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firing in Islamabad court, 11 killed, terrorists blow themselves with suicide vest

This incident bring vital change in public opinion against there terrorist and soon terrorist will start killing terrorist. These incidents will be big help to isolate TTP from supporting factions. When hoard of wolf disperse and scattered its easy to kill them.

How do you know the story? Are you telling us, in the end.... we will not see the mighty army of fukin TTP!

Boys, i want to hear all the story of TTP resources, getting uncovered at the end of operation... i'm not going to accept... they melted away to Afghanistan or got divided just at the moment, when army launched attack!

These bastard used to shout in parade lane mosque, 'in ki nasal ko khatam kardo' who in the world have so much hate with the visitors of parade lane.... i want to know this as well.
This incident bring vital change in public opinion against there terrorist and soon terrorist will start killing terrorist. These incidents will be big help to isolate TTP from supporting factions. When hoard of wolf disperse and scattered its easy to kill them.

Nopes, no change. Islam is our savior. These are mujahids fighting for the right. Hum to kanjar hain. Yaho hoga hamaray saath.
Khursheed Shah wants TTP to identify saboteurs of talks

@batmannow what does this cook sucker (Khursheed Shah) meant with his BS?

Their ring leader Asif Zardari, was running blackwater and never punished a single terrorists, while thousands were captured from Swat!

Current head of TTP was also handed over to Zardari regime by army but later set free. Now that mulla fazlu fagot is running his show, from Afghanistan.
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How do you know the story? Are you telling us, in the end.... we will not see the mighty army of fukin TTP!

Boys, i want to hear all the story of TTP resources, getting uncovered at the end of operation... i'm not going to accept... they melted away to Afghanistan or got divided just at the moment, when army launched attack!

These bastard used to shout in parade lane mosque, 'in ki nasal ko khatam kardo' who in the world have so much hate with the visitors of parade lane.... i want to know this as well.

Its seems irrelevant , but dust will be clear after 2014 , IF Afghanistan sign strategic treaty with US or Not. These terrorist future depend on US presence in Afghanistan.

Nopes, no change. Islam is our savior. These are mujahids fighting for the right. Hum to kanjar hain. Yaho hoga hamaray saath.
well , all look good when food in he belly ...lolz
Actually Taliban's (both the Afghan and TTP (alias JI/JUI)) future depends on Pakistani support. Pakistan has to decide, if she wants to keep supporting this menace or not. American presence (however little) will remain in Afghanistan and that is for sure, and to be honest with you, for good. While Americans are there, Taliban will never be able to establish a government in Kabul or in any large city for that matter. During past 11 years of US presence in Afghanistan, the Northern alliance has become more powerful than ever, both militarily and politically. Even if American evacuate completely (remote if any chances), Northern alliance will waste no time establishing a government in Kabul, and successfully, because they are not only enjoying Russian, US, Iranian, and Indian support, but also of Pakistan. Previously, Pakistan was fully supporting Taliban against the Northern alliance but now Pakistan;s foreign policy has changed, and for good. Without Pakistani support, Taliban will never ever be able to rule Kabul. Yes, they will maintain their control on South and South Eastern Afghanistan, but that is pretty much it. Pakistan has to swallow its pride and improve her relations substantially with the Northern alliance. If we don't dot that, any government (and will not be of Taliban this time) in Kabul will keep supporting terrorist activities in Pakistan.
You are missing the point entirely.... the motivation comes from themselves.. but it is directed.
for e.g. in case of the PNS Mehran P-3C attack..
Someone could tell them "Hey, do you know that the Drone strikes that are killing your brothers are being controlled by these aircraft".. The wish to destroy the aircraft comes from the terrorists.. but the idea that the aircraft are a threat is from somewhere else.

Come on oscar, They already know that Drone strikes and kill their brother whether somebody tells them or not. They are master strategist. Even PA and IA can learn from them like IA learned a lot from Tamil tigers.
Khursheed Shah wants TTP to identify saboteurs of talks

@batmannow what does this cook sucker (Khursheed Shah) meant with his BS?

Their ring leader Asif Zardari, was running blackwater and never punished a single terrorists, while thousands were captured from Swat!

Current head of TTP was also handed over to Zardari regime by army but later set free. Now that mulla fazlu fagot is running his show, from Afghanistan.

