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Fearing China, US and Japan cancel military exercise

Yes fairness and justice has no meaning to Americans such as yourself. Using a lie to invade a country, it doesn't matter involving other countries to fight your dirty war. The famous Bush quote: if you are not with us you are against us. It's good being a coward even if the US possesses very powerful weapons against a bunch of shepherds.

A lion uses all its power to catch even a mouse.

If you aren't cautious in war, you die. You are naive if you believe otherwise.

The rest is a brainfart, you gotta learn to focus your thoughts, and get back on topic.
A lion uses all its power to catch even a mouse.

If you aren't cautious in war, you die. You are naive if you believe otherwise.

The rest is a brainfart, you gotta learn to focus your thoughts, and get back on topic.

Being cautious is different than being a coward. Hope you have some intelligence left to tell the difference.
They are too afraid of death and can only drop bombs on civilians from far away. The most cowardly nation on earth for sure. China would destroy the U.S. in a real war.

In reality, most Chinese knows that it's decades behind the US in weapon tech.
Being cautious is different than being a coward. Hope you have some intelligence left to tell the difference.

Its your unsubstantiated opinion, typical of haters, and my experiences tell me your view weighs less than an ant's waste, at least when it comes to the military.
Those carriers are sitting ducks if we decide to use the DF-21D.

Stop overrating your military, didn't you learn your lesson in the Korean War.

Go pick some third world country to bomb so you can thump your chest in victory.
For all the boasting the US don't have balls to fight countries like China or Russia.

The US military is nothing special, it's been beaten before and the only reason it's 'feared' is because of brainwashing propaganda from the western media about how 'invincible' the US military is.

It's a tiger against rag tag militaries like Iraq which is barely a military. But only a barking puppy against China and Russia.
Conscript Reject...Please contact your shift stuporvisor for a new script.

For China, Desert Storm was a wake-up call of major proportions. Before the war, the PLA high command predicted that US forces would become bogged down as the Soviets did in Afghanistan. They were surprised, and the Chinese leadership's reaction to the high-tech war waged by the United States was deep and lasting. They were particularly impressed with the speed and precision of the US attacks and the lack of collateral damage inflicted on civilian targets. They were "stunned," and "every element of the allied strategy left the PLA aghast and hammered home as never before the backwardness of the PLA." "The Gulf War convinced Chinese military strategists that the war of the future is most likely to be localized, fought to achieve limited political objectives, and won by whichever side is better able to concentrate high-technology force at some distance from its national borders in a decisive strike." The reaction to the war was fairly intense. At least seven high-level meetings between January and May 1991 addressed the implications of the Gulf War for China. Within four months of the war's conclusion, the Chinese leadership adopted a "qualitative military strategy for post-Cold War national security" and replaced "limited local war" as the supporting doctrine with "limited local war under high-tech conditions."
As highlighted, in effect, the PLA 'lost' a hypothetical and intellectual war against the US without the US firing a single shot in China's direction. The PLA's leadership was 'shocked and awed'. In the military, an organization that none of you Chinese boys here have any experience of, we call decorations as 'fruit salads'. I bet that after Desert Storm, the PLA generals and admirals realized their 'fruit salads' are closer to the real fruit salads than the slang implied. :lol:

(NaturalNews) Though the mainstream media has long since abandoned the issue, the precarious situation at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power facility in Japan is only continuing to worsen, according to a prominent Japanese official. During a recent interview, Mitsuhei Murata, the former Japanese Ambassador to both Switzerland and Senegal, explained that the ground beneath the plant's Unit 4 is gradually sinking, and that the entire structure is very likely on the verge of complete collapse.

This is highly concerning, as Unit 4 currently holds more than 1,500 spent nuclear fuel rods, and a collective 37 million curies of deadly radiation that, if released, could make much of the world completely uninhabitable. As some Natural News readers will recall, Unit 4 contains the infamous elevated cooling pool that was severely damaged following the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that struck on March 11, 2011.

According to the Secretary of former Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan, the ground beneath Unit 4 has already sunk by about 31.5 inches since the disaster, and this sinking has taken place unevenly. If the ground continues to sink, which it is expected to, or if another earthquake of even as low as a magnitude six occurs in the region, the entire structure could collapse, which would fully drain the cooling pool and cause a catastrophic meltdown.

