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Final operational clearance for Tejas again delayed till next year

It always does. But then again "this context" is no excuse for the previous mismanagements and overestimaton of capabilies on HAL's part, now is it? This isn't the first delay after all and its only the first time where the foreign contractor has caused a delay.
"Overestimation of capabilities on HAL's part" is fairly accurate. When this project first started out (mid 90s) the GoI/MoD/DRDO/ADA/HAL failed miserably to understand the complexities involved in a first of its kind project like this for a nation as industrialised (or lack thereof) as India. It is also clear that no one could have foreseen the crippling technological sanctions India, and by extension HAL/ADA, would be made to incur just as this project was starting to gain some momentum which set them back years.

Let's not forget that the first LCA prototype flew within 6 years of the project actually beginning- this is quite a commendable achievement considering the base that the ADA/HAL started with. Subsequently the sanctions kicked in and the project stalled.

By any objective measure there is nothing alarming about the LCA project's timeline- the Rafale, Eurofighter and F-22 have all taken longer to develop and enter service than the LCA and this too coming from some of the most advanced and industrialised nations on the planet and the world's leading aviation giants (BAE, Dassualt, Lockhead Martin etc) it is all a matter of perception now- the LCA is a failure/delayed because this is what people say but there is little empirical evidence to support this.
Delayed For Just 3 Month What Makes So difference NoW :o::o:
Weren't you saying the same, last year too? :D Come on, accept where the HAL has gone wrong, whats with mounting the defense of each and every indefensible mistake, delays and blunders?

sire why does google search for "Pakistan Aeronautical Complex Patents " does not reveal a satisfactory result.....!!!
our neighbors pride stleath jet
We know How to fund programs ?
There was two path to develop the fighter plane either choose and existing platform to upgrade or to develop it from the scratch with long, slow and painful path of developing with gaining knowledge. ADA choose the difficult path.

Now since you want to compare both JF-17 and Tejas program!!

This comparison of apples with oranges will not get anyone anywhere, because the goals & objectives of the developmental paths of the two aircraft are totally different. For India, the LCA project was aimed at staging a comeback into the arena of aircraft R & D (after a 25-year gap) and creating a supporting an industrial eco-system that would own the majority of the IPRs generated by this R & D effort. The spinoffs of this effort can today be seen in the Su-30MKI project & the projected Super Su-30MKI project & the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 programme & in future ther Tejas Mk2 project. The JF-17 on the other hand does not exemplify any such military-industrial objectives. It’s a product of a commercial deal involving China-origin R & D, with Pakistan benefitting from aircraft deliveries in flyaway condition. The Tejas Mk1 as it exists today is a superlative LIFT as well as an all-weather ground-attack aircraft when equipped with Litening-2 LDP & today it can be armed with a range of low-cost & lightweight PGMs for carrying out close air-support missions. In fact, if the Tejas Mk1 is armed with Russia-origin OFAB/ODAB gravity bombs, this will amount to a gross under-utilisation of the Tejas Mk1’s combat potential. On the other hand, the JF-17 can lob only gravity bombs & it has yet to demonstrate its ability to fire PGMs that are targetted by the WMD-7 LDP.

JF-17 is also still in IOC standard and yet to achieve FOC
This has been posted a million times, FOC will be delayed to March because of the air to air probe and quartz cone delay from the UK.

They have read it million times and they will post this million times. BTW, I told them in another thread that our Arjun and Tejas sucks, our rifle is ugly and we have 20 days of ammo. I don't know why their army is not moving in. Its a perfect time for them. If they delay it, they will not have a chance like this again. But they won't listen to me!!:D
On the other hand, the JF-17 can lob only gravity bombs & it has yet to demonstrate its ability to fire PGMs that are targetted by the WMD-7 LDP.

Update yourself, then. Because this argument ceased to be valid years ago.
Dear Sir,
I would be more than happy to be. Please sir can you provide me link (not forum link). My assumption is based on the fact that JF-17 is not used to target TTP in precession guided attack operation in which F-16 is been used.

Blog is personal comment again.We all can do it- just like Pakistan Suparco is Joke(whose website shows NASA challenger) ,Kamra since inception produced 30 aircrafts with semi knocked down versions.My personal comments and My blog : Chaffandflare.blogspot.com
GHORKHALI Dai , Sanchai
The humour once circulating in some military circles was that DRDO is Pakistan's secret weapon,
It seems ADA is now following suit.

Its PDF only and thanks for the concern but DRDO order book is more than Pakistan total Karachi stock exchange valuation and its not even Humour but hard fact.
Blog is personal comment again.We all can do it- just like Pakistan Suparco is Joke(whose website shows NASA challenger) ,Kamra since inception produced 30 aircrafts with semi knocked down versions.My personal comments and My blog : CHAFF AND FLARE


I don't believe i said this was an official stand rather a humour in some military circles.
Read all the highlighted parts and see if you can comprehend the connection.
I can give you more links or my own personal praise of DRDO......the choice is yours. !!
Tejas will get FOC by March 2016. Till then there will be lots of threads regarding the delays it seems
I don't understand. we fight with pakistan with Tejas or Sukhoi and Rafael.
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