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FGFA / PAK-FA (T-50) Vs F-35 JSF

I guess someone needs to take a nice look at this


Look at Irbis E radar that is used in Mig-35. It might be the next upgrade for the Su30MKI.
The Irbis E radar is twice as effective as Bars radar. That would dwarf the APG-77 and APG-81 radars.

Also PakFa's radar is supposed to be more powerful than this. Also IRST in Pak Fa is superior. Russians are way advanced when it comes to IRST.

JSF's detection capabilities would be no where near PakFa's. But JSF could make up for it with its superior stealth.
just for scenario if F35 is behind you ????? what then
I am not too sure Reward facing radar or L-band wingtip radar would detect, a LO design early to alarm .
Prateek, I guess almost all of the stealthy fighter aircraft are designed more stealthier from Front. F-35 can be detected from from back from good distance by some 4.5 generation AC with some good radar also.
First...There are several aspect angles that for any aircraft will create a larger RCS than frontal: both sides, top, bottom and rear. Top and bottom returns the highest. Sides returns greater than rear. And rear aspect return greater than front.

Second...Antenna dimension directly affect maximum detection range and target resolutions, such as altitude, speed and aspect perspective. The last is with respect to the seeking antenna.

So if US 'stealth' aircrafts are designed to be very low reflective against the larger main radar, what make the Russians believe the smaller rearward facing radar will have any chance of detecting the F-35, which would be giving this smaller radar its frontal aspect, the lowest, for processing? Same question applies to the 'smart skin' gimmick. This is the issue that whoever got a hard-on about this 'smart skin' idea consistently avoid -- antenna size. For radar detection, size matter when it comes to antenna.
So if US 'stealth' aircrafts are designed to be very low reflective against the larger main radar, what make the Russians believe the smaller rearward facing radar will have any chance of detecting the F-35, which would be giving this smaller radar its frontal aspect, the lowest, for processing? Same question applies to the 'smart skin' gimmick. This is the issue that whoever got a hard-on about this 'smart skin' idea consistently avoid -- antenna size. For radar detection, size matter when it comes to antenna.

What the hell is 'smart skin' and a 'hard-on'?
What the hell is 'smart skin' and a 'hard-on'?
There is a joke in there but am not smart enough to make one...:lol:


Smart skin is a Sukhoi idea of placing small AESA arrays on different areas of the aircraft. These are not merely passive sensors but actual radars. They operate in the L band is Sukhoi claim :disagree: that the L band will defeat US 'stealth' aircrafts.

A 'hard-on' is a male biological response for procreative purposes. Get your wife or G/F or both, if you are so fortunate, to evoke such a response from you. Or do I need to post illustrations of stimulus and response?

I guess someone needs to take a nice look at this


Look at Irbis E radar that is used in Mig-35. It might be the next upgrade for the Su30MKI.
The Irbis E radar is twice as effective as Bars radar. That would dwarf the APG-77 and APG-81 radars.

Also PakFa's radar is supposed to be more powerful than this. Also IRST in Pak Fa is superior. Russians are way advanced when it comes to IRST.

JSF's detection capabilities would be no where near PakFa's. But JSF could make up for it with its superior stealth.

Ok so you say the "PakFa's radar" is more powerful and will dwarf the APG-77 and APG-81- this translates to detection of the F-35 at 350 NMI ? 200 NMI ? 150 NMI? Translate "dwarf" and "more powerful" to an approximate distance in NMI.

And you mention the Russians are "way advanced" in IRST detection do you have an approximate distance at which IRST detection will occur?
A 'hard-on' is a male biological response for procreative purposes. Get your wife or G/F or both, if you are so fortunate, to evoke such a response from you. Or do I need to post illustrations of stimulus and response?


Speaking of 'hard-on'.....:lol:

And you mention the Russians are "way advanced" in IRST detection do you have an approximate distance at which IRST detection will occur?

The OLS-35 is said to have a range of 90km, if my memory is correct.
Speaking of 'hard-on'.....:lol:

The OLS-35 is said to have a range of 90km, if my memory is correct.

Relax ptldM3 - I'm not a parking lot attendant :lol:

Ok got it!! so "way advanced" translates to ..

"The OLS-35 provides a coverage of +/-90 in azimuth and +60/-15 in elevation with a target acquisition range for non-afterburning aerial targets of 50 km facing up to target's front hemisphere and 90 km facing up to rear hemisphere."

I think I should exit this thread stage left... :lol:

MODS please rename this thread to Hooters vs Playboy bunnies :D
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PAK FA and F-35 are not comparable. PAK FA is way more advanced ad much more powerful. Actually it was never developed to fight against F-35 but F-22. Thats why they call it Raptorski. Its capabilities, design, payload, range are comparable with F-22.
PAK FA and F-35 are not comparable. PAK FA is way more advanced ad much more powerful. Actually it was never developed to fight against F-35 but F-22. Thats why they call it Raptorski. Its capabilities, design, payload, range are comparable with F-22.

PakFa is still a prototype, I don't think we're ready to make such claims yet. hold your horses bud :)
PAK FA and F-35 are not comparable. PAK FA is way more advanced ad much more powerful. Actually it was never developed to fight against F-35 but F-22. Thats why they call it Raptorski. Its capabilities, design, payload, range are comparable with F-22.

"PAK-FA is way more advanced ad much more powerful"

In what way is it "more advanced" and "powerful" than both the F-35 and F-22? Please be more specific?
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