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Figs Farming in Pakistan


Mar 21, 2007
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Fig Cultivation


Fig is among oldest fruits to be cultivated on earth. Fig has different name in different languages. In Urdu, Hindi, Gujrati and Kashmiri it is called “Anjeer”. In Arabic it is called “Teen”. In French it is called “Figu” and in Turkey it is called “Anjir”. Fig is a very important fruit of the world. It has a unique importance in the Muslim world. It is said to be fruit of heaven. This is a very old plant on earth. It is evidence that fig is cultivated before about 2000-3000 BC. Therefore, this is very ancient fruit. In Holly Qur’an, the great Allah use the word Wat’teen whose meaning is “Tree of fig”. There is a whole chapter in the Holly Qur’an by the name of Teen. Now we understand the importance from this phrase. Top 10 Fig producing countries in the world are Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Iran, Syria, USA, Brazil, Albania and Tunisia.

The scientific name of fig is Ficus carica. Ficus is a genus and carica is a specie. Fig belong to moraceae family. The origin of fig is Mediterranean region and western Asia. It is an umbrella type tree with spreading branches and 7-10 m in height. Leaf of fig are broad with grey color branches. Fig bear twice in a year. Flowers are unisexual. 1st bearing on previous year growth and 2nd is on new emerging shot. Fig is botanically multiple fruit. The hollow fleshy fruit of fig is known as syconium. Fruit contains numerous seeds. The color of fruit is green when ripe changing into blue or brown and fruit become soften.
Fig can be grown on wide range of soil. But fig give batter production on deep soils, light sand, rich loam, heavy clay and limestone soils with sufficient drainage. The pH of soil should be in between 6-6.5. Fig can tolerate heavy drought and adequate salt. Therefore semiarid, tropical and subtropical climate is best for fig growing. It should have a dry climate with light early spring rains. Too much dry and hot condition because fruit drop in fig. Plant require 8 hours of sunlight for batter growth.
Figs can be eaten in both form fresh and dried. It also be used in making jams and pickles. Fig is transport in dry or processed form. Once the fig is pick and do not transport in fresh form for distant market because fresh fig has very short shelf life. Different type of food products of fig is being use like fig paste, fig concentrate, fig powder, fig nuggets and sliced figs. Fig is being used in making fig jam. Flavor of fig is extracted and use in other product. 30 percent oil is contained by the fatty acids. Fig oil is edible and use as grease and lubricant. Humectants of figs make them a beneficial constituent in such wellbeing and loveliness goods as soap, conditioners and scent.

After the fruit harvesting, leaves of fig are being used for animal fodder in India. In southern France, perfume substantial also obtained by fig leaves, the fresh leaves produce a woody-mossy scent. Calcium and fiber also found high quantity in fig. Experiments prove that dry figs of Mission variety are high in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin K according to human needs. Fig comprise small quantities of additional minerals. It is also use as antioxidants. Fig is a good source of flavonoids and polyphenols. Two figs produced a significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity. Eight ounces of figs provide 30 percent of the recommended daily fiber. Figs have a reservoir of potassium and manganese. Fig fulfil 6% daily need of vitamin A, 9% of B1, 13% of B6, 10% of vitamin E and 13% of vitamin K. Kidney or gallbladder patients cannot use fig in high amount because it contains oxalates. The leaves of fig has less amount of insulin and triglycerides.
Fig can be produce by both methods sexually and a sexually. For seedling seed are sown in the seedbed. Seeds are extracted from well develop dried and disease-free fruits. For asexual methods, ground- or air-layering are used for the raising of plant. For rapid multiplication of plant tissue culture technique is use in Greece. Cutting method also be done in propagation of plant. Fungicide apply after slanting cut. Cleft- or bark-grafting also use in propagation of fig. Top working also use in fig to replace the old one nonproductive by new ones.
The panting distance of row to row and plant to plant should be 5×5 meter. 160 plant should be planted in an acre. The fruit yield also affected by the different planting densities. However low yield also improved by high density method. Plant get earlier cropping and give higher yield with improve fruit quality and profitability. The yield of fig is about 8-16 kg per plant in India depending upon the cultivars. Fig cultivation in Pakistan is about 875,000 hectares and their production 7,200,000 tons of fruits. The average production of fig is about 8.23 tons per hectare, this yield is very low as compared to advanced countries i.e. 20-25 tons per hectare. This production not meet the need of whole county, a high amount of fig imports from Iran, Afghanistan Turkey and other central Asian republic countries to meet the requirement of fig.\

