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FEEL The Democracy !


Nov 15, 2009
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Or in this case chairs, plumbing equipment...i think i saw one dude with a spanner


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The best moments in my opinion

The guard beside the house speaker covering himself with the table not giving a jack about the speaker

The dude with the microphone beating up the guy hiding under the table

The turban guy running across the parliament hall
oh stupid me, i used to call pakistans parliment ill-mannered..:pakistan:
I don't think this is Lok sabha or Rajya sabha.. probably state assembly?
^ its your parliament lol, you should be able to recognize it
Indians can now proudly say that hey have given blood for the democracy. :rofl:
it was the UP state assembly

i m amazed they didnt show the chappals
after seeing all this,
I still believe in democracy but dictatorship/one party rule.

how do you choose your leader in canada/pakistan?

Feel the Troll.
Guys atleast double check before u post! it's not national parliment, it's not tht small!
What were those metal bars that most of them had, some crazy fight.

The guy under the table getting hit was funny.
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