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Fifty Years of Democratic Reform in Tibet

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have you heard any wuhans logging into this forums before me ?

yes i have on another forum...but still not a single Tibetian form Tibet.

you wanna know about Tibet ,go there ,it's not a “forbidden city”.if you wanna know about tibet from the westen media like BBC ,fine,they can make "killing 100 thousand innocent iraqis " right.
Considering how rigorous the tibet's environment is (if tibet's environment is not that rigorous, the Indus River and Changjiang River wouldn't be exist.you indian are not afraid of that?:woot:).of couse it's not a modern city like Shanghai,but i am pretty sure it's not where like your biggest economic city mumbai ,at least it's very hard to find slum in Tibet 。?

Exactly so still why no Tibetians logging into internet if better than India?

What is this with some Chinese and go and see there nonsense...?If you have to learn about Jupiter need you go there? Half of you guys have never visited Tibet and the other half wouldnt anyways see anything else than what they want to as prescribed by the Han CCP. What are you going to do if you saw Tibetians in misery? Beat the PLA up or go outside Zhongnanhai and protest for the Tibetians?
^ Have u gone to Indian Kashmir? :lol:
yes i have on another forum...but still not a single Tibetian form Tibet.

Exactly so still why no Tibetians logging into internet if better than India?

What is this with some Chinese and go and see there nonsense...?If you have to learn about Jupiter need you go there? Half of you guys have never visited Tibet and the other half wouldnt anyways see anything else than what they want to as prescribed by the Han CCP. What are you going to do if you saw Tibetians in misery? Beat the PLA up or go outside Zhongnanhai and protest for the Tibetians?

is it too much for you to buy a plane ticket to Tibet?welcome to our "hell" tibet anytime
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It’s not that Tibetans don’t like han Chinese, it is the 5% that hate to see their slaves freed.

It’s 5% slave masters that don’t like it. And the theocratic 5% happen to be of the same sort as democratic Indian politicians who also don’t like it.

It is perhaps no surprise because Tibetan slavery system is derived from India caste system.

Irrespective, as I said before, whoever to be the 5% will never like the change that CPC brought. So wouldn’t you and I, should we were the 5%. It’s all about interest.

CPC does make mistakes. I think the stupidity of CPC is that it seems still in support of the religious system in Tibet. I have voiced my disagree with Chinese government in Chinese internet that it is completely wrong for Chinese government to financially support temples in Tibet, or any religion, and the government should resolutely stop the support. The government is a secular government. The monks should solely live on people’s donation, not the government’s donation.


According to you, everybody is abandoning materialism. Is it? Why then so many Tibetans go for profit all over China?

If some don’t want, go and live in reclusion, nobody cares. But don’t claim that everybody wants non-material life and attempt to hamper others to achieve good life.

At the same time, I don’t deny that some slaves are happily living their enslaved life, such as Indian Dalits. But I don’t think majority people would like that.

Yes, the greater Tibet in Dalai Lama’s midway for autonomy also includes Zang Nan, or India claimed AP. I suggest your democratic government set an example to contrast brutal Chinese government by first declaring AP is part of Dalai Lama’s great Tibet.

By doing this, Dalai Lama will appear to have more international support, by deeds, not just words. Thus the democratic Indian government will stand out more aloft in democratic world.

Why don’t you do it now, and right away? :taz:

First, abt the AP - its a legacy issue left by the british, we are already talking with the chinese to resolve it. see dalai lama is actually supporing chinese stand, he's a great nationalist.

Secondly, ur snide remarks abt indian dalits etc can be ignored, because i can say stuff abt red indians if u r a real american, but u r not ;)

Thirdly,I did not say anyone is abandoning materialism, but that just good materialism is no excuse to abuse ppl.

and abt the 5% statistic, i knew tibetans have been made a minority in tibet, but now only 5%? these communists are brutal :)

and abt the 5% statistic, i knew tibetans have been made a minority in tibet, but now only 5%? these communists are brutal :)

Hope you are literate enough to know what 5% is. Otherwise better go and do more useful things in Primary School.

Tibetans are minority? A typical symptom of being thoroughly brainwashed.

This is from UN site Tibet

1. Size and Distribution
At the end of 2000, the total population in Tibet was 2.62 million. With diversity in terms of distribution, most people live in rural areas, and fewer in cities and towns. The population of the Tibetan nationality accounts for over 90% of the population, but that of the Han nationality and other ethnic groups is very small. Affected by nature, geographic conditions and climate, 80% of the population in Tibet is distributed mainly over the valley along the middle reaches of the Brahmaputra River valley and the deep valleys along three rivers (Lantsang River, Lujang River and Yangtse River) which are located in the eastern part of Tibet. There are few people in the northern part of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau because of its harsh climate. The southeastern part of Tibet is covered by primeval forests; there population density is low, transportation is inadequate and other conditions unfavorable. In 2000, the population density of Tibet was only 2.1 persons per square kilometer.
Hope you are literate enough to know what 5% is. Otherwise better go and do more useful things in Primary School.