Judge with liberal views targeted

Policemen collect evidence from the site of a bomb attack at the district court in Islamabad, March 3. — File photo/Reuters
Published 2014-03-04 07:05:55
1 Comment(s)
ISLAMABAD: Additional district and sessions judge Rafaqat Ahmed Khan Awan, who was killed in the terrorist attack on Monday, was about to complete the probationary period after which he would be confirmed as a judge in a couple of months.

Known for his liberal views, Awan was a young judge who had a year ago dismissed a petition that asked that an FIR be registered against former president Pervez Musharraf.

On April 24 last year, he dismissed a petition which was filed by the son of Lal Masjid cleric Abdul Rashid Ghazi who asked that an FIR be registered against former president Pervez Musharraf for launching the 2007 operation on the mosque.

Rejecting the petition, Awan observed that after a lapse of seven years the petition had simply been filed to gain cheap publicity.

He did his LLB in 1997 and got an internship in the chamber of former deputy attorney general Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri in 1998.

He then started practice as an independent lawyer but later went to Canada from where he returned about five years ago and started practicing in Islamabad.

In 2012, he passed the Islamabad Judicial Service examination and was appointed as an additional district and sessions judge. His two years probation was about to end.

In fact, minutes before his death, Awan was talking about his probation with the counsel of a school.

He had admitted the appeal of the school against a stay order that had been passed against the admission process in the school.

The stay was given on the petition of a lawyer who filed it after his children were denied admission by the management of the school.

look the angel, thats describes the killers!

@batmannow there is blanket immunity issued by Zardari to TTP, they can't be punished even proven guilty.
Later judiciary pass them to PTI govt. which fail to counter a jail break and than now Sharif is dancing to tunes!
In between all 3 political parties (PPP- PML-N PTI) head only want to see Musharraf hanged, by hook or crook.

How much more fool we need to become? Why is army allowing Pakistan to be ruled by foreign nationals, sitting in parliament?
What kind of idiots are voting to the people, who have no assets in Pakistan, who declare them self defaulted, while filling tax returns but talk about tax collection from a jobless!
this whole joke is bieng disscussed & some where a small table just been converted into a deprt!
so,after analyizing everything thing , they are going to act?
this COAS massivly belives PAKISTAN FRIST!
hopefully u ill understand!
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Come on oscar, They already know that Drone strikes and kill their brother whether somebody tells them or not. They are master strategist. Even PA and IA can learn from them like IA learned a lot from Tamil tigers.

No, You still arent getting the plain statement I am making. So lets agree to disagree and move on.
Heart goes out to the families of the victims :(
Khursheed Shah wants TTP to identify saboteurs of talks

@batmannow what does this cook sucker (Khursheed Shah) meant with his BS?

Their ring leader Asif Zardari, was running blackwater and never punished a single terrorists, while thousands were captured from Swat!

Current head of TTP was also handed over to Zardari regime by army but later set free. Now that mulla fazlu fagot is running his show, from Afghanistan.
I would like to kindly inform you that Fazlullah was never arrested.
Islamabad judge was killed by own guard, Nisar tells NA

Policemen inspect a local court building after a gun and bomb attack in Islamabad, March 3. — AFP
Published 2014-03-06 21:25:46
2 Comment(s)
ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has revealed that late additional district and sessions judge Rafaqat Ahmed Khan Awan was inadvertently killed by his own guard and not by the terrorists in a gun and bomb attack that killed 11 others in Islamabad on Monday.

In Islamabad district courts, 12 people were killed and 28 sustained injuries according to the latest figures, he told the lawmakers in National Assembly, adding the culprits of the incident would be brought to the book as important progress in the case had already been made.

Lamenting portrayal of the country as unsafe by some members of the Parliament during the discussion, the minister said other countries give message of unity after such incidents but in Pakistan, the reaction was totally different.

He urged members to avoid statements that demoralise the security forces, adding patriotism demanded that the shortcomings of the forces should not be made public.

Attacks on soft targets occur in the world, he said adding at the time of district court incident the deceased judge locked himself and staff in his retiring room but unfortunately the security guard deployed with him inadvertently shot the judge with three bullets in panic after the suicide blast.

He said speculations must be avoided on the incident of Islamabad district courts.

The guard had already confessed his crime and the post-mortem report showed that the judge had not been killed with Kalashnikov but with the guard's weapon.

Referring to F-8 tragedy in Islamabad, he said the judiciary and the lawyers’ community reacted in a responsible manner and sent a strong message that we are united against terrorism. He said similar message should have come out from the floor of Parliament but unfortunately some members resorted to undue criticism.

Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan acknowledged that there are threats but added that, “our weaknesses are not as strong as have been highlighted by the opposition.”

