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Final operational clearance for Tejas again delayed till next year

No as per Indian fellows Tejas is national pride so it is failed national pride, a shame of century, a humiliation thats why they try to keep it alive otherwise it is failed project decade back.

F-35 is just getting inducted. LCA is still not ready. What a sad difference. India has no business building planes.
F-35 is just getting inducted. LCA is still not ready. What a sad difference. India has no business building planes.
My sympathies for Indian fanboys feel sorry for them even Russia & France cheated them not providing technical details. Even JF-17 not even inducted but also won export order. A salt on wounds for Indian fellows
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oh please shut up... assembling "jet kits" don't meant alloy billets,connectors etc but the whole damn thing that is assembled by india ... Read the sources instead of embarassing yourself.

another pathetic claim .. Put forward to save face... For a TT .. You really are patheric.... making false claims ... Somebody's ego got really hurt.., why why don't you be a good chap and visit the JF thread.. Make that claim there so we can embarass you further...

I know what I said... you do not have the slightest clue of the contents of the kit. I know because I was part of the project. CKD kits stopped in HAL after the First 65 units were built, in phase 1 of tech transfer. The kits that come in are phase 3 kits, which includes some materials, Harnesses, pre fabricated stampings, cable harnesses, conduits, connectors, and some key components. that's it.

For PAC kamra, I have seen what they have on their website, they do not have the capability to build the mentioned subsystems, instead most of the airframe is assembled in PAC kamra.

As far as pathetic part, that should be limited your knowledge.

really how please do amaze me :coffee:

You really don't know the difference in assembling and have indegenous equipments do you ??? You have no Idea what the hell your talking about right kiddo ....... As i said 58% of the JFT is produced in PAC kamra (the % will be brought up to 75% verified by different souces) just like your 60% TEJAS are produced at HAL (rest of the 40% of the parts will be imported maybe with TOT or asembling kits but it still doesn't count as indegenous) what part you didn't understand ??? why reapeating same thing made from scratch made from scratch ??????:cuckoo::cuckoo:
FYI , No one in the world make 100 % indigenous other then US / Russia .

If you bough JTF to 58 % then can you please name the parts you make in PAK? Like Engine / Radar / EW-Suit itself make more then 50% of components . Moreover , you cant even make full airframe , which is also you buying from china for 150 units.

Engine -Russian
Radar- Chinese
EW Suit - Chinese
Seat- Western

Now which part you don't understand properly ? Or which part you make?

So LCA is not a failed project. It's a failed defense project. But it could be a successful Bollywood project. So the jury is still out.
can define the definition of failed? like PAK rejected AK -II tank and tank based on AK-II ( MBT-3000) also, means your AK-I is also a failed tank ?

PAK missiles which blow in the middle , is declared successful , is called successful or failed missile?

My sympathies for Indian fanboys feel sorry for them even Russia & France cheated them not providing technical details. Even JF-17 not even inducted but also won export order. A salt on wounds for Indian fellows
thanks , when it happened, please let us know, also tell let us know from where plane will be delivered ? PAK or China?
I know what I said... you do not have the slightest clue of the contents of the kit. I know because I was part of the project. CKD kits stopped in HAL after the First 65 units were built, in phase 1 of tech transfer. The kits that come in are phase 3 kits, which includes some materials, Harnesses, pre fabricated stampings, cable harnesses, conduits, connectors, and some key components. that's it.
As I said shut up dude... You assemble SU-30s .., I can find more links to shut you up.,, so quit embarassing yourself.

For PAC kamra, I have seen what they have on their website, they do not have the capability to build the mentioned subsystems, instead most of the airframe is assembled in PAC kamra.

As far as pathetic part, that should be limited your knowledge.


As I said stop ambsrsssing yourself making pathetic claims with nothing but your vivid imagination to back it up... If you have even a lil bit of shame .. Go make the claim in JF thread!
FYI , No one in the world make 100 % indigenous other then US / Russia .

If you bough JTF to 58 % then can you please name the parts you make in PAK? Like Engine / Radar / EW-Suit itself make more then 50% of components . Moreover , you cant even make full airframe , which is also you buying from china for 150 units.

Engine -Russian
Radar- Chinese
EW Suit - Chinese
Seat- Western

Now which part you don't understand properly ? Or which part you make?

can define the definition of failed? like PAK rejected AK -II tank and tank based on AK-II ( MBT-3000) also, means your AK-I is also a failed tank ?