Pruning and training are very important in maintaining the yield and quality of fruit. After planting side branches are removed to increase the apical growth. Heavy pruning is recommended in the fig cultivation. Dead and disease able part remove immediately. The insect pest and diseases have remarkable effect on yield. Fig mosaic and fig rust are the common diseases of fig. Apply the bordeaux mixture to control the problem. Root-knot nematode is also a big problem in fig cultivation. Different nematicides are being used to lesson this problem. Fig stem borer can be control by applying of phorate granules and fig fly can be control by spraying Demecron (0.05% spray). Mealy bugs and scale insects also control by using of different insecticide.
Harvest the fig when fully ripe keep fresh figs cold to slow deterioration. Use them immediately or store in a plastic bag in the coldest part. Figs can be frozen whole, sliced or peeled in a sealed container for ten to twelve months. Canned figs will be good for a year in your pantry. Dried figs can be stored in the original sealed package at room temperature for a month. For long storage, store them in to refrigerator, from six months to a year. Opened dry figs should be shifted to a sealable plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator.

There are about more than 470 varieties of edible fig. But commercially grown verities are Celeste, Brown Turkey, Brunswick, Marseilles, Adriatic, Genoa, Purple Genca and Black Ischia. These verities are grown in different areas of world. High density verities are Black Mission and Brown Turkey. Fig plant is liked throughout the world due to its health benefits. Fig is use for the prevention of constipation, effective in weight loss, reducing the hypertension, effective in treatment of diabetes, preventing the colon, breast cancer and cardiac disease. Fig is used in strengthening the bones, good for hairs and skin and lesson the cholesterol level in the body and curing the sour throat.

Fig cultivation in Pakistan is about 875,000 hectares and their production 7,200,000 tons of fruits. The average production of fig is about 8.23 tons per hectare, this yield is very low as compared to advanced countries i.e. 20-25 tons per hectare.

Figs Farm Kalar Kahar | Special Products of Figs | June 2021

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Growing the Fig at High Density in Pakistan

The Common Fig (Ficus carica) is a large, deciduous shrub or small tree native to southwest Asia and the Mediterranean area (from Afghanistan to Portugal). The fig grows perfect and produces the most productive quality fruit in Mediterranean and dryer warm-temperate climates. Rains all through fruit development and ripening can cause the end result to separate.

It grows to a peak of 6.0–10 metres (23–33 ft) tall. In containers figs are eye-catching specimens within or open air. Fig trees are scale back significantly in fall or wintry weather, depending on whether the crop is desired the next summer season or fall. Branches are frequently notched to urge lateral branching and increase the yield.

Fig vegetation are easy to propagate through a number of strategies. Propagation using seeds is not the preferred manner since vegetative strategies exist which are sooner and more dependable. For spring propagation, sooner than the tree begins enlargement, minimize 15–25 cm (6-10 inches) shoots that have wholesome buds at their ends, and set into a humid perlite and/or sandy soil combine positioned within the shade.

Once the cuttings begin to produce leaves, bury them as much as the ground leaf to present the plant a just right get started within the desired location. Plants within the field could also be spaced from 6 to 25 toes (1.8-7.five m) apart depending at the cultivar and the fertility of the soil. A spacing of 13 x 13 feet (4×4 m) allows 260 trees/acre (625 trees/ha). In Colombia, growers are prompt to set the bushes at 10 x 10 ft (3×3 m) on level land, 10 x 13 ft (3×4 m) on slopes.

The Fig is being grown as tree (260-435 vegetation in keeping with acre); alternatively result of early trials at National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC) Islamabad have proven that it can be grown as a low peak plant in top density plantation as prime as strawberry or cotton; in rows (row to row 2 feet and plant to plant 1 toes; 21780 vegetation per acre) Figure 1. Every 12 months after leaf fall (December-January) before spring sprouting if plantation is severly pruned like Falsa (Grewia asiatica L.) leaving three-6 inch of stem from flooring degree; one can get 60,000 to 70,000 cuttings (of pruned wooden) from an acre for nursery planting. Fruiting commences in less than a 12 months. Over 5 tones of clean fruit consistent with acre may also be harvested as spring crop from the pruned vegetation annually.

Production, Import and Export

Total area underneath Figs in Pakistan is 162 ha with 741 tones of manufacturing (contemporary fruit). Pakistan is an importer of dry figs as the production is not enough to cater the desires of rising inhabitants. In 2007-08, Pakistan imported dry figs 217 tones value Rs. 4.5 million. Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan being the primary source of imported fig.

Varieties appropriate for prime density planting

Black Mission: Fruits all-over black pink, elongated, Flesh watermelon to crimson, quite excellent style. Easily dried at home. Single best possible all-round selection for south, north, coast, interior.
Brown Turkey: Medium, pores and skin is purplish brown, flesh pinkish amber. Good taste. Best when fresh. Small, hardy, energetic tree.