“Patriotism demands that we should identify our weaknesses but not convey them to terrorists,” he added.

The minister said there were some short comings in security of the Islamabad district courts and added that, “we have learned a lesson from the incident.”
Zahid Hussain

OUR interior minister epitomises all that is going wrong with the country’s internal security. His histrionics defy rational thinking. Trust him to come up with the most outrageous defence of the Taliban even when they stand completely exposed. However, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan’s statement before the National Assembly last week on the Islamabad court carnage borders on insanity.

There is nothing to worry about the Taliban, the majority of whom are not anti-state, the minister assured a nation still reeling from the latest killing spree in the heart of the capital. He even sought the TTP’s help to track down the attackers who may well have come from the banned group’s own ranks. What an excellent example of bonhomie even though the newfound ‘patriots’ never falter when it comes to blowing up soldiers on the frontline and killing innocent civilians in the country’s heartland.

In the same breath while praising them for their ‘patriotism’ the minister revealed that the militants had plotted to carry out an aerial bombing on Islamabad. This shocking disclosure came just a week after he had declared the capital as the safest city in the world. How can one take this politician, who happens to be in charge of the country’s internal security, seriously? The minister seems to have lost all sense of rationality. No wonder the terrorists seem to be more emboldened.

Not surprisingly, these irresponsible utterances from a senior member of the government have sent jitters across foreign diplomatic missions and international agencies. Many of them are now planning to relocate their staff to the Gulf countries. Can one blame them? It is not comforting to see a man like Chaudhry Nisar at the helm of the country’s security. He is becoming an embarrassment, maybe not for the government but certainly for the country.

Under his stewardship the country may have become more secure for the Taliban, and increasingly unsafe for the people. The impunity with which the terrorists went on a killing rampage in the Islamabad court compound proves the point. Instead of taking the responsibility for security failure, he defended the Taliban in his speech at the National Assembly. It is often difficult to differentiate the interior minister from the Taliban spokesman. Remember his mourning the death of Hakeemullah Mehsud? But there was no such show of emotion on the killing of judges and lawyers by the militants. Instead, the murderers were legitimised as not anti-state. Even before the investigation was completed the minister told parliament that Judge Rifaqat Hussain was killed accidentally by his own guard. The guard and other witnesses have challenged this version of the incident.

Such a stubborn defence of the militants by no other than the federal interior minister increases the prevailing sense of insecurity. He may next ask the Taliban to take over Islamabad’s security. He has already requested them to help find the perpetrators of the Islamabad shooting.Chaudhry Nisar merely exemplifies the prevalent confusion and disarray in the government, particularly when it comes to dealing with the Taliban. After initially staying in the background, the interior minister is back as a focal person for direct talks with the TTP. His stamp of patriotism may have further endeared him to the Taliban, but there is no sign of talks getting off the ground.

The decision by the military leadership to keep their institution out of negotiations has dealt a serious blow to the so-called peace talks. Yielding to the demand of the Taliban committee, the prime minister had tacitly agreed to have a representative of the military and the ISI in the government’s negotiating team. The move seemed a Taliban trap to suck the military into the farce and get operations completely suspended in the tribal regions.

This has brought the growing fissure between the civil and military leadership over peace negotiations to the surface. It is apparent that the two are not on the same page on the issue. The military has strong reservations over unconditional talks with the insurgents who have been responsible for killing thousands of soldiers and are not willing to give up violence.

A day after the prime minister announced that the talks’ option remained his top priority militants killed six soldiers in an IED attack in Kurram Agency. The latest Islamabad attack has reinforced scepticism among the security forces about talks delivering peace. The widening division between the civil and military leadership could aggravate the existing policy paralysis.

Many in the federal cabinet and within the ruling PML-N also share this scepticism. While Chaudhry Nisar is engaged in sweet-talking the Taliban, the defence minister has warned of a possible military operation as early as this month. He does not rule out the resumption of aerial bombing on militant sanctuaries in the tribal territories. Unlike the interior minister, the defence minister does not seem convinced that the TTP is seriously interested in peace

These conflicting positions within the cabinet raise the serious question of who represents the actual official policy. This also underscores the policy confusion and indecisiveness that have become the hallmark of the third Sharif government.

There is a strong view that it is a deliberate state of confusion generated by the prime minister himself and is intended to send different signals to different lobbies. This is illustrative of Mr Sharif’s style of governance. This is a very dangerous game and may have serious repercussions for national security.
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