with you.

Alcohol is usually drunk by the Non-Muslims in Pakistan: Christians, Hindus, Parsee communities.

Anyways, nobody in my family drinks alcohol.

What's next, legalize prostitution and then legalize gambling? If that's the case, then stop calling "Islamic Republic of Pakistan." Might as well stop calling yourselves Muslims. You can't be a Muslim and consume alcohol, indulge in zinah and gamble. Either you are Muslim or you are not. There isn't an inbetween, anyone who thinks that is a Jahil Gawaar and ought to shut up about being a Muslim or being an Islamic Republic. What's worse than a Kafir, it is a Munafiq.
I agree with you.

Thats why I believe Prohibition must stay in Pakistan.

it is surprising people make noise on such trivial matters. those who will drink will drink.
Those Muslims who are hypocrites or are not practicing might drink alcohol.
I highly doubt that most of the alcohol will be consumed by foreigners or non Muslims.

How about legalizing all drugs?

Why even keep the Islamic in Islamic Republic.

Try not to become just a Islamic version of India.

Bangladesh is one already.
Honestly, look up portugal.
They legalized ALL drugs
You know what they found?
drug use in their country actually went down.

Islamic republic does not mean you ban everything. It means that the culture of the cuntry is islamic. And it is islamic culture to allow people freedoms as only God will be the judge.
Firstly if it's for sale to public, it should be for non-muslims only and that law should not change

Show CNIC and buy (if not Muslim).

Licensed hotels like Serena etc still sell sealed bottles illegally, well their staff do.
Does not make a difference ,drinkers gonna drink easily like the good old way.
In the so called islamic republic of pakistan you don,t need a license to buy alcohol.More than 95% alcohol buyers are muslims here.

had issued a licence to sell alcohol to the Royal International hotel in January
@Zarvan man your next potential target ,its time to get some RDX and automatic weapons :omghaha:
شراب بیچنے والوں پہ قیس حیراں ہوں
شراب بیچ کے یہ لوگ کیا خریدیں گے
First alcohol licence issued in Lahore after 1997



LAHORE: Alcohol sale will start next month in a hotel built near the Lahore airport. The Excise and Taxation Department Punjab had issued a licence to sell alcohol to the Royal International hotel in January. Sources said such a licence has been issued in Lahore after 22 years. The last licence had been given to the Holiday Inn in 1997. Now the total number of hotels selling alcohol in Lahore will be five.

The sources said several hotels and canteens had applied for alcohol licence, but CM Shahbaz Sharif rejected all applications. The latest hotel getting the alcohol sale licence is owned by Peer Baghai Shah. Excise and Taxation Director General Akram Ashraf Gondal has issued the licence after getting approval from CM Usman Buzdar. Peer Baghai Shah also runs parking stands and shops at several airports of the country.
What sanctity and respect remain as a Muslim for Peer Baghai Shah
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