Value-added Products

Figs may also be eaten contemporary or dried, used in jam-making and pickling. Most business production is in dried or differently processed, for the reason that ripe fruit does no longer transport neatly, and once picked does no longer keep neatly. Food products containing figs come with fig paste, fig listen, fig powder, fig nuggets and diced and sliced figs. The natural flavor of figs will also be preserved in fig jam, preserves and paste. To make fig pay attention, which replaces sucrose and corn syrup, the water is extracted from the figs. Chopped, diced and sliced figs are incorporated into meals merchandise. When dried, figs are added to cookies, bars and snacks. Besides top of the range figs for recent intake, a small selection of figs are canned.

The dried seeds in figs comprise oil this is 30 percent fatty acids. This fit for human consumption oil can be utilized as a lubricant. The herbal humectants in figs make them a really useful ingredient in such health and beauty merchandise as soap, moisturizers, fragrance and candles.
After the fruit harvest, fig leaves are plucked and used for fodder in India. In southern France, fig leaves are used as a source of perfume subject matter; the leaves create a woody-mossy scent.

Nutritional Value

Figs are probably the most perfect plant resources of calcium and fiber. According to USDA knowledge for the Mission selection, dried figs are richest in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin K, relative to human needs. They have smaller quantities of many different vitamins. Figs have a laxative effect and include many antioxidants. They are good supply of flavonoids and polyphenols. In one study, a 40-gram portion of dried figs (two medium measurement figs) produced a significant build up in plasma antioxidant capacity.

Eight ounces of figs provide 30 p.c of the really helpful day by day fiber. Figs are prime in potassium and manganese. They provide 6 % of the day-to-day worth of nutrition A, 9 percent of B1, 13 p.c of B6, 10 p.c of vitamin E and 13 p.c of vitamin K. Because figs comprise oxalates, they aren’t recommended in large amounts for people with kidney or gallbladder problems.

Figs are recognized to advertise bone density, because they are high in calcium. Fig leaves decrease insulin levels and decrease levels of triglycerides.

There is a bankruptcy within the Qur’an named after the fig tree, and the fruit is also mentioned in Qur’an in lots of puts. The Qur’an discussed figs and then the Prophet Muhammad mentioned, “If I needed to point out a fruit that descended from paradise, i’d say this is it for the reason that paradisiacal fruits wouldn’t have pits…devour from these culmination for they prevent hemorrhoids, prevent piles and assist gout.

Figs are so expensive in Gulf, UAE....pakistan should start exporting these dry fruits...currently indian figs are flooded in gcc market...this will bring pak valuable forex to the country and diversify the agricultural exports
Fig Cultivation


Fig is among oldest fruits to be cultivated on earth. Fig has different name in different languages. In Urdu, Hindi, Gujrati and Kashmiri it is called “Anjeer”. In Arabic it is called “Teen”. In French it is called “Figu” and in Turkey it is called “Anjir”. Fig is a very important fruit of the world. It has a unique importance in the Muslim world. It is said to be fruit of heaven. This is a very old plant on earth. It is evidence that fig is cultivated before about 2000-3000 BC. Therefore, this is very ancient fruit. In Holly Qur’an, the great Allah use the word Wat’teen whose meaning is “Tree of fig”. There is a whole chapter in the Holly Qur’an by the name of Teen. Now we understand the importance from this phrase. Top 10 Fig producing countries in the world are Turkey, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Iran, Syria, USA, Brazil, Albania and Tunisia.

The scientific name of fig is Ficus carica. Ficus is a genus and carica is a specie. Fig belong to moraceae family. The origin of fig is Mediterranean region and western Asia. It is an umbrella type tree with spreading branches and 7-10 m in height. Leaf of fig are broad with grey color branches. Fig bear twice in a year. Flowers are unisexual. 1st bearing on previous year growth and 2nd is on new emerging shot. Fig is botanically multiple fruit. The hollow fleshy fruit of fig is known as syconium. Fruit contains numerous seeds. The color of fruit is green when ripe changing into blue or brown and fruit become soften.
Fig can be grown on wide range of soil. But fig give batter production on deep soils, light sand, rich loam, heavy clay and limestone soils with sufficient drainage. The pH of soil should be in between 6-6.5. Fig can tolerate heavy drought and adequate salt. Therefore semiarid, tropical and subtropical climate is best for fig growing. It should have a dry climate with light early spring rains. Too much dry and hot condition because fruit drop in fig. Plant require 8 hours of sunlight for batter growth.
Figs can be eaten in both form fresh and dried. It also be used in making jams and pickles. Fig is transport in dry or processed form. Once the fig is pick and do not transport in fresh form for distant market because fresh fig has very short shelf life. Different type of food products of fig is being use like fig paste, fig concentrate, fig powder, fig nuggets and sliced figs. Fig is being used in making fig jam. Flavor of fig is extracted and use in other product. 30 percent oil is contained by the fatty acids. Fig oil is edible and use as grease and lubricant. Humectants of figs make them a beneficial constituent in such wellbeing and loveliness goods as soap, conditioners and scent.

