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Fear us, don’t mock us: TTP warns of backlash over ‘provocations’

Who told you that they send kids to suicide bombing?
Targeting civilians can be called as their ruthlessness, brutality but not cowardice.

i dont remember the last time i saw a post on PDF that i found sickening and scary at the same time

please for GODS SAKES mend your thinking

You have mistaken me for a Taliban sympathizer, i just disagree on defination of cowardice. Calling talibans dogs, cowards, kafirs etc are childish and emotional rantings...they are not cowards, they are brave and ruthless with twisted mentality...unlike mommy daddy type members who eat burgers, drink cola , play PS3 games and chant "kill them all" at talibans, i have deeper understanding of a talib, i have communicated with them.....
Germans under hitler were also twisted but they were not cowards. Talibans have no regards for pashtun values and culture but they are ethnically pashtuns, with martial traits. On top of that jihaadi spirit makes them more formidable...it is important to study their roots to defeat them, their roots are pashtun ethnicity and deoband school of thought. We have also have punjabi talibans and uzbeks and other foriegn elements.
If you ask from any taliban that what is their justification of killing innocent civilians in bomb blasts? They say that allah would grant these innocent casualties jannat, what else a muslim want more than jannat? . The suicide bombers carry a ticket for jannat in his pocket and maulana has told him that his head would shoot directly towards jannat....we are not dealing with some rebels, we are dealing with a fitna on scale of hasan bin sabah....
I am not hypocrite like most of pakistanis, i am against both kind of talibans , good or bad, they are same for me...pakistan is not fighting against taliban ideology , only against those talibans who are anti-state. ISI has poisoned my pashtun nation with talibanization, they are still sponsering them in Afghanistan. All deobandi madrassas are breeding talibans, JUI has links with both Talibans and ISI...the list goes on.
Calling TTP as RAW and Mossad agents is childish bakwas. It is a religous ideology which cant be suppressed with just military operations, bombardments and drones. As pashtuns they are resilient, they wont bent their knees in defeat, how long pak army is going to fight them like this?. Pak army has conducted several successful military operations against them TTP is still there...
Long term policy is needed to deal with them. You have to purify mullah , mosque and madrassa.

how do the talebs know that God will grant them jannat when he doesnt even know their names or know their deeds??

anyways -- a lot of what you say here is correct however -- the TTP are cowards. You can be ruthless or brazen but still be a coward.

i cant begin to list the crimes committed by TTP, but perhaps you remember what they did in Landi Kotal (for example)
Beleive...based on Indian corrupt political system that prevails in India....I may think about the option too...There is nothing wrong to beleive that some elements of Navy and Coast guards are involved with this incident too...But again...leave this topic about Mumbai..

The main point is that when people are alleging that Army and ISI has sympathy for TTP that does not mean it will be institutionalized relationship....Rather it might happen that the influential elements of Army and ISI who may ideologically relate themselves with TTP based on common sympathy for terrorists who promote Islamic values...Some section of Army and ISI has also sympathized with radical Islamic elements due to religious proximity issue...You can name it like Ka@@ir terro* group,Al queda and Taliban in Afganistan..and so many other radical elements within Pakistan itself..

So of course there is a possibility and suspicion of fringe influential elements may have support and sympathy for these terror groups...

so MUMBAI ATTACKS had support of indian navy elements & indian coast guard thanks for agreeing :wave:
so MUMBAI ATTACKS had support of indian navy elements & indian coast guard thanks for agreeing :wave:

Of course...This is where the corruption is Indian security system has rotten us....Our security establishment has been keep on talking about Pakistan involvement in Mumbai blast since last 5 year...But no one really knows or proven till now about who was the Indian handler and how come such a big group of people without getting support of security appartus like fringe elements of coast guard, Mumabi police and politician get into Mumabi and executed the act...This is a grey area for Indian and i know our corrupt politician will never allow to release the true news about it too...We can complain about Pakistan involvement but again, our GOV failed miserably in punishing the the people from Indian side too...

We have to accept the reality and facts, unless and otherwise we are feeling that we are the smartest people in earth, of course we are not...
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