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Fighter Generations


Mar 24, 2007
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Fighter Generations

By Adam J. Hebert
Executive Editor

In 2004 mock combat exercises, Indian Air Force pilots flying Russian-made Su-30s unexpectedly waxed USAF pilots flying front-line F-15Cs. This rumble on the subcontinent was a matchup of two "fourth generation" warplanes. The outcome jolted the Americans; it revealed they no longer had technological superiority.

One year later, USAF’s "fifth generation" F-22 Raptor—an agile, stealthy, radically new aircraft—entered operational service. We mean no disrespect by saying that, should the Indians today send their Su-30s against it, their excellent fighter pilots wouldn’t stand a chance.

Air dominance is like a cut flower—it can fade quickly. The Cope India exercises taught many lessons—about the importance of good training and tactics, about the need to avoid underestimating your adversary. Here’s another: If you are fighting outnumbered, you’d better have the superior aircraft.

Because of the enormous stakes, it is important to understand the practical significance of the difference in fighter generations.

The exact list of capabilities and aircraft belonging to each generation is debatable; the classification refers only to jet-powered fighters. Use of the generations helps to demarcate technological advances and capabilities that emerge worldwide at around the same time.

  • Gen 1. This category comprised the earliest jet fighters. Classic cases were Germany’s Me 262 and Britain’s Meteor, both of which entered service in 1944 toward the end of World War II, and the US F-80, which came along the next year. The hallmark of the Gen 1 fighter was its revolutionary advance in speed over its piston-engine predecessors.

  • Gen 2. Second generation fighters starred in the Korean War. Most notable were the USAF F-86 and the Soviet MiG-15. According to Walter J. Boyne, writing in Lockheed Martin’s Code One magazine, this generation "sought to maximize fighter performance by tailoring the airframe to the potential of the jet engine." Example: the use of highly swept wings.

  • Gen 3. State of the art in the late 1950s and early 1960s, fighters of the third generation included USAF’s "Century Series" fighters—F-100, F-101, F-102, F-104, F-105, F-106—and the Soviet MiG-17 and MiG-21. They featured advanced missiles, supersonic speed, and more-sophisticated engines. The F-4 Phantom was a late Gen 3 fighter, and perhaps iconic of the group.

  • Gen 4. These fighters debuted in the mid-1970s and are still tops in most of the world. This group includes USAF’s F-15 and F-16 and Russia’s Su-27 and MiG-29 (and offshoots). Weapons, engines, and avionics put earlier aircraft to shame. Thirty years of improvements have pushed some fighters into a group known as "Generation 4.5." These include the latest F-15s and F-16s for overseas customers, and the MiG-35, Su-30, and Eurofighter Typhoon.

  • Gen 5. The class is defined by all-aspect stealth, internal carriage of precision weapons, active electronically scanned array (AESA) radars, and "plug and play" electronics. There is only one member—the F-22. The F-35 Lightning II will join the club when it goes operational in a few years. No Russian Gen 5 fighter is at hand, it is thought.

What about a Gen 6? This class is on the drawing board, but won’t be available for decades. It could feature hypersonic speed, dual-mode engines, and adaptive shapes.

Some still issue calls for the Pentagon to continue buying legacy Gen 4 aircraft. Sen. Christopher S. Bond (R-Mo.) has called the F-15 Eagle a "very viable alternative to the F-22." The F-15 is assembled by Boeing in Bond’s home state.

Just last year, the Congressional Budget Office presented several "budget options" for Congress. One was to cancel the F-35 and buy more F-16s and F/A-18s instead. CBO wrote that "new F-16 and F/A-18 aircraft—with upgraded radar systems, precision weapons, and digital communications—will be sufficiently advanced to meet the threats the nation is likely to face in the foreseeable future."

That is, in a word, bogus. Later generation aircraft are far superior to previous generation fighters. The early returns from F-22 visits at Red Flag and Northern Edge exercises bear this out. The Raptors easily cleared the skies of Gen 4 fighters. Congress has gone so far as to ban foreign F-22 sales, even to longtime allies.

