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Few ‘thousands’ cannot defeat ‘millions’, believes PM

Well said Flying pretzel....Somebody please go and tell the same to IK and PTI. we don't want any more re-elections rather a govt that works and PTI by trying to destabilize the govt is not at all contributing to the country rather showing his lust for power.
Ik held suspicions in the beginning, but PTI didn't take any action until a few months ago. The PTI student protests were disbanded by senior PTI members.

Anyways, even if Ik ends up getting what he wants, what will that change? Absolutely nothing. He's wasting everyone's time, and that is a fact.

You wanna call bullshit, how about you recognize when you're being taken for a ride. Your love of IK is blinding you to the bigger picture.

Why didn't PML(N) government just did thumb print verification in four constituencies without resorting to undemocratic, hideous activities?

PML(N) is to be blamed for this entire mess. Only and only PML(N).

Imran Khan demanded the thumb print verification on SECOND DAY of elections. ON SECOND DAY. Remember when Nawaz went to meet Imran in the hospital? Imran Khan told Nawaz about it then.

So don't come up with your headless rhetoric against PTI/Imran Khan when it is Nawaz/PML(N) who are to be blamed for all of this.

Lastly, PTI has already shown its superiority over ALL other parties in KPK uptil now.

-They got the best laws (See worldbank report on RTI law in KPK and rest of Pak).

- They did the BEST economic-management in whole of Pakistan (Heck, just three weeks ago, Federal Government awarded KPK the award for best financial management...)

- They depoliticized the police and went after Patwari system in "real" terms (no slogan bs..). This has happened for the first time in Pakistan history.

So please, it is YOU who need to WAKE UP!
"few thousands of people cannot not change mandate given to govt by millions"

Spoken like a statesman! NS of today is much more mature than the ameer ul momineen of 90s.
IK, Qadri and other nathoo khairas can cry all they want. Truth is they are rejected by people.

Hopefully NS and his team delivers on these promises.

For all the respect I once had for this man, all I have, now, is bitterness and loathing. What an absolute disappointment and what an equally incompetent following. Disgusting.

As a resident Islooite who voted for Imran Hashmi, holding PTI's ticket in the general elections, the only thing I've seen happening since, is PML-N working to bring this country out of the despondent quandary which it has been forced into and PTI (and all its allied forces) hampering them from achieving that end.

I often ask the question, does IK even care about Pakistan any more or has his hunger for power and his foolish lust for forming government, completed blinded him from the real goal of achieving a prosperous Pakistan?

I don't want a re-election even if there was rigging in 4 of the 270+ constituencies and neither should you. I definitely won't be voting for PTI any more. I want a political party which works - I don't want a circus on the streets. Imran Khan has been more disappointing than I could possibly ever have imagined.

The protest on the 14th has every characteristic of a political event waiting to turn into a disaster. Stay at home. Your war is not with Pakistan. Why must you constrain the federal government to employ its resources to contain a riot in D-Square. Is it not enough that we are at war on our Western Border? Is it not enough that we are without electricity and on the threshold of a water crisis? Is it not enough that we are rife with poverty and our economy is teetering on the edge of collapse? Why must you burden us with sectarian and political violence too. I don't understand.

I wish all the Islooites had this sense. You might have your reasons to hate PMLN and NS, but for God's sake we can't afford political instability at this time. Is this so hard to understand for IK? I am sure not. Apparently he is just hungry for power.
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What is IK hoping to achieve? What is the meaning behind his recent actions? If he was so worried about electoral discrepancies, he should have brought them up after the elections, and not wait months upon months to try and bring change.

IK's behavior is disgusting.

well bro thats democracy so you have to deal with the opponents attitude....he may be right or could be wrong...the right things can be considered rest all can be ignored.....If he has evidences then he is without any doubt, correct about the acquisitions

but a democratic attitude cant be deemed as disgusting....this is politics and this is how it rolls and trolls

Proud of Nawaz, these are some mature comments on his part and I agree.

dude nawaz sharif is mature.....immaturity is only known to shehbaz sharif.....

i have no probs with nawaz, the other one is a complete idiot....only cuts himself a slice of development, does not bother taking other provincial leaders into account, this behavior shows arrogance and pride

these actions may lead to victory in punjab but you are taking votes to rule Pakistan not punjab

nawaz sharif realizes this and this fact is evident in the report.....but when it comes down to shehbaz he lacks leadership qualities....shehbaz should learn something from his elder brother

nonetheless nawaz is doing well this time....lets see how far it takes us

IK is too immature to be PM which he is proving via his actions and current politics. In my opinion he will have a better chance if he focuses on KPK and brings KPK to a new level, otherwise, next time, even no KPK govt let alone becoming a PM !!!

yes, he should focus on development rather than pulling people to the streets....

