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FC seize car bomb factory with 100 ton explosive

Ex-Nazim Quetta Maqbool Lehri held in 'Quetta explosives case'

QUETTA: Former Nazim Quetta, Mir Maqbool Lehri, is under arrest after investigators found out the warehouse from which at least one hundred tons of bomb-making chemicals/equipment was seized a day earlier belonged to him, Geo News reported.

Sources, quoting officials privy to the matter said, “Lehri has been detained for being the proprietor of the compound where the explosive chemicals were warehoused.”

Pleading he had nothing to do with it, Lehri claimed he had rented out the warehouse quite a while ago.

“I own the compound, but it is operated by the tenants. They are to be blamed for whatever they have been warehousing in it”, said he.

Sources added that a dozen suspects including Lehri were under interrogation in this regard.

Earlier on Tuesday Frontier Corps (FC) seized the bomb-making paraphernalia including wires, detonators and mixers used to turn the chemicals into bombs in a raid on the building located in Satellite Town in Quetta.

FC Commandant Colonel Maqbool Shah said, “We found detonators, remote controls, ball bearings and a large amount of chemicals including potassium chloride and ammonium chloride.”

He added that Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) were also prepared in the same compound.

“Explosive chemicals like potassium chlorate and ammonium chlorate were wired with detonators and packed into vehicles at the warehouse”, he said.

Ex-Nazim Quetta Maqbool Lehri held in Quetta explosives case - thenews.com.pk
I believe the reporter quoted the wrong chemical names here. It must be potassium chlorate(or per chlorate) along with aluminium powder or aluminium per chlorate. If that is true the authorities need to crackdown the matches making and fire works making industry.

Somehow, its a common feeling that we are living in a jungle. No body controls who gets what, when and how is it used.
all these explosives were sealed from a place belonging to PPPP former Nazim
Now there shud b no doubt left watsoever tht peoples party ppp r iranian nd indian agents nd playing iran nd indias game in pakistan. ZARDARI shud b hanged for this surely this so called nazim of PEOPLES PARTY PPP hve links with iran nd india.
The truth is iran nd india callabarate not only in afghanistan but india made nd funded chabahar port in iran 2 counterweight gwadar port ontop of tht iran nd india r jointly destablising pakistan from afghanistan through their rented agents uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassaadis tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp. Ontop of tht iran has given india a consulate in zahidan in iranian balochistan which borders pakistan these iranians r also destablising pakistan nd pakistans balochistan hand in hand with india all the activities nd sabotage tht is done in pakistans balochistan r done by iranians nd indians hiding in iran nd it was iran which created bla so this is the true face of iran.
They have a specific 'friendly state' to help them out.

oh the blame game and self victimhood. Enjoy the day.

The truth is iran nd india callabarate not only in afghanistan but india made nd funded chabahar port in iran 2 counterweight gwadar port ontop of tht iran nd india r jointly destablising pakistan from afghanistan through their rented agents uzbek nd tajik terrorists nd fassaadis tht crossover from afghanistan into pakistan nd carryout attacks in pakistan by disguising as ttp. Ontop of tht iran has given india a consulate in zahidan in iranian balochistan which borders pakