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Few ‘thousands’ cannot defeat ‘millions’, believes PM

Potians? What this term means? Last I checked we all from PTI, PML-N and PPP etc were same. Or do you guys from N-League have invented a way to do poty via your mouths?

So now securing loans is considered achievement? What happened to that Tahir-e-La'khoti about which your moron leader used to brag a lot?

Wanna talk about Nandi pur project, whose original cost was 12 billion, PPP govt revised it to 22 billion and then PML-N govt revised it again to 58 fuking billions. It still generated 95 MW in 5 days before going kaput.

N are Nooras and PTI are potians. And whats important about securing loan for mega dam? Ask PPP who couldn't secure loan for any dam, even Bhasha dam need loans to complete.

And don't forget Moody rating and World Bank. You can accuse Dar to make up numbers, but only potian will see conspiracy in Moody ratings.
N are Nooras and PTI are potians. And whats important about securing loan for mega dam? Ask PPP who couldn't secure loan for any dam, even Bhasha dam need loans to complete.

Everyone who does poty from his rear end is potian, including you and your noora. Unless you have invented any other way to do poty.

Basha needs funding in 8 long years, it can be started without taking loans. If we have 40 billions for Islo metro, 15 billion for Karachi metro, 35 billion for Multan & Faisalabad metro, 260 billion for Lahore - Karachi motorway, 5 billion for laptops, 100 billion for youth loan. (total 455 billions). Then why we can't spare few hundred billions for Bhasha dam without taking loans? Because by no means, Bhasha can be done in 5 years term of Noora Sharif and all noora is concerned about the next election.
Everyone who does poty from his rear end is potian, including you and your noora. Unless you have invented any other way to do poty.

Basha needs funding in 8 long years, it can be started without taking loans. If we have 40 billions for Islo metro, 15 billion for Karachi metro, 35 billion for Multan & Faisalabad metro, 260 billion for Lahore - Karachi motorway, 5 billion for laptops, 100 billion for youth loan. (total 455 billions). Then why we can't spare few hundred billions for Bhasha dam without taking loans? Because by no means, Bhasha can be done in 5 years term of Noora Sharif and all noora is concerned about the next election.

Bhasha need will need up to Rs 300 billion some years. It means every province will have to make sacrifice from its budget every year. Is PTI gov ready for it? :disagree:

O and 260 billion for motorway, 90% of it will be provided by China. No need to lie :rolleyes:
Patwaris cant even think about a recount, in ki or in ka millions voters ki aukaat yahni per khul jani ha. Imran is not the one who is power hungry werna bohat phela iqtadaar main ahh jata, its people like Nawaz who are the padawaar of dictatorship who are hungry for power. They knew they wouldnt be able to win which is why all this rigging and 35 punctures took place.

If PML N and their supporters are so damn confident why not do recount but phir aukaat khul ker samana ahh jai gi na

And as for the so called progress dont make me laugh, can some please post that video about the Nandi power project. This is the vision your so called mature leader has.
Bhasha need will need up to Rs 300 billion some years. It means every province will have to make sacrifice from its budget every year. Is PTI gov ready for it? :disagree:

O and 260 billion for motorway, 90% of it will be provided by China. No need to lie :rolleyes:

lol another patwari logic? Is Bhasha dam a provincial project? No, its national project, federal govt needs to cut its funds on lavish projects and divert them towards Bhasha dam. 200 - 300 billions annually isn't something that cannot be managed. And even if federal govt needs to cut budget of all provinces to do so, then who's gonna take this initiative? KPK govt? :disagree: Its federal govt who need to decide this and take initiative.

PS: China is providing soft loans for that motorway. Nonetheless, that motorway is not more important than bhasha dam.
lol another patwari logic? Is Bhasha dam a provincial project? No, its national project, federal govt needs to cut its funds on lavish projects and divert them towards Bhasha dam. 200 - 300 billions annually isn't something that cannot be managed. And even if federal govt needs to cut budget of all provinces to do so, then who's gonna take this initiative? KPK govt? :disagree: Its federal govt who need to decide this and take initiative.

PS: China is providing soft loans for that motorway. Nonetheless, that motorway is not more important than bhasha dam.

China need motorway for corridor, they don't need Basha dam. When will potians get logical? Bhasha is not the only dam, Pakistan need $73 billion till 2027 for planned dams which will ad 35.000MW. Pakistan simply does not have resources, and others will only finance if country is secure and free of terrorism.

If it was up to T Khan then Islamabad would have been under TTP leadership.
well bro thats democracy so you have to deal with the opponents attitude....he may be right or could be wrong...the right things can be considered rest all can be ignored.....If he has evidences then he is without any doubt, correct about the acquisitions

but a democratic attitude cant be deemed as disgusting....this is politics and this is how it rolls and trolls
I have no problem admitting that he has a right to do what he's doing, what I have a problem with is his motives. Why now of all times? Especially considering the major issues that are plaguing Pakistan currently, like the military operation in NWA. This is not the time for political bickering.

Why didn't PML(N) government just did thumb print verification in four constituencies without resorting to undemocratic, hideous activities?

PML(N) is to be blamed for this entire mess. Only and only PML(N).

Imran Khan demanded the thumb print verification on SECOND DAY of elections. ON SECOND DAY. Remember when Nawaz went to meet Imran in the hospital? Imran Khan told Nawaz about it then.

So don't come up with your headless rhetoric against PTI/Imran Khan when it is Nawaz/PML(N) who are to be blamed for all of this.

Lastly, PTI has already shown its superiority over ALL other parties in KPK uptil now.

-They got the best laws (See worldbank report on RTI law in KPK and rest of Pak).