KPK's development requires time, with that fact in sight, he is doing a good and clean job in KPK

imran khan has nothing new to offer to his country.While nawa sharif has new ideas and development schemes.

bro, thats all cosmetic, the prime issues that we currently face are security,bhatta,kidnapping,target killings etc these issues have to be sorted on primary bases

how can you expect development without security....that development is clearly threatened !!!!

imran khan may be having knowledge of corruption going on somewhere, nawaz is a leader he should work with Imran for the betterment of PAKISTAN not his party/province/dignity etc. If imran is highlighting then nawaz should get to work because he has the power to do so.

Imran khan is also a pakistani and nawaz should show that he work's with the people of Pakistan by even considering his opponents views


dont consider my opinions biased, i only support the one who serves my country right irrespective of politics or dictatorship

I wish all the Islooites had this sense. You might have your reasons to hate PMLN and NS, but for God's sake we can't afford political instability at this time. Is this so hard to understand for IK? I am sure not. Apparently he is just hungry for power.

Times have changed in Islamabad. A lot of us don't support the tsunami any more. We're fond of the Metrobus being built in our city and we're very eager to see it completed. Our greatest worry is that a change of government may cause the construction work to be suspended and then we'd really be f**ked.

In the unlikely event of a re-election, I can almost but guarantee that NS would win from Islamabad.

NS, not any other person on his ticket.
I can surely say that with this on going un necessary fuss being created by IK, he will surely be kicked very badly in the next elections whenever they be held. God forbade, if he topples the current govt, people should come out and literally kick his ***
WoW, IK bashers going rampant. :lol:

PTI right away demanded votes recount in just 4 constituencies out of 70 odd where alleged rigging was done. There is a white paper published about rigging in those 70 constituencies with proofs. But instead of not accepting results, PTI showed character and just asked for votes recount in 4 constituencies that too for identification of flaws in our election system so we can improve things in next elections. PTI said a gazillion times that if no rigging will prove in these 4 constituencies, then they will shut their mouths. Its govt and ECP that is denying votes recounting in these 4 constituencies, which by all means is completely legal demand of PTI.

For God sake, what is wrong with checking who did that rigging and why? So far, we have two constituencies opened NA-256 and NA-118 and see the level of rigging caught in these two constituencies even before thumb verification. 14 months have passed, what steps are taken to catch the criminals of these 2 constituencies who did rigging there? The returning officers, the polling staff, the winning candidates.. anyone caught? Zilch.

The constitution bounds election tribunals to wind up all the cases related to election rigging within 4 months after elections. Today more than 14 months are gone, but nothiing came out of election tribunals. Is there anyone who can ask these election tribunals about it? Why ECP is not listening? PTI has contacted ECP a gazillion times in these 14 months but they are sleeping I guess. PTI is even protesting outside ECP offices at every Friday since past 2 months, but nothing, nothing so far.

Why? Because everyone knows nothing is going to happen to them in Pakistan. They can rob people's mandate in day light and then they can easily get away with it. No one is every oing to ask them any question about it.

I do not like PTI's decision to do protest at 14th August, such nationally important days are not for such political mess. But same should be said about PML-N Govt. They are hell bent to make things worse. What was the need of 14th August celebration at D-Chawk when they knew PTI has already announced a rally at that place at same day and time? Instead of showing some interest in listening to PTI's demands and solve things democratically, they are messing with things that too at such an important day. But you IK bashers won't talk about that because IK bashing sells.