After the fruit harvesting, leaves of fig are being used for animal fodder in India. In southern France, perfume substantial also obtained by fig leaves, the fresh leaves produce a woody-mossy scent. Calcium and fiber also found high quantity in fig. Experiments prove that dry figs of Mission variety are high in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and vitamin K according to human needs. Fig comprise small quantities of additional minerals. It is also use as antioxidants. Fig is a good source of flavonoids and polyphenols. Two figs produced a significant increase in plasma antioxidant capacity. Eight ounces of figs provide 30 percent of the recommended daily fiber. Figs have a reservoir of potassium and manganese. Fig fulfil 6% daily need of vitamin A, 9% of B1, 13% of B6, 10% of vitamin E and 13% of vitamin K. Kidney or gallbladder patients cannot use fig in high amount because it contains oxalates. The leaves of fig has less amount of insulin and triglycerides.
Fig can be produce by both methods sexually and a sexually. For seedling seed are sown in the seedbed. Seeds are extracted from well develop dried and disease-free fruits. For asexual methods, ground- or air-layering are used for the raising of plant. For rapid multiplication of plant tissue culture technique is use in Greece. Cutting method also be done in propagation of plant. Fungicide apply after slanting cut. Cleft- or bark-grafting also use in propagation of fig. Top working also use in fig to replace the old one nonproductive by new ones.
The panting distance of row to row and plant to plant should be 5×5 meter. 160 plant should be planted in an acre. The fruit yield also affected by the different planting densities. However low yield also improved by high density method. Plant get earlier cropping and give higher yield with improve fruit quality and profitability. The yield of fig is about 8-16 kg per plant in India depending upon the cultivars. Fig cultivation in Pakistan is about 875,000 hectares and their production 7,200,000 tons of fruits. The average production of fig is about 8.23 tons per hectare, this yield is very low as compared to advanced countries i.e. 20-25 tons per hectare. This production not meet the need of whole county, a high amount of fig imports from Iran, Afghanistan Turkey and other central Asian republic countries to meet the requirement of fig.\

Pruning and training are very important in maintaining the yield and quality of fruit. After planting side branches are removed to increase the apical growth. Heavy pruning is recommended in the fig cultivation. Dead and disease able part remove immediately. The insect pest and diseases have remarkable effect on yield. Fig mosaic and fig rust are the common diseases of fig. Apply the bordeaux mixture to control the problem. Root-knot nematode is also a big problem in fig cultivation. Different nematicides are being used to lesson this problem. Fig stem borer can be control by applying of phorate granules and fig fly can be control by spraying Demecron (0.05% spray). Mealy bugs and scale insects also control by using of different insecticide.
Harvest the fig when fully ripe keep fresh figs cold to slow deterioration. Use them immediately or store in a plastic bag in the coldest part. Figs can be frozen whole, sliced or peeled in a sealed container for ten to twelve months. Canned figs will be good for a year in your pantry. Dried figs can be stored in the original sealed package at room temperature for a month. For long storage, store them in to refrigerator, from six months to a year. Opened dry figs should be shifted to a sealable plastic bag and kept in the refrigerator.

There are about more than 470 varieties of edible fig. But commercially grown verities are Celeste, Brown Turkey, Brunswick, Marseilles, Adriatic, Genoa, Purple Genca and Black Ischia. These verities are grown in different areas of world. High density verities are Black Mission and Brown Turkey. Fig plant is liked throughout the world due to its health benefits. Fig is use for the prevention of constipation, effective in weight loss, reducing the hypertension, effective in treatment of diabetes, preventing the colon, breast cancer and cardiac disease. Fig is used in strengthening the bones, good for hairs and skin and lesson the cholesterol level in the body and curing the sour throat.

Fig cultivation in Pakistan is about 875,000 hectares and their production 7,200,000 tons of fruits. The average production of fig is about 8.23 tons per hectare, this yield is very low as compared to advanced countries i.e. 20-25 tons per hectare.

Figs Farm Kalar Kahar | Special Products of Figs | June 2021

Sano tay fir v nai labna... :lol:
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