Allies will be able to buy the F-35. Until the F-35 taxis out onto some foreign runway, though, the US has a unique advantage—no other nation has a fifth generation aircraft.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the F-15 was the world’s dominant fighter, with unprecedented success in aerial combat. The years of advantage for Gen 4 fighters have passed, however. The Gen 4.5 machines are making it difficult for them.

The Air Force desperately needs to replace its oldest F-15s and F-16s with something better than what the opposition can buy. For the next few years, the F-22 is the only option.


The F-22 and F-80 represent Gen 5 and Gen 1. (Illustration by Lockheed Martin and Zaur Eylanbekov)
F-22 is definitely the deadliest plane in service today. i have serious doubts the PAKFA will match up to the F-22, unless the Russians perfect plasma stealth. The resources that have been sunk into the F-22, along with US experience with stealth aircraft, definitely gives USA the edge over any other country for the time being.
Given the fact that Chinese J-10 (Western Gen. 4) was put in service around early to mid 00s, can we conclude that in general China is 25-30 years behind the most advanced Western fighter?

No politics or patriotism please, just facts.
Given the fact that Chinese J-10 (Western Gen. 4) was put in service around early to mid 00s, can we conclude that in general China is 25-30 years behind the most advanced Western fighter?

No politics or patriotism please, just facts.

According to some sources the J-10 is a 4.5 generation fighter. Anyways, back to your question, were you referring to the comparison between the J-10 and the Raptor or the technology of fighters in general?.
According to some sources the J-10 is a 4.5 generation fighter. Anyways, back to your question, were you referring to the comparison between the J-10 and the Raptor or the technology of fighters in general?.

I meant the technological advances of fighters in general.
I meant the technological advances of fighters in general.

It depends how you look at it and where you make the comparison. For example, to make a 5th generation fighter you got to have the best of components that makes up the fighter like stealth, avionics, airframe, ammo, radar etc.

The West certainly have this capability and technology as represented by the Raptor and the upcoming F-35.

China on the other hand are capable of designing and producing a 5th generation class fighter, a match for the Western 5th generation fighter is a probability, but better?, I don't think so since the West is decades ahead of China in this field.

I think comparison is difficult because China may be good in some fields of the components and not in others. As a result the best fighter China can produce would contain a mixture of tech level components.

No matter how we look to compare, China is decades behind the West in Aviation technology.
Given the fact that Chinese J-10 (Western Gen. 4) was put in service around early to mid 00s, can we conclude that in general China is 25-30 years behind the most advanced Western fighter?

No politics or patriotism please, just facts.

China is quite far nehind the west, and even Russia at this stage.

But chinese research is closing the gap at a good rate. the technology gap between china and the west is lower now than it was a decade ago.
China is quite far nehind the west, and even Russia at this stage.

But chinese research is closing the gap at a good rate. the technology gap between china and the west is lower now than it was a decade ago.

I think the investment in R&D, China ranks second after the US. Plus, their espionage is 1st class. With this R&D and Espionage combo, they are progressing at an alarming rate.
avionics, radar, thrust vectoring etc that puts peformance well above the established 4th gen level, but below 5th gen level, primarily due to lack of stealth.
No way is LCA a 4.5 generation fighter at least not the first 60-80 batch.
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China at the moment is definitely behind others such as US, Russian and Europe however catching up at a faster pase then most believe.

In the next 10 years it should come at par with atleast the Russians.
F-22 is definitely the deadliest plane in service today. i have serious doubts the PAKFA will match up to the F-22, unless the Russians perfect plasma stealth. The resources that have been sunk into the F-22, along with US experience with stealth aircraft, definitely gives USA the edge over any other country for the time being.

Mydear friend china is working on their stealth fighter jet they are well ahead than the russian PAKFA and chinese stealth fighter jet is a perfect match for F 22

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