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Firing has started on LOC. Pakistan is replying Indian Aggression

i am not a PTIian to begin with, the thing is army let National security and let people get away with it this shows their incompetence..
six month are left in elections no need to derail the democracy at this point. Let the things flow. Nawaz is trying to push the edge to gain Political shadat but it was good decision of Army not to grant him shadat. Any how if you have any thing to say on topic please continue or lets leave the issue there is already thread for the leaks issue.
Ooo come on ranjeet be mature. dawn leaks was nothing but a pressure tactics by NS to save his *** on panama. anyway It is India that has started firing across LoC and Pakistan is responding.

It seems India after getting busted on ICJ stay order fake propaganda and now Pakistani civilians and army agreeing for democracy have sent Indian in a state of violation of ceasefire

India don't need to fire at LoC to create a controversy between Pakistan Civilians and Army, all we need to do is send Sajjan Jindal once more for a visit at murre. Who knows we might get another glimpse of Pakistan Civilians and Army being on the same page after it. Anyway you have your opinion on what's happening on LoC and I have mine.
Indian army as usual started firing first. Nothing to see here.
hit that rapsick people..........................hit so hard
Our army is diluted in space and is occupied in many civilian tasks.
Its impossible to be every where, only solution to the trouble is to hit at the hearts of our enemy states.... and to do this, we need to get rid of democracy BS... fed to us by foreign funded media and politicians.
Our Army has shown its weak face to the world today, now getting a beating from India .. what's new ?
Can someone please tell this silly dude to keep his pessimist crap to himself? Far from getting a beating from coward Indians, our army has been targeting Indian occupation forces at the LoC effectively. Indians have habitually been targeting civilian population and that's not a new thing today. We'll respond to this latest Indian aggression too in a befitting manner. Our nation is not consisting of one silly coward person labeling himself as Starlord. Rather this nation has 20 million courageous men and women. We are not scared of the enemy. We'll hit the enemy hard. At the end, Indians would be licking their wounds and resorting to stage another fake drama of their retaliation.
I am pretty sure it's like "kid's rhymes" for Pak forces at the LOC. Nevertheless, it never gets Mekruh if little overloaded in matters of defense. Few thoughts for Pak from the recent IDEF'17 pictures (I think for Pak everything comes TOT with local production options):

*I think Pak has been looking for truck mounted 155mm guns. Now, Turkey has two makes for them....




Kashmir is a Muslim majority territory and indeed it should've joined Pakistan during independence of Islamic republic of Pak. King Nader took back Pakistan and now Kashmir is up to Pakistani brothers.
Kashmir is a Muslim majority territory and indeed it should've joined Pakistan during independence of Islamic republic of Pak. King Nader took back Pakistan and now Kashmir is up to Pakistani brothers.
Who is King Nader now?
Kashmir is a Muslim majority territory and indeed it should've joined Pakistan during independence of Islamic republic of Pak. King Nader took back Pakistan and now Kashmir is up to Pakistani brothers.

Pakistan is also a famous for producing traitors.
Pakistani politicians are all sold outs, along with media and many more.
India don't need to fire at LoC to create a controversy between Pakistan Civilians and Army, all we need to do is send Sajjan Jindal once more for a visit at murre. Who knows we might get another glimpse of Pakistan Civilians and Army being on the same page after it. Anyway you have your opinion on what's happening on LoC and I have mine.

I think you are reading too much into your own mind because I did not say or even imply that you are firing at LoC to create rift between Pakistani army and civilian govt because our Civilian government does not care whats happening on LoC. For them it is headache of the army.

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