PAK missiles which blow in the middle , is declared successful , is called successful or failed missile?

thanks , when it happened, please let us know, also tell let us know from where plane will be delivered ? PAK or China?
LOL its a JV project kiddo the radar KLJv2 the avionics and the everything else is jointly developed main avionic (excluding few westerns) are made in pak and yes seat is western just like your tejas...... and we are ordering 150 from china cuz we have to replace 300 aircrafts with JFT our capacity per year is 18 will be upgraded to 24 and we cannot wait 30 years like you guys did just to replace our aging fleet see thats the advantage we have we will deal with our needs and concentrate on them fully in PAC kamra and full fill our requirements where as CAC (which is bigger than PAC) can concentrate on export orders right after its done with our small order which is nearly complete cuz till 2017 we'll be having 100 JFT including JFT block2 and till that time your tejas MK-1 might get its IOC or maybe next year :rofl:

And about AK 2 the basic reason of inducting AK 2 after AK 1 was that it would or might provide us a better plateform than AK-1 but the upgrades the pakistani did with AK making it AK-1 was enough to be considered as equal to AK 2 (MBT-3000) and it wasn't providing us with the basic need which was a better and new platform better than AK-1 so my friend do you get it now you have a good sleep at night cuz i just told you that AK-1 is equally good as MBT-3000 ........ now shoo with your arjunk tanks come on shoo shoo :coffee:
LOL its a JV project kiddo the radar KLJv2 the avionics and the everything else is jointly developed main avionic (excluding few westerns) are made in pak and yes seat is western just like your tejas...... and we are ordering 150 from china cuz we have to replace 300 aircrafts with JFT our capacity per year is 18 will be upgraded to 24 and we cannot wait 30 years like you guys did just to replace our aging fleet see thats the advantage we have we will deal with our needs and concentrate on them fully in PAC kamra and full fill our requirements where as CAC (which is bigger than PAC) can concentrate on export orders right after its done with our small order which is nearly complete cuz till 2017 we'll be having 100 JFT including JFT block2 and till that time your tejas MK-1 might get its IOC or maybe next year :rofl:

And about AK 2 the basic reason of inducting AK 2 after AK 1 was that it would or might provide us a better plateform than AK-1 but the upgrades the pakistani did with AK making it AK-1 was enough to be considered as equal to AK 2 (MBT-3000) and it wasn't providing us with the basic need which was a better and new platform better than AK-1 so my friend do you get it now you have a good sleep at night cuz i just told you that AK-1 is equally good as MBT-3000 ........ now shoo with your arjunk tanks come on shoo shoo :coffee:
lol , I know you people are very active in creating myth ....

A) KLJ v2 Radar you talking about is Chinese developed radar, and not JV as you called, assembling a radar with ToT , is don't make is your development. You don't even have the source code of so called RADAR.

B) by 2017 you will be having only 100 JFT ? oh many production rate is 16-17 / year. Oh that's bad considering 2 places plane are being manufactured.

Don't get into IOC / things ... Don't want to open can of worms, when PAF accepted a plane which cant even fly in night , don't have LGB's etc. Which IAF cannot even consider worth of induction which PAF did.

C) lol , did you know what are your talking about ? AK1 and AK2 is vastly difference, AK2 is with more powerful engine and other stuffs. tell me the engine size of AK1 and AK 2 ?

MBT-3000 is the based on New Chinese main tank, which is PLA is inducting in large number. Basically , despite whatever you said, you find Chinese based tank inferior to Indians that why you stop AK1 / AK2 and decided not to buy MBT-3000 aka Al-Hyder tank. and for Russian origin T - based tanks.
lol , I know you people are very active in creating myth ....

A) KLJ v2 Radar you talking about is Chinese developed radar, and not JV as you called, assembling a radar with ToT , is don't make is your development. You don't even have the source code of so called RADAR.

B) by 2017 you will be having only 100 JFT ? oh many production rate is 16-17 / year. Oh that's bad considering 2 places plane are being manufactured.

Don't get into IOC / things ... Don't want to open can of worms, when PAF accepted a plane which cant even fly in night , don't have LGB's etc. Which IAF cannot even consider worth of induction which PAF did.

C) lol , did you know what are your talking about ? AK1 and AK2 is vastly difference, AK2 is with more powerful engine and other stuffs. tell me the engine size of AK1 and AK 2 ?

MBT-3000 is the based on New Chinese main tank, which is PLA is inducting in large number. Basically , despite whatever you said, you find Chinese based tank inferior to Indians that why you stop AK1 / AK2 and decided not to buy MBT-3000 aka Al-Hyder tank. and for Russian origin T - based tanks.

A)You Don't give up do you my friend KLJ is a chinese RADAR the KLJ v2 is PAK CHINA jointly developed or you can say upgraded radar which was specially made for JFT's. Where did you got the information from that we don't have the source code of the radar go to JFT disscussion threat you will know why people call us CHINA's Israel (Like the US)

B) The production rate of PAC KAMRA is 16 or 17 / year (not including CAC in it) plus we will be upgrading Block 1's to BLCK 2 standards as well...

Really can you verify me the source in which it says that JFT cannot fly in night and don't have LGB's or you some DOVAL again ?? you really think a Plane like that would be inducted in any airforce and will get its export orders too..... go get your IOC first man this is a kind of propaganda INDIAN ARMY feeds its citizens so that they can hide there faliure (LCA) behind it ........

C) Engines sure size yea definately but there are other things PA consider when buying a tank
maybe INDIAN ARMY GOES with a typical of mindet whatever it is should be expensive but our army test each and every thing until we find it worth our money....

