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Firing between Pak-Afghan forces at Torkham border

There are heavy points and weak points we can have stricker control on heavyily used points and light fencing on not so frequently used points an open border is smuggling and drug lords paradise
In mexico when they can build submerged boats and multi-million dollar tunnels, they can do the same here but we would have more problems in keeping up. Only covering a few areas will work in the short term until new heavy points are developed by the smugglers. It will essentially still be an open border albeit their veh traffic would be affected.
Curfew imposed in Torkham, Landi Kotal after exchange of firing between Pak - Afghan troops
June 13, 2016, 3:00 pm


KHYBER AGENCY: The political administration has imposed curfew in Torkham and Landi Kotal areas to prevent any loss of life after Afghan forces on late Sunday fired at the Torkham border crossing, injuring a Pakistani soldier over construction of gate and laying of barbed wire to check entry of illegal Afghans and terrorists into Pakistan.

Reports say that the People living around the bordering area have been shifted to safer places.

“At about 2120 hrs on night Afghan Security forces resorted to unprovoked firing on Pakistani side at Torkham Gate. A Pakistani soldier was injured due to Afghan firing. Pakistani security forces responded to Afghan firing effectively,” the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) reported.

After the incident, the political administration has imposed curfew in Torkham and Landi Kotal areas.

It may be mentioned that Torkham is the most frequented crossing point at Pak-Afghan Border and recently even most of the terrorists have been found using this gate for entry.

In order to check movement of terrorists through Torkham, Pakistan is constructing a gate on own side of the border as a necessity to check unwanted and illegal movement.

The firing incident occurred days after Pakistani introduced a new mechanism along the border that requires every Afghan to carry travel documents for entering Pakistan.

Earlier, thousands of Afghans living near the border would cross into Pakistan without passports and visas.

Pakistan has said the new system is put in place to curb the cross-border movement of the militants who would take advantage of the loose border monitoring system.
Updates: After 12-hour firing has once again started when Afghan forces opened fire on Pakistani forces after the construction work on gate at border point was resumed. The situation has worsened once again.
Updates: After 12-hour firing has once again started when Afghan forces opened fire on Pakistani forces after the construction work on gate at border point was resumed. The situation has worsened once again.
Construction must be carried out instead of being halted. Halting of construction is exactly what the enemy wants. Can you ask your source if anyone has thought of above?
In mexico when they can build submerged boats and multi-million dollar tunnels, they can do the same here but we would have more problems in keeping up. Only covering a few areas will work in the short term until new heavy points are developed by the smugglers. It will essentially still be an open border albeit their veh traffic would be affected.
It will atleast decrease it if not stop it
Construction must be carried out instead of being halted. Halting of construction is exactly what the enemy wants. Can you ask your source if anyone has thought of above?

My sources are well aware and that is why Pakistan is building the gate. We have resumed the work today but came under fire once again.
Updates: After 12-hour firing has once again started when Afghan forces opened fire on Pakistani forces after the construction work on gate at border point was resumed. The situation has worsened once again.

This might sound extreme but why dont we send PAF to bomb the locations from where firing is coming? under international law every country has the right to self defence.
This might sound extreme but why dont we send PAF to bomb the locations from where firing is coming? under international law every country has the right to self defence.

Well that would be an act of war. We must remain sane and do what is legally our right and manning the international border is our right under international law.
Well that would be an act of war. We must remain sane and do what is legally our right and manning the international border is our right under international law.
And an attack on our people is not an act of war? I am really tired of our patience. The PAF should be used and remorselessly.
Well that would be an act of war. We must remain sane and do what is legally our right and manning the international border is our right under international law.
what do you mean act of war, shooting at someone border post is already an act of war. Pakistan should neutralize the threat by any means possible. Bomb it, takeover their area and only return when construction is complete and Afghans promise not to fire again.
I probably used wrong words but put yourself in my shoes and then tell me how to react. I am filled with rage and hurt. I feel betrayed by these ppl. I have lost loved ones in this fight... I have ppl who lost their property because of these people. I have seen enough deaths and hardships because we gave shoulder to these people. I still remember the day after day of 10 hrs thirst I endured just to vaccinate beautiful kids of displaced Afghans Only to watch them grow up and loot us.
In short if calling spade a spade makes me a little sorry man.. So be it.
Well this should not be taken as an isolated act, it has all the blessings of US to say the least. Afghan and US ambassador should be called and conveyed in clear terms to stop this otherwise Paksitan will take appropriate steps including but not limited to the use heavy artillery and air power in form of drones and fighterjets.
Well this should not be taken as an isolated act, it has all the blessings of US to say the least. Afghan and US ambassador should be called and conveyed in clear terms to stop this otherwise Paksitan will take appropriate steps including but not limited to the use heavy artillery and air power in form of drones and fighterjets.
And who is going to call them? We have a government without its head pretty much a lame duck. Army is doing what it can but that's not enough . It is the job of the government to convey your message to all parties involved sadly we lack one.
Well that would be an act of war. We must remain sane and do what is legally our right and manning the international border is our right under international law.

But if are under fire from them then technically we are already in a state of war.

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