"If Unit 4 collapses, the worse case scenario will be a meltdown, and a resultant fire in the atmosphere. That will be the most unprecedented crisis that man has ever experienced. Nobody will be able to approach the plants ... as all will have melted down and caused a big fire," said Murata during the interview. "Many scientists say if Unit 4 collapses, not only will Japan lie in ruin, but the entire world will also face serious damages."

Because there are 31 nuclear units of a similar type to Unit 4 in the U.S., the American government has been downplaying the disaster to protect itsv own reputation, alleges Murata. This is, in fact, the primary reason why so little has been reported on the severity of Fukushima following the disaster. The American empire, in other words, does not want the world, nor the American people, to know that there is the possibility of literally dozens of Fukushima situations occurring on American soil, should the r

wow the end of the world is drawing near! Thanks for the japanese and usa collaboration!
Both China and Japan are rich. Why not work out a deal to share the islands instead of wasting time, money and energy on a hostile posture on both sides? After all, they are not inhabited, so there is no issue of people being displaced or anything.
Its your unsubstantiated opinion, typical of haters, and my experiences tell me your view weighs less than an ant's waste, at least when it comes to the military.

what a waste of band width cheerleader! there is nothing in the area for the yankies, yankie imposters or agent orange survivors to fight for!

In reality, most Chinese knows that it's decades behind the US in weapon tech.

it depends on which category! if we are that far behind, we should have been invaded many times before this day.

How many F22 or F35 can the yankies deploy on the japanese islands? And we will not be fighting their "superior" jets one on one just to give you an idea!
Both China and Japan are rich. Why not work out a deal to share the islands instead of wasting time, money and energy on a hostile posture on both sides? After all, they are not inhabited, so there is no issue of people being displaced or anything.

For China, at least, it's never about resources but

1) national dignity against a former enemy who never formally apologized for her past atrocities, and

2) strategic location. This sea lane is one of a very few gateways for China's northern merchant and naval fleets to pass through into the Pacific and she must gain control of it before Japan, with or without the US, build any kind of military asset in the area. Also

3) the islands are Chinese territory no matter which way you look at.
Some mighty lion you have there, buddy, perhaps a lion king? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You got that right, US are just like lions they hunt in groups even for a little mouse. That's why they drag other countries into wars whereas China is a tiger.
there is nothing in the area for the yankies, yankie imposters or agent orange survivors to fight for!

Our treaty obligations say otherwise. Deal with it.

it depends on which category! if we are that far behind, we should have been invaded many times before this day.
Bull, that is just your victim complex speaking. We aren't invading New Zealand, Venezuela, or Cuba either. The US has not had an interest in invading China since the beginning of last century, and even then our role was rather minor on all accounts. That we aren't invading now isn't because your country matches ours militarily.

How many F22 or F35 can the yankies deploy on the japanese islands? And we will not be fighting their "superior" jets one on one just to give you an idea!

Of course our superior jets won't be fighting alone either. Its all part of a system.
U.S,Japan are paying for Ex U.S President Richard Nixon's Foriegn policy....
Yes fairness and justice has no meaning to Americans such as yourself. Using a lie to invade a country, it doesn't matter involving other countries to fight your dirty war. The famous Bush quote: if you are not with us you are against us. It's good being a coward even if the US possesses very powerful weapons against a bunch of shepherds.
He is proving our points with his answers (not that I read them, but I usually know what they will say). Like I always said, westerners don't believe in justice, peace, morality and humanity. They worship power and money. That's why I believe God will finish them soon with their own greed, corruption and mischief they spread on earth. Destroying not only human lives, but the environment as well. Believe me, there will be a payback time, I'm absolutely certain.
Our treaty obligations say otherwise. Deal with it.

if the japanese are so assured of a usa military intervention, they will not be running around europe canvassing for support, in vain and in shame!

Bull, that is just your victim complex speaking. We aren't invading New Zealand, Venezuela, or Cuba either. The US has not had an interest in invading China since the beginning of last century, and even then our role was rather minor on all accounts. That we aren't invading now isn't because your country matches ours militarily.

thats is your inferiority complex talking! the point that faithfulguy said was we are behind in tech capabilites so we cannot win a war against the usa; and I said no because there were many wars won by countries with lesser tech. Technology is just one of the decisive factors to a war And there were several times in the past that the yanks wanted to invade us! If the yanks could not do this throughout the past decades when the technology difference between us was a lot bigger, their chance of winning a war against us is diminishing as days go by! Deal with it!

Of course our superior jets won't be fighting alone either. Its all part of a system.

then bring on your system for a systematic failure!
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