CHINESE based tanks inferior to INDIANS pretty typical indian indegenous crap again let me correct that for you its russians not indians for the sake of argument .... But i have already explained you why we didn't go for MBT-3000 beacuse AK-1 was upgraded to such level that the difference between MBT-3000 and AK-1 was not enough to make it our new and heavy MBT .........
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A)You Don't give up do you my friend KLJ is a chinese RADAR the KLJ v2 is PAK CHINA jointly developed or you can say upgraded radar which was specially made for JFT's. Where did you got the information from that we don't have the source code of the radar go to JFT disscussion threat you will know why people call us CHINA's Israel (Like the US)

Care to show the Article / any article which claims that your contribution in radar? or so called joint Development? rather then your words.

The first forty-two PAF production aircraft are equipped with the NRIET KLJ-7 radar, a variant of the KLJ-10 radar developed by China's Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (NRIET) and also used on the Chengdu J-10 for testing.

B) The production rate of PAC KAMRA is 16 or 17 / year (not including CAC in it) plus we will be upgrading Block 1's to BLCK 2 standards as well...

really ? for three years you will making alone 50 AC + 150 ( your getting from china ) plus 50 already you have.
Total you will be having 250 A/c by 2017 ? lol

Their is nothing major change in BL -1 to BL 2 other then minor Avionics modifications. Check your own AC statement.
Really can you verify me the source in which it says that JFT cannot fly in night and don't have LGB's or you some DOVAL again ?? you really think a Plane like that would be inducted in any airforce and will get its export orders too..... go get your IOC first man this is a kind of propaganda INDIAN ARMY feeds its citizens so that they can hide there faliure (LCA) behind it ........
Go and check the Article in 2007 - 2010 , where JFT cant even fire LBG's , that's why it also removed the Bombing missions and pressed F-16.

C) Engines sure size yea definately but there are other things PA consider when buying a tank
maybe INDIAN ARMY GOES with a typical of mindet whatever it is should be expensive but our army test each and every thing until we find it worth our money....

lol , didn't you know your Army rejected AK-2 and MBT -3000 and now buying Tanks from Ukraine ? You want to say Ukraine tank is better then your all AK - series tank.

Check the differcne between MBT-3000 and AK 1 and AK-2 , other then engine , their are many changes.

CHINESE based tanks inferior to INDIANS pretty typical indian indegenous crap again let me correct that for you its russians not indians for the sake of argument .... But i have already explained you why we didn't go for MBT-3000 beacuse AK-1 was upgraded to such level that the difference between MBT-3000 and AK-1 was not enough to make it our new and heavy MBT .........

Then why you are buying Ukrainians tank T-84 Oplot ? instead of AK1/ Ak2/ MBT-3000? lol at least you think AK is inferior then t-84 Oplot ?
U dont even have 5 days of ammunition....... We can finish u off in just 10 days......u are like poland we can capture and sustaine war.....and we are like russia.....u can penetrate us but cannot hold ur position.....ur soldiers can run then....20 days of ammo is enough for whole Pakistan...

Tu kya class lega bhai???:coffee:.....pehle khud toh padhyii karle, even su 30 mki is made india....only titanium blocks are sent to india, rest of the work is done by india......even AL31F engines are assembled in India........and also SU-30 MKI are air superiority fighter do not compare it with an interceptor:crazy:

Looks like some new, hot jazzed up enthusiast has commented here. Capturing Pakistan in 5 days? Lol, If you were so sons of soils, you won't have tried it many times long ago.

I suggest you just listen to your General's statement once. Please!
Looks like some new, hot jazzed up enthusiast has commented here. Capturing Pakistan in 5 days? Lol, If you were so sons of soils, you won't have tried it many times long ago.

I suggest you just listen to your General's statement once. Please!
capturiong a nation is old concept to punish your enemy we have new options for doing the same :devil:

now as for LCA it may get late so what we will still keep putting owr time , money and best efforts to make it even better and there is nothing you can do about that worry about your PAF and the current adverseries it faces :sarcastic:
Looks like some new, hot jazzed up enthusiast has commented here. Capturing Pakistan in 5 days? Lol, If you were so sons of soils, you won't have tried it many times long ago.

I suggest you just listen to your General's statement once. Please!
Yeah yeah...We're on the way to have new fifth generation fighter while you still have to play with your little 2++ birds :bounce:Oh I forget you have some F16s but when faced with our beasts they will soon be fireballs hahahahahaha:pakistan:
The 'Foreign buy' lobby trying hard to sideline 'make in India' projects.

Every other day ditching news about LCA, the same news came out3 months ago or so.
Looks like some new, hot jazzed up enthusiast has commented here. Capturing Pakistan in 5 days? Lol, If you were so sons of soils, you won't have tried it many times long ago.

I suggest you just listen to your General's statement once. Please!
i believe u should look unto your generals failed missions...like 1948,1965,1971,1984,1999 etc etc.......failed terrorist attacks can never outrage the courage of our people.....Mumbai has seen several terror attacks......but still running on full steam........terrorism, hate, revenge, disgust can never outshine the brave.......that we are......u attack us, we get stronger.......Indians attack Pakistan, u get weaker and weaker:coffee:
LOL at India. After so much boasting about LCA being the most advanced fighter in the world next to F-22, it turns out LCA is a garbage disaster that even India does not want.
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