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Firing has started on LOC. Pakistan is replying Indian Aggression


Sep 24, 2016
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Reports came in India is firing heavy weapons on LOC and Pakistani forces is replying them with a excessive force on LOC. The exchange of firing continues.

This is a developing Story.
Exchanges of heavy weapons have started on LOC and the exchange of fire is on going.
Indian Army is aiming for the civilian population. Pakistan forces are aiming back at Indian posts.
Our Army has shown its weak face to the world today, now getting a beating from India .. what's new ?
No one showed a weak face they didn't wanted to destroy democracy. That was the only outcome if they wanted to act on the real report. Any how please keep this discussion on the thread made for it don't spam every thread with the issue.
No one showed a weak face they didn't wanted to destroy democracy. That was the only outcome if they wanted to act on the real report. Any how please keep this discussion on the thread made for it don't spam every thread with the issue.

read my Signature :) and wait for another lie they come up with next morning
read my Signature :) and wait for another lie they come up with next morning
lol. PTI is not happy today but when Army imposed marshal law PTI was also the one to revolt so PTI has to make it's mind first.
After retreating on Dawn leaks Pakistan Army back to ceasefire violations on LoC for a face saver. I hope India oblige them.

Ooo come on ranjeet be mature. dawn leaks was nothing but a pressure tactics by NS to save his *** on panama. anyway It is India that has started firing across LoC and Pakistan is responding.

It seems India after getting busted on ICJ stay order fake propaganda and now Pakistani civilians and army agreeing for democracy have sent Indian in a state of violation of ceasefire
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