- They did the BEST economic-management in whole of Pakistan (Heck, just three weeks ago, Federal Government awarded KPK the award for best financial management...)

- They depoliticized the police and went after Patwari system in "real" terms (no slogan bs..). This has happened for the first time in Pakistan history.

So please, it is YOU who need to WAKE UP!
Am I really having this argument? Nothing you've said has anything to do with my comment, except maybe the thumb print verification.

You seem to have this idea that I support PML-N, when in fact, anyone here will tell you that I f*****g hate the Noon league.

It may have been brought up as soon as the elections ended, but why wait for so long to continue this crusade? It's especially disturbing that he's doing it now, when KPK and Pakistan needs him the most to be a stabilizing figurehead. All he's doing is trying to destabilize government, and start political fights.

This is not the time to start political feuds.
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I want to know where my vote went.

So you and other PTI supporters wan to know where their votes went. What about the millions others who voted for PMLN and want to see their votes WORKING. Please don't try to derail the system.

I agree with PTI's stance in principle. Elections should be fair and have credibility. But in current situation, this is just idealism. PTI people have already registered their point effectively. Now its just spoiling their image. And damaging our national interests.
This is my personal opinion that right now these protests are driven by manifestation of IK's ego, not national interest or justice.
I have no problem admitting that he has a right to do what he's doing, what I have a problem with is his motives. Why now of all times? Especially considering the major issues that are plaguing Pakistan currently, like the military operation in NWA. This is not the time for political bickering.

rightly said, thats why i wrote "this is politics and this is how it rolls and trolls"

IMO this is the worst Pakistan has seen after after the waziristan operations but this time its political war too :( ,

at least we had peace and silence when we had Musharraf !!!! i dont care if he was a dictator.....ALL I WANT IS OUR COUNTRY AT PEACE
rightly said, thats why i wrote "this is politics and this is how it rolls and trolls"

IMO this is the worst Pakistan has seen after after the waziristan operations but this time its political war too :( ,

at least we had peace and silence when we had Musharraf !!!! i dont care if he was a dictator.....ALL I WANT IS OUR COUNTRY AT PEACE
Be careful what you wish for, dictatorship has it's price.

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

-Benjamin Franklin
So you and other PTI supporters wan to know where their votes went. What about the millions others who voted for PMLN and want to see their votes WORKING. Please don't try to derail the system.

I agree with PTI's stance in principle. Elections should be fair and have credibility. But in current situation, this is just idealism. PTI people have already registered their point effectively. Now its just spoiling their image. And damaging our national interests.
This is my personal opinion that right now these protests are driven by manifestation of IK's ego, not national interest or justice.

Its not about just registering the point about our principle stance on election reforms. Its about making it done and dusted. We won't rest until election reforms are completely implemented. We need a system where it will almost impossible to do rigging, and even if someone still try to do rigging, the system will catch him right away.

Which IK's ego you're talking about? Didn't IK contacted ECP, Election Tribunals, Supreme Courts, National Assemblies etc for election rigging and votes verification? Didn't IK tried his level best peacefully to make his demands heard? Didn't IK give govt enough time to open up these constituencies and implement election reforms? Didn't IK give enough deadlines before finally calling for protests?

If it was for IK's ego, IK wouldn't have congratulated Nawaz Sharif on winning elections and have accepted the election results. IK wouldn't form govt in KPK and be a part of these democratic process. IK wouldn't be resorting to all legal steps to solve these issues. IK could have just called for protests all over the country right after the elections and could have simply rejected the election results. Who was there to stop him?

Cut this crap mate, the situation rather the mess in which we are today is because of criminal negligence of ECP and Govt. They never wanted to solve this rigging issue from start. They have taken zero steps in 14 long months to address PTI's concerns. Who is to blame? IK?

China need motorway for corridor, they don't need Basha dam. When will potians get logical? Bhasha is not the only dam, Pakistan need $73 billion till 2027 for planned dams which will ad 35.000MW. Pakistan simply does not have resources, and others will only finance if country is secure and free of terrorism.

If it was up to T Khan then Islamabad would have been under TTP leadership.

Stop going round and round in circles, my point was plain and simple. If we can spend billions of dollars in one year at multiple metro projects in several cities then why can't we allocate some hundred billion dollars for bhasha dam to make it rolling after cutting the budget of these metro busses? Bhasha Dam is almost 8 years long project, so money can be allocated for it annually, so not a tough task to start with.

Please take off your PTI glasses and see realistically in favour of national interest. IK is not wrong for electoral fairness but now its not the time to destabilise the country. By doing so, IK isn't going to achieve anything rather he will be at a losing end.

Plus, you are talking about metro and other projects. Dear, these projects are worth billions of rupees and take only 1-2 years to complete whereas projects like Bhasha dams take 8 - 10 years to complete and they require Billions of dollars as funding.

Pakistan govt cannot spend this much at this moment and that's why they are calling for international funding agencies. Although dams are federal govt responsibility but it would definitely help if each province could cut some of their budget for contribution towards the dam budget and ultimately contribute for the greater benefit of the country. Otherwise, keep on crying and doing protests that no electricity and rest assured, even if IK comes into power, he is no magician that he can do magic and electricity will be there within no time of his coming into power.

So, PTI should support the govt and do some campaign to attract investors. I am surprised at PTI govt stance that federal govt is not investing in KPK power projects whereas federal govt is trying to get investors to fund Bhasha and Dasu dam which are both in KPK.
well logicall we all are against Isreal brutality, but how much are joining the protest against them . Almost no one .. doing protest need a alot of courague and will .. most of the Pakistan thinks that election was rigged . but not everyone will not join protest .. This is just a gullubutt justification by PM
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