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FIR against Cap Safdar: IGP Sindh and many other senior police officials applied for leave

Either that or just leave the political field to the politicians. And the Turkish Army is not "professional"? This is a army that has almost won every war it has fought including Western invaders.

The coup rounded up members of both the left and right for trial with military tribunals. Within a very short time, there were 250,000[6] to 650,000 people detained. Among the detainees, 230,000 were tried, 14,000 were stripped of citizenship, and 50 were executed.[18] In addition, hundreds of thousands of people were tortured, and thousands disappeared. A total of 1,683,000 people were blacklisted.[19] Apart from the militants killed during shootings, at least four prisoners were legally executed immediately after the coup; the first ones since 1972, while in February 1982 there were 108 prisoners condemned to capital punishment.[10] Among the prosecuted were Ecevit, Demirel, Türkeş, and Erbakan, who were incarcerated and temporarily suspended from politics.

One notable victim of the hangings was a 17-year-old Erdal Eren, who said he looked forward to it in order to avoid thinking of the torture he had witnessed.[20]

After having taken advantage of the Grey Wolves' activism, General Kenan Evren imprisoned hundreds of them. At the time they were some 1700 Grey Wolves organizations in Turkey, with about 200,000 registered members and a million sympathizers.[21] In its indictment of the MHP in May 1981, the Turkish military government charged 220 members of the MHP and its affiliates for 694 murders.[11] Evren and his cohorts realized that Türkeş was a charismatic leader who could challenge their authority using the paramilitary Grey Wolves.[22] Following the coup in Colonel Türkeş's indictment, the Turkish press revealed the close links maintained by the MHP with security forces as well as organized crime involved in drug trade, which financed in return weapons and the activities of hired fascist commandos all over the country.[10]

I think you need to apply that on yourself. I have had a long, fulfilling life and now are in semi-retirement. In my younger years the last place where you would find me is behind a PC not that we had any.
Then , you must also know that what Turks did during 2015 coup attempt. Let me ask a question.How would you feel if British army creates its own hit squads for killing and torturing its people. Your comment was delusional at best. You are enjoying in UK, not well versed with ground realities and suggesting murdering of pakistanis. you should better talk about uk . leave pakistanis alone.
Drama ended all back to work
Ppp and pmln planted this game after failure of jalsa.
this country is banana republic . even you can not touch a gher jamai of a convicted criminal leader .

sale your properties and move to west for better lives
few can leave what rest will do... thats not a solution atleast do what one can.
life is not what you live for its actually what you die for.
What Safdar did in the Quid's Mazar was condemnable and stupid; the 'unprofessional' influencing of the establishment on the police service is also condemnable and stupid in similar proportions.

All was going smooth. The opposition unified to save their corruption, crying here and there.... and suddenly they have something realistic to whine about : Army's fingering in the civilian affairs.

This time opposition has gained some ground. The international media is giving more weight to Nawaz's stance on the establishment. Future stupidities like this one should be avoided.
Clearly coordinated.

Clearly Mutiny, charge them for it.
Drama ended all back to work
Ppp and pmln planted this game after failure of jalsa.
View attachment 681341

Mushtaq Mehr IG Sind had been pressurizing witnesses in cases against AZ and so are the others. They should have been ordered to proceed on leave and PSPs to report back establishment division. New PSPs be posted to Sindh to take on responsibility.
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Then , you must also know that what Turks did during 2015 coup attempt
After the fire has been doused you don't need the fire brigade. The Turkey of 1980 is not Turkey of 2020. It is now a stable, developed western country similiar to UK.

How would you feel if British army creates its own hit squads for killing and torturing its people.
British Army would if ever the need arose. And it has in the recent past.

Undercover soldiers 'killed unarmed civilians in Belfast'
21 November 2013
Soldiers from an undercover unit used by the British army in Northern Ireland killed unarmed civilians, former members have told BBC One's Panorama.
Speaking publicly for the first time, the ex-members of the Military Reaction Force (MRF), which was disbanded in 1973, said they had been tasked with "hunting down" IRA members in Belfast.
The former soldiers said they believed the unit had saved many lives.
The Ministry of Defence said it had referred the disclosures to police.
The details have emerged a day after Northern Ireland's attorney general, John Larkin, suggested ending any prosecutions over Troubles-related killings that took place before the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.
The proposal has been criticised by groups representing relatives of victims.
Panorama has been told the MRF consisted of about 40 men handpicked from across the British army.
Before it was disbanded 40 years ago, after 18 months, plain-clothes soldiers carried out round-the-clock patrols of west Belfast - the heartland of the IRA - in unmarked cars.
Three former members of the unit, who agreed to be interviewed on condition their identities were disguised, said they had posed as Belfast City Council road sweepers, dustmen and even "meths drinkers", carrying out surveillance from street gutters.
But surveillance was just one part of their work.
One of the soldiers said they had also fired on suspected IRA members.
He described their mission as "to draw out the IRA and to minimise their activities... if they needed shooting, they'd be shot".
'Targets taken down'
Another former member of the unit said: "We never wore uniform - very few people knew what rank anyone was anyway.
"We were hunting down hardcore baby-killers, terroris

leave pakistanis alone.
Me and my family have land in Pakistan. Have Pakistani nationality. Have my entire extended family in Pakistan many of who are in Pakistan Army and Police etc. I have investments in Pakistan. My ancestors are buried in our land. So I have as much right as any other. Unless Pakistan is your PRIVATE property I suggest you give up this line of thinking.
What Safdar did in the Quid's Mazar was condemnable and stupid; the 'unprofessional' influencing of the establishment on the police service is also condemnable and stupid in similar proportions.

All was going smooth. The opposition unified to save their corruption, crying here and there.... and suddenly they have something realistic to whine about : Army's fingering in the civilian affairs.

This time opposition has gained some ground. The international media is giving more weight to Nawaz's stance on the establishment. Future stupidities like this one should be avoided.

Army had no hand in this. This was Federal pressure on IG including threats of consequences by Federal Minister and other PTI MPAs/MNAs - CM Sindh has highlighted that a few times now.

Only PMLN is pushing this propaganda of PA being behind this and the kidnapping narrative, yet it has now also asked COAS to investigate who entered Maryam's hotel room - height of hypocrisy asking the accused to investigate :lol:
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