This is time to stand for Justice and ask for our basic right, I want to know where my vote went. Instead of bitching we all should support the Justice and ask these Govt, ECP, SC and Election Tribunals about why they are not doing their job regarding rigging allegations? Otherwise, keep crying for incompetant governments that are going to come to power again and again via this corrupt and rigged election system again and again. Lets do an amendment in constitution, declare election rigging as totally legal, and rename Pakistan to Rigging Republic of Pakistan. End of IK, and end of story.
I respectfully disagree. I appreciate that PTI introduced the E voting system but that should be implemented in next elections and PTI should strengthen itself till that time and let the electoral reforms be in place till that time....the system is not ready yet and if the current govt topples, rest assured it will be the same system again and there is no point of that except wastage of resources.
I respectfully disagree. I appreciate that PTI introduced the E voting system but that should be implemented in next elections and PTI should strengthen itself till that time and let the electoral reforms be in place till that time....the system is not ready yet and if the current govt topples, rest assured it will be the same system again and there is no point of that except wastage of resources.

New systems need testing and maturity. Its high time to implement it now and then extensively test it in all by-elections and local bodies elections, find its flaws and improve it to perfection so it will be ready to roll in next general elections. This is the way its done all over the world. The federal govt is denying doing this because they do not want this system gets implemented. They are just using delaying tactics to pass their time and somehow hold next elections under same system. If PTI boycotts next election at this issue, its still a win win for them.

This drama bazi and delaying tactics aren't gonna work this time around, we won't let them play like this anymore. Election reforms or get lost.
Ecp is doing electoral reforms and they themselves announced some time earlier that next elections will be automated ones with e voting machines. So even current govt cannot escape that in the next elections. So pti should wait til next elections and give this govt a chance to what ever they want to do because currently the world is admitting positively the current govt policies and direction for the country but change doesn't con be overnight. IK quotes singapore and Lee Kuan yew (LKY) all the time but he forgets that LKY ruled singapore for almost 25 to 30 years and what soaps is today is because of his consistent policies and governance.
Potians please explain improvement of Moody rating and World Bank? Explain how in under a year N have secured loan for Dasu dam which previous gov couldn't do in 5 years?
Ecp is doing electoral reforms and they themselves announced some time earlier that next elections will be automated ones with e voting machines. So even current govt cannot escape that in the next elections. So pti should wait til next elections and give this govt a chance to what ever they want to do because currently the world is admitting positively the current govt policies and direction for the country but change doesn't con be overnight. IK quotes singapore and Lee Kuan yew (LKY) all the time but he forgets that LKY ruled singapore for almost 25 to 30 years and what soaps is today is because of his consistent policies and governance.

I disagree, the new election system will need approval from Parliament. Last I checked, the head of Govt's standing committee for election reforms, told the National Assembly while speaking at the floor of the house that "Electronic voting can never be implemented in Pakistan, because our people are Jahils".

That pretty much sums it up completely.
For all the respect I once had for this man, all I have, now, is bitterness and loathing. What an absolute disappointment and what an equally incompetent following. Disgusting.

As a resident Islooite who voted for Imran Hashmi, holding PTI's ticket in the general elections, the only thing I've seen happening since, is PML-N working to bring this country out of the despondent quandary which it has been forced into and PTI (and all its allied forces) hampering them from achieving that end.

I often ask the question, does IK even care about Pakistan any more or has his hunger for power and his foolish lust for forming government, completed blinded him from the real goal of achieving a prosperous Pakistan?

I don't want a re-election even if there was rigging in 4 of the 270+ constituencies and neither should you. I definitely won't be voting for PTI any more. I want a political party which works - I don't want a circus on the streets. Imran Khan has been more disappointing than I could possibly ever have imagined.

The protest on the 14th has every characteristic of a political event waiting to turn into a disaster. Stay at home. Your war is not with Pakistan. Why must you constrain the federal government to employ its resources to contain a riot in D-Square. Is it not enough that we are at war on our Western Border? Is it not enough that we are without electricity and on the threshold of a water crisis? Is it not enough that we are rife with poverty and our economy is teetering on the edge of collapse? Why must you burden us with sectarian and political violence too. I don't understand.

well said.
Potians please explain improvement of Moody rating and World Bank? Explain how in under a year N have secured loan for Dasu dam which previous gov couldn't do in 5 years?

Potians? What this term means? Last I checked we all from PTI, PML-N and PPP etc were same. Or do you guys from N-League have invented a way to do poty via your mouths?

So now securing loans is considered achievement? What happened to that Tahir-e-La'khoti about which your moron leader used to brag a lot?

Wanna talk about Nandi pur project, whose original cost was 12 billion, PPP govt revised it to 22 billion and then PML-N govt revised it again to 58 fuking billions. It still generated 95 MW in 5 days before going kaput.
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