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File is ready for final signatures ! India making up its mind on procuring the American F-21

You are very shortsighted and deluded person. This is why I no longer bother to entertain your posts, and might put you on ignore as well.

What are your contributions in this forum anyways? Nothing substantial, mostly trolling, flamebaits and being rude.

I actually provide valuable information here, try to dispel misconceptions of any kind left, right, and center, and have also taken care of actual Indian trolls in lengthy debates here. Example: https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/rafale-may-not-be-the-best-choice-for-the-iaf.619612/

You do not have the stamina or intellectual capacity unfortunately.

Next time you have a query, ask politely.
You seem to be angry but this is the opinion of most of the senior members who have interacted with you. I would just let him interact with you and make up his own opinion but I'm sure it won't be much different than the normal.

You asshole, watch your mouth .
I already know that US will not sell f22 to any country. You have comprehension issue you moron.
I was just telling that US has only one machine which can lure India and it is F 22.
Well, it is not his fault..rather your words that conveyed that message in an unambiguous way.
Cute propaganda from USA...just like Sweden did with Gripen and European nations did with Typhoon after Rafale was selected. The only file India will sign with USA is for NASMAS.
There were tons of similar reports by western media and some pro-western Indian media stating India is gonna go for F-16. We have even cancelled Javelin deal in favor for Israel's Spike ATGM. GoI is well aware of US backstabbing during times when we don't act according to their interests and we've seen that with Turkey

IAF neither has the money right now to splurge on an expense like the F-21 aka F-16 in large numbers. The only possible option right now is procuring 1 or 2 more squadrons of Rafales and get done with it

I was just telling that US has only one machine which can lure India and it is F 22.
I think IN may consider F-35C if offered for IAC-3 along with EMALS
USA has a strict no-export policy with regards to F22, you retard
Hey kid, you moron, i already know it. I have been on this forum from 5 years.
So i have been read all things regarding US machines. So don't teach your dad.
I already answered your query in my last post.
LOL. Why would India buy F 21? What does it offer extra? Our MWF shall be much better than this so called F 21.
USA has a strict no-export policy with regards to F22, you retard
That's what we all know that's the reason he is saying that the only fighter jet fighter we are going to buy from U.S is F 22 because we know they are not going to offer that to us...Its a diplomatic way of saying not interested...


Their is a possibility that India will go for F 21 because we will have to give something to trump which he can talk about to his voters..In return he will add India back to the GSP countries and over look our policy of Data localization and price tap on medical devices...
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Hey kid, you moron, i already know it. I have been on this forum from 5 years.
So i have been read all things regarding US machines. So don't teach your dad.
I already answered your query in my last post.

Oh look, the dog can bark. Good boy, good job. You can't help being so retarded, it's in the way you were created.

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