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Feudal Terrorism: Who Will Stand Up Against Shahzaib's Murderes ?

It is sad to see not many Pakistani members vvisiting this thread, our brothers who are protesting for whole nation needs our support against elites/ wadera system/ feudal terrorism/ jageerdarana nizaam... which had always stopped Pakistan's middle class to progress.
@Imran Khan @Armstrong @Don Jaguar @JonAsad @VCheng etc what your say on Shahzeb's murder?

Its funny that it takes the life of someone from a middle class connected family to actually make national news, whereas such acts are carried out daily throughout the nation on families with far less clout and no one hears a peep. Don't get me wrong, i am disgusted by this heinous and despicable crime, needless to say the chaps behind this are already sitting pretty in some random desert country, far removed from the grasp of Pakistani Law Enforcement.

But the blight of feudal fiefdoms will take a very long time to remove, and no matter how tragic, this one death will do little to change a system that is sadly deeply ingrained into our society and a genetic level. To Jatt tey mai choudhary..

This hope loosing posts won't serve any purpose. Pakistan needs a revolution...even if it is bloody one. How long will Pakistan remain under these feudals & elites? What is the need of democrazy if these feudals & elites rule the country? Every sane person will support military rule against this kind of democrazy.
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After corruption and taliban terrorism our biggest problem is feudal terrorism this is why i have a light corner for MQM. They are against feudal terrorism.
It is sad to see not many Pakistani members vvisiting this thread, our brothers who are protesting for whole nation needs our support against elites/ wadera system/ feudal terrorism/ jageerdarana nizaam... which had always stopped Pakistan's middle class to progress.
@Imran Khan @Armstrong @Don Jaguar @jon Asad etc what your say on Shahzeb's murder?

It will take a very long time, the protesters you see are the Copper Kettle, Gloria Jeans going yuppie types. The average Pakistani is no where to be seen in these, which is a real shame. Because it shows the state of the nation, as that of apathy.

People will come out in droves to protest a 0.1pc increase in CNG, but when a talented young life is snuffed out in its prime, it is only those with the civic sense or conviction that will come out and openly condemn such a tragic loss of life. I wonder why has Qadri sahib not come on TV with his million man march to condemn this?

1 simple reason, no political mileage.
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It will take a very long time, the protesters you see are the Copper Kettle, Gloria Jeans going yuppie types. The average Pakistani is no where to be seen in these, which is a real shame. Because it shows the state of the nation, as that of apathy.

People will come out in droves to protest a 0.1pc increase in CNG, but when a talented young life is snuffed out in its prime, it is only those with the civic sense or conviction that will come out and openly condemn such a tragic loss of life. I wonder why has Qadri sahib not come on TV with his million man march to condemn this?

1 simple reason, no political mileage.

I agree that these feudals have made people busy fighting with Ata & Cheeni(flour & sugar) prices but they should be made aware of. The only change can come through a revolution when real Pakistanis will throw these feudals, jageerdars, waderas, exteremists, etc out of Pakistan.
It is sad to see not many Pakistani members vvisiting this thread, our brothers who are protesting for whole nation needs our support against elites/ wadera system/ feudal terrorism/ jageerdarana nizaam... which had always stopped Pakistan's middle class to progress.
@Imran Khan @Armstrong @Don Jaguar @JonAsad @VCheng etc what your say on Shahzeb's murder?

This hope loosing posts won't serve any purpose. Pakistan needs a revolution...even if it is bloody one. How long will Pakistan remain under these feudals & elites? What is the need of democrazy if these feudals & elites rule the country? Every sane person will support military rule against this kind of democrazy.

Hang the murderer in a public execution ! :tup:
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Hang the murderer in a public execution ! :tup:

Murderers are sons of powerful feudals. Police even refuse to register the FIR, most media channals are silent on this issue. Change can happen through revolution i post a link on page 3 please share with your friends.
Jo Izzat, jaan or maal bachaata hua maara gya SHAHEED hai. I have not read it myself but heard it once. Am sure its true.
Jo Izzat, jaan or maal bachaata hua maara gya SHAHEED hai. I have not read it myself but heard it once. Am sure its true.

Yes you are correct:

The Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said:
“Whoever dies while defending his own possessions is a martyr; whoever dies defending his own person is a martyr; whoever dies guarding his own faith is a martyr; whoever dies fighting in order to defend his own family is also a martyr.”
Source: 40 HADITH - 40 Hadith by Imâm an-Nawawî and 40 Hadith Qudsi

This, moronic feudal structure is a cancer for Pakistani society, the exceptionalists, the resourceful, the law busters. They represent pure evil, and must be eradicated, but who bells the cat?

This, murder [I'd consider him a Martyr] is a question mark on the entire conscious of Pakistani society. For, how long we need to stitch our lips against this feudal terrorism, if you are a secular Pakistani than its an injustice and a shadowy social dictatorship, we must speak against.

If you are an Islamist than keeping quiet over this is "Shirk", by all interpretations of Islamic law & the Jihad [If, you understand it properly] is " Wajib "against these monsters. Today, it was his sister, tomorrow would be yours..

Twitter #Tag: #JusticeForShahzebKhan

Sir Islam is clear on this these guys have killed a innocent boy their punishment is clear in Islam kill them public in fact torture them to death and make sure this is done by the hands of his father and family members so they can have peace at heart and do this in front of public with full live coverage in whole of Pakistan and in the world in short teach every spoiled brat a lesson if he is thinking of getting involved in some kind of shi# he should know what he will face in return
After corruption and taliban terrorism our biggest problem is feudal terrorism this is why i have a light corner for MQM. They are against feudal terrorism.

same here. but I actually have serious reservations too..
After corruption and taliban terrorism our biggest problem is feudal terrorism this is why i have a light corner for MQM. They are against feudal terrorism.
Sir MQM has a worst mindset than Feudals and they are far bigger criminals than MQM they are the Mass Murderers involved in killing of thousands in Karachi and Hyderabad
Hang the murderer in a public execution ! :tup:

they are already in Dubai.
they are already in Dubai.

Getting them from Dubai will not be a hard work more problem will come if the escape to Europe CJ should take notice he is on Umra but when he returns he need to take notice
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