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firing in Islamabad court, 11 killed, terrorists blow themselves with suicide vest

I think it is high time that all liberal,secular and progressive pakistanis should come together and work together to bring this country out of this.....it may be late but still better then sitting n letting these extremist, inhuman take over. I had read of a of a pakistan.. a progressing, liberal, free and secular country in 60's...now it is in all forum discussed as 'international migraine' let religion be personal and not state's affair..... though it may be late but the biggest problem Pakistan today is facing is lack of education which in due course has resulted in lack of tolerance. So if you ppl want to bring up an emerging, progressive Pakistan, you have to work out at roots....no quick fix solution is available. No Country on earth wants an unstable,talibanised pakistan ...it is good for none n worst for common Pakistanis. so come out of conspiracy theories and come forward as one against these animals...
I still believe that common pakistani does not want a mullah to tell them how to be Muslim...it is in them and after all this they are still liberal and accommodating, but they r taken over by a vocal, extremist n unforgiving minority who r gaining strength with every passing day.
One way could be- coming out of this good taliban and bad taliban (only good taliban is a dead taliban) mend your fences wid India(i don't think India has any territorial ambitions against Pakistan in real sense, and Pakistan is not going to b able to grab in near future)so better sit and resolve all issues including Indus water treaty, Kashmir n Siachen, once for all. then Turn ur mighty 550000 army towards these dogs.,
TTP are now confusing the Pakistani govt and state. One day they would declare ceasefire and the next day there is a bomb blast somewhere which is then blamed on some obscure faction. They are taking Pakistan for a ride and people like Imran Khan are playing along.
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Pakistani friends, you are really in the middle of a war. You really need a strong leadership to win it. It is not like war with India that if you lose then also there is not much harm for your existance other than wasting effort , money and precious lives. If you be defeated here there will be no Pakistan at all. stake is much much higher here.

It is much better to deal with Pakistan rather than 5 different rogue states . Please be united now. Best of Luck
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Someone wise must have said that “actions speak louder than words.” Time and time again the terrorists have proved that what they say is not what they mean. Have we not seen before, that if one group declares a ceasefire, the other will immediately respond with a vicious attack? This attack on the Islamabad district court has all the hallmarks of the Taliban attack. We stand by the people of Pakistan and with the families of all who lost their lives in this vicious and senseless attack. We know firsthand how it is to lose loved ones to terrorism. These are the times we need to stay united against these ruthless terrorists and send a clear signal that they need to mend their evil ways. Plain and simple!

Abdul Quddus
DET-Unted States Central Command
How do you know I only mean India?
Who else could you possibly mean, when you talk of foreigners directing or otherwise being involved in kamra and minhas attacks? Which other foreign entity could possibly benefit?
Well the government stopped the strikes, now look at the outcome.

May Allah bless our fallen people.
It is a question that will have to be looked at in context of the cases being handled in the "kutchery" today. wonder what word there is for the whole lawyer/judge complex in India?(not in English).
its called kacheri in India too..

Ok i got you,sorry i misunerstood your post.
By "terrorist" you meant regular terrorists,didnt you??
When i replied to you i used its general meaning(Terrorists=who terrorises the common man)
that is not general meaning.. where did you get that from?
@batmannow there is blanket immunity issued by Zardari to TTP, they can't be punished even proven guilty.
Later judiciary pass them to PTI govt. which fail to counter a jail break and than now Sharif is dancing to tunes!
In between all 3 political parties (PPP- PML-N PTI) head only want to see Musharraf hanged, by hook or crook.

How much more fool we need to become? Why is army allowing Pakistan to be ruled by foreign nationals, sitting in parliament?
What kind of idiots are voting to the people, who have no assets in Pakistan, who declare them self defaulted, while filling tax returns but talk about tax collection from a jobless!
Sad state of affairs...
Pakistan need to pull up its socks...
Else there wont be anything left of it...

Rip to the dead....

And ffs kill those extremist mullahs.... Start educating people... Only way out of this mess is education and tolerance.....
Someone wise must have said that “actions speak louder than words.” Time and time again the terrorists have proved that what they say is not what they mean. Have we not seen before, that if one group declares a ceasefire, the other will immediately respond with a vicious attack? This attack on the Islamabad district court has all the hallmarks of the Taliban attack. We stand by the people of Pakistan and with the families of all who lost their lives in this vicious and senseless attack. We know firsthand how it is to lose loved ones to terrorism. These are the times we need to stay united against these ruthless terrorists and send a clear signal that they need to mend their evil ways. Plain and simple!

Abdul Quddus
DET-Unted States Central Command

Pak army want US to block the fleeing terrorists. Is US willing to co-operate? or atleast allow Pak army to cross Durand line in hot pursuit!
This incident bring vital change in public opinion against there terrorist and soon terrorist will start killing terrorist. These incidents will be big help to isolate TTP from supporting factions. When hoard of wolf disperse and scattered its easy to kill them.
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