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Filipino officials ban Chinese diplomat amid spat

Hope, you appreciate the tremendous wealth, this amazing empire have brought to you, my friend.

Well, Chinese are 100% honest people, and we can admit that we did not make as much of contributions compared to the Anglo World in the scientific revolution of the 20th century. We will not hide and feel shame of our past failure. All we can expect is to keep working hard and to catch up in the 21th century. :D

Unlike some refugee beggars who have made zero contribution in the development of America, and they believe that they could look down on the PRC just because they hold an American citizenship, lol.
Actually it was the post graduate programs of the US universities contributed most to our first bunch of modern scientists. anyway, bad analogy.
It was a very appropriate analogy. Do a keyword search for 'china lysenkoism' and see how gullible China was when it came to the Soviets. China discarded thousands of years of valuable agricultural knowledge for communist solidarity.
I find it hard to believe the reality of Vietnamese anti-Chinese sentiments when they themselves have Chinese genes in their makeup.
How predictable of racists everywhere: Unable to see past skin color. Or now it is genes.
Well, Chinese are 100% honest people, and we can admit that we did not make as much of contributions compared to the Anglo World in the scientific revolution of the 20th century. We will not hide and feel shame of our past failure. All we can expect is to keep working hard and to catch up in the 21th century. :D

Unlike some refugee beggars who have made zero contribution in the development of America, and they believe that they could look down on the PRC just because they hold an American citizenship, lol.
Any time...

Raytheon Company: Raytheon’s Hung Nguyen Voted Test Engineer of the Year
I find it hard to believe the reality of Vietnamese anti-Chinese sentiments when they themselves have Chinese genes in their makeup.

Some people are totally shameless. All they can do is to bash China by borrowing the Anglo-American's achievement.

Meanwhile their own motherland is totally powerless when facing against China.

This is what we call an old Chinese proverb that "a tiny fox hiding behind a huge tiger when facing an enemy that he cannot deal with its own".
We need to develop an alliance against dictator china.
Back in WW II, Imperial Japan took the sons of prominent Asian families back to Japan and indoctrinated them that it is the duty and honor of the 'inferior' Asians to serve the Yamato masters. Chinese racism and contempt for us 'inferior' Asians run as deep and as long as the Yamato's. No one thought that despite racism everywhere, any supposedly 'advanced' country would engage in slavery but Imperial Japan did. Asia should well remember history.
Some people are really shameless. All they can do is to bash China by borrowing the Anglo-American achievement.

Meanwhile their own motherland is totally powerless when facing against China.

This is what we call an old Chinese proverb that "a tiny fox hiding behind a huge tiger when facing an enemy that he cannot deal with its own".
I guess in China's case, it was the (Soviet) bear...???
Well, the White Anglo-Saxons and the elite Jews are the backbones of America, without them, America will be nothing, but a backward sh!thole.
If it wasn't for America's example, us Jews might still be backward sh!ts. America's religious freedoms inspired the French Revolution, which under Napoleon freed the Jews of many strictures, and the French passed these along to Jews throughout the short-lived French Empire. All of a sudden Jews were permitted to enter professions and universities closed to them for centuries.

Furthermore the successful example of American and European democracy certainly inspired Israel. It doesn't take much reading of the Bible to realize that the ancient Israelites rarely got governance right. Secular democracy is a massive improvement. Almost from the beginning the political structures of the Yishuv were democratic in character, starting, like America's New England town meetings, at the individual settlement level and later creating representative institutions.
It was a very appropriate analogy. Do a keyword search for 'china lysenkoism' and see how gullible China was when it came to the Soviets. China discarded thousands of years of valuable agricultural knowledge for communist solidarity.

If anything that was soviets messing with our agriculture, how did that make the soviets our backbone of development??
Democracy with Chinese characteristic is the way to go China. Even Wen Jiabao said it himself. You can still be a democracy with a huge army.
If anything that was soviets messing with our agriculture, how did that make the soviets our backbone of development??
I take it you learned something new? Whether you want to interpret the word 'backbone' or not, it is irrelevant. Chinese criticism of others who learned from others is a lesson in convenient historical revisionism.
I guess in China's case, it was the (Soviet) bear...???

We still fought against the Soviet Union alone back in 1969, unlike Vietnam who was expected to be backed by the Soviet back in the 1979 border conflict with China.
Democracy with Chinese characteristic is the way to go China. Even Wen Jiabao said it himself
China have not created any new 'version' of democratic methods and practices. This 'Chinese characteristic' line is nothing but a feeble attempt at trying inflate something that is not there.
If it wasn't for America's example, us Jews might still be backward sh!ts. America's religious freedoms inspired the French Revolution, which under Napoleon freed the Jews of many strictures, and the French passed these along to Jews throughout the short-lived French Empire. All of a sudden Jews were permitted to enter professions and universities closed to them for centuries.

Furthermore the successful example of American and European democracy certainly inspired Israel. It doesn't take much reading of the Bible to realize that the ancient Israelites rarely got governance right. Secular democracy is a massive improvement. Almost from the beginning the political structures of the Yishuv were democratic in character, starting, like America's New England town meetings, at the individual settlement level and later creating representative institutions.

The elite structure of US is always the Western European Protestants and the elite Jews, this fact cannot be changed.

Just like China's elite structure is always the Han Chinese.
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