Tibetans are minority? A typical symptom of being thoroughly brainwashed.

This is from UN site Tibet

1. Size and Distribution
At the end of 2000, the total population in Tibet was 2.62 million. With diversity in terms of distribution, most people live in rural areas, and fewer in cities and towns. The population of the Tibetan nationality accounts for over 90% of the population, but that of the Han nationality and other ethnic groups is very small. Affected by nature, geographic conditions and climate, 80% of the population in Tibet is distributed mainly over the valley along the middle reaches of the Brahmaputra River valley and the deep valleys along three rivers (Lantsang River, Lujang River and Yangtse River) which are located in the eastern part of Tibet. There are few people in the northern part of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau because of its harsh climate. The southeastern part of Tibet is covered by primeval forests; there population density is low, transportation is inadequate and other conditions unfavorable. In 2000, the population density of Tibet was only 2.1 persons per square kilometer.

Only if literacy guaranteed a sense of humor!!! never mind.

first of all u did not get the joke and gave me the wrong statistic. u shud have given me the 5% statistic, not the 90% one. where exactly did u pull out the 5% number from?

and abt the 90% one, u gave me 'PRC' numbers for 'Tibet autonomous Province', not entire tibet and not the real numbers. not relevant anyways.
yes i have on another forum...but still not a single Tibetian form Tibet.

Exactly so still why no Tibetians logging into internet if better than India?

What is this with some Chinese and go and see there nonsense...?If you have to learn about Jupiter need you go there? Half of you guys have never visited Tibet and the other half wouldnt anyways see anything else than what they want to as prescribed by the Han CCP. What are you going to do if you saw Tibetians in misery? Beat the PLA up or go outside Zhongnanhai and protest for the Tibetians?

Just ram a piece of 'common sense' into a nut:
DO NOT ASSUME EVERYONE CAN READ ENGLISH--for not like your precious juicy mogul empire, China proved to be too hard a meal for the Brit. and not like indians(whose english skill was forced upon by the Brit), chinese learn english to achieve their own practical agenda.

Therefore, it is no wonder that many remote areas in china(including tibet) enjoy less communication with the 'international community' for reason of language barrier. And taking their career into consideration, as farmers and sheepman most of tibetans do not have the pressing need to surf on foreign sites---just what exactly good can a tibet farmer reap by communicating with you ?

But those exile, especially those aristocrats and monks, shares more ties with their western 'invester'. And their english skill and 'forum apearance' is vital for both their 'course' and their 'purse' :rolleyes:

The fact is CCP once beat the **** out of those slave-masters and aristocrats while freeing the slaves and peasants. They went so far to confiscate the land and property of the rich lamas and land lords to distribute them to the poor. So it would be very natural for those self-styled 'higher tibetans' fleed to the west to whining about their misery in front of spot light ,while the vast majority of poor tibetan farmer working with peace and content in their new gained land.

That point was also proved by the quick defeat of Dalai rebellion ---It is the supports of vast tibetan poor that enable the PLA defeated the rebellion with a swift strick, make his guerrilla war plan a pipe dream. Wherever PLA go, tibetan poor volunteered to guide-- wherever the army of landlords go, tibetan poor send the intel to PLA--the crashing of rebellion was not only a PLA victory, but also a victory of the tibet poor.:china:
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does anybody find any guerrilla in Tibet?just like this.

the fact is,few Tibetans feel discontented enough to take arm to fight against CPC.while,many poor indians feel discontented enough to take arm to fight against Indian govt.

don't tell me PLA are powerful enough to annihilate all guerrillas.even the most powerful army of USSR and US can't achieve in Afghan for years.the only reason for there are no guerrillas is most Tibetans feel good and hopeful.
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China - Tibet: The historical background

History timeline
1951: Tibetan leaders were forced to sign a treaty dictated by China. The treaty guaranteed Tibetan autonomy and to respect the Buddhist religion, but also allowed China to establish of Chinese civil and military headquarters at Lhasa.

Late 1950s: A land-reform efforts of China took away land from temples, which contributed to arouse anger that culminated in the full-scale uprising in 1959.

1959: Uprising breaks out in Lhasa. Thousands were said to have died. The Dalai Lama and most of his ministers fled to northern India, to be followed by some 80,000 other Tibetans.

1966: Cultural Revolution. Religion was under attack. Tibetan monks were forced out of temples. Monasteries and cultural artefacts destroyed by Communist Red Guards. Tibetan language was forbidden.

Real full version at
democracy , china tibet am i missing something or is it propaganda .....
i almost read it 50 years of killings and genocide in Tibet ! hmm..
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