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First alcohol licence issued in Lahore after 1997

Great theory, should be taught in schools. lol

Thank you for proving my point..

Well, PMIK has gotten rid of the VIPism already. I am sure he will get rid of the other two in a short period of time too.

Generals must go back to barracks and stay out of state affairs and feuds start to pay taxation will be a start, by no means easy task and will take more than one term for PMIK to achieve this...
Thank you for proving my point..

Generals must go back to barracks and stay out of state affairs and feuds start to pay taxation will be a start, by no means easy task and will take more than one term for PMIK to achieve this...

One step at a time. Let's see how this term goes first, and then the second and later ones as they occur.
General Tikka Khan barred the serving of alcoholic beverages in Army mess halls. Interestingly,that this ban was ironically removed in 1976 by Gen Zia! He lifted the prohibition just before he replaced Tikka Khan as army chief. This was done on the request of military officers.

Pakistan heroin addiction not only shot up due to the sudden influx of the drug from Afghanistan during the 1980s’ civil war there, but also because of the alcohol prohibition imposed in Pakistan in April 1977. The prohibition was ordered by the Z.A. Bhutto regime which at the time was under pressure from a violent protest movement by an alliance of right-wing opposition parties.

2015 paper by researchers associated with the University of Sydney in Australia (Basma Al-Ansari, Anne Marie Thow, Caroline A. Day, and K.M. Conigrave), pointed out that consumption of alcoholic beverages in Muslim countries where a prohibition was in place actually grew after a proscription on alcohol came into effect.

The Sindh government earns revenues of over four billion rupees annually from these shops which are also important employment avenues for Sindh’s non-Muslims, deaths and injury caused by tainted ‘moonshine’ whisky is higher in Punjab where there are no ‘wine shops.’

Around 10 million consume various forms and brands depending on their purchasing power, but even if we assume that they purchase the cheapest possible kind for ease of understanding, an industry of 10 million consumers would generate significant revenue for the government.
10 million figure is not true 10 million means 1 Pakistani in every 20 drinks and in those twenty about half are women and in those half men there are also children
10 million figure is not true 10 million means 1 Pakistani in every 20 drinks and in those twenty about half are women and in those half men there are also children

Actual figure is 20 million plus, but I went conservative, according to Dr. Sadaqat Ali who is project director at Willing Ways (the oldest addiction treatment center), who estimated, ” 20 million Pakistanis from all religious groups and economic classes — around 10% of the population — drink regularly.”

Forgive me, but I will take the words of Real professional DR then your home made stats.
First alcohol licence issued in Lahore after 1997



LAHORE: Alcohol sale will start next month in a hotel built near the Lahore airport. The Excise and Taxation Department Punjab had issued a licence to sell alcohol to the Royal International hotel in January. Sources said such a licence has been issued in Lahore after 22 years. The last licence had been given to the Holiday Inn in 1997. Now the total number of hotels selling alcohol in Lahore will be five.

The sources said several hotels and canteens had applied for alcohol licence, but CM Shahbaz Sharif rejected all applications. The latest hotel getting the alcohol sale licence is owned by Peer Baghai Shah. Excise and Taxation Director General Akram Ashraf Gondal has issued the licence after getting approval from CM Usman Buzdar. Peer Baghai Shah also runs parking stands and shops at several airports of the country.

What's next, legalize prostitution and then legalize gambling? If that's the case, then stop calling "Islamic Republic of Pakistan." Might as well stop calling yourselves Muslims. You can't be a Muslim and consume alcohol, indulge in zinah and gamble. Either you are Muslim or you are not. There isn't an inbetween, anyone who thinks that is a Jahil Gawaar and ought to shut up about being a Muslim or being an Islamic Republic. What's worse than a Kafir, it is a Munafiq.
Actual figure is 20 million plus, but I went conservative, according to Dr. Sadaqat Ali who is project director at Willing Ways (the oldest addiction treatment center), who estimated, ” 20 million Pakistanis from all religious groups and economic classes — around 10% of the population — drink regularly.”

Forgive me, but I will take the words of Real professional DR then your home made stats.
If that is true, it is unfortunate and shameful.

Even we in India are far more conservative and try to follow Islam more religiously.

Please resist these temptations.
Still they dont form the majority of society. We should be realistic in our assessments.
Where i said majority of Muslim??
Its simple thing you need to understand.
Majority of Muslim don't drink. Agree.
Very small number of Non-Muslim Drink. Fact
So where all that liquor goes?
Who Buy Smuggle?
Who use fake permit?
Whom these Non-Muslim sell too??? Non-Muslim????
Who drink those Desi?
Pls do us all a favor. Go and see with your own eyes whats Going on in Legal Selling Point & follow those guy who buy it. See it yourself what happen next.
Where i said majority of Muslim??
There you go. Majority of Muslim dont drink alcohol then how can they consume most of alcohol? There are around 1.5 billions Muslims around the world and around 5.5 billion non Muslims. How can Muslims consume more alcohol than Non Muslims. Common bro, try not to give such sweeping statements and please think before inventing facts.

Most of Alcohol is consumed by Muslim. FACT

So where all that liquor goes?
Who Buy Smuggle?
Who use fake permit?
Whom these Non-Muslim sell too??? Non-Muslim????
Who drink those Desi?
Pls do us all a favor. Go and see with your own eyes whats Going on in Legal Selling Point & follow those guy who buy it. See it yourself what happen next.
Some Muslims do drink alcohol, no one is arguing against it. Still Muslims dont consume most of alcohol. Its a fruitless discussion and you are not ready to accept your mistake of making up facts to build your narrative.
No need for that and we have already discussed multiple time here.
In simple words we are hypocrite.
Most of Alcohol is consumed by Muslim. FACT
Corruption Police & Fake Permit. FACT
Many non Muslim only buy alcohol not to consume but to sell it to Muslim. FACT
Many People in Village Die because of DESI Drinks because of Banned. FACT
But we want banned to show that Muslim not consume. Fact is many do not in majority but still large number do.

I agree with you mate...you have spoken truth. We are Hypocrite.

Pakistan is an Islamic State - FACT
Islam prohibits Alcohol - FACT
Islam prohibits exploitation/corruption - FACT
We don't care about Islamic teaching, but consider ourselves as biggest stakeholder in Islamic world - FACT
Then why fake it......let's celebrate...cheers
There you go. Majority of Muslim dont drink alcohol then how can they consume most of alcohol? There are around 1.5 billions Muslims around the world and around 5.5 billion non Muslims. How can Muslims consume more alcohol than Non Muslims. Common bro, try not to give such sweeping statements and please think before inventing facts.
You are intentionally/ unintentionally misquoting me again.
Topic is about Pakistan.
we are discussing Pakistan.
& you brought whole world now because you can't answer simple questions asked in my previous post.
Legal Selling point are all known site and if you investigate you will know that Most of Non-Muslim buy it too sell(Commercial reason).
Its no brainier & no Fact and figure required when we talk about whole world.

Actual figure is 20 million plus, but I went conservative, according to Dr. Sadaqat Ali who is project director at Willing Ways (the oldest addiction treatment center), who estimated, ” 20 million Pakistanis from all religious groups and economic classes — around 10% of the population — drink regularly.”

Forgive me, but I will take the words of Real professional DR then your home made stats.

Other then regular we have large number of those who drink occasionally or couple of times in their life & for some new standard is Beer = Soft Drink (Specially younger generation).
I agree with you mate...you have spoken truth. We are Hypocrite.

Pakistan is an Islamic State - FACT
Islam prohibits Alcohol - FACT
Islam prohibits exploitation/corruption - FACT
We don't care about Islamic teaching, but consider ourselves as biggest stakeholder in Islamic world - FACT
Then why fake it......let's celebrate...cheers

I am more concern with young Generation going for Drug (As a Fun). its more serious then alcohol.
What we have did is created black market. i Don't support drink for all but we should have laws for those who do. Like no driving etc instead police will stop you take money and chapter closed.
We also create Smuggling due to ban. I would be happy too see Pakistani brand exporting. Instead Murree complaint according to law they are not allow to sell it to Islam Country.

We all know how much drink was common in Pakistan earlier we have pics for that.
Some one told me in 60's their was no pepsi/coke & he used to drink beer when he was in School.
& you brought whole world now because you can't answer simple questions asked in my previous post.
Legal Selling point are all known site and if you investigate you will know that Most of Non-Muslim buy it too sell(Commercial reason).
Its no brainier & no Fact and figure required when we talk about whole world.
I cant comment on conclusions drawn on ill thought, exaggerated statements.
In my state here in south india...there used to be ban on public consumption of alcohol...mr karunanidhi the then CM of the state opened the flood gates by legalizing consumption of alcohol in public...the results have been devastating to say the least...the government itself now supplies the alcohol which is of bad quality to say the least...in my state people bootleg alcohol from pondicherry and bangalore where you get much better quality alcohol and at a lower price...tens of thousands of widows are being made every year as their husbands die in accidents or from health complications after consumption...i see this everyday now a whole generation have become addicted to this...before this the situation was not even close to how it is now...legalizing alcohol just wait and see its effects from a decade or two from now from now...it will be horrible and quantifying the social cost is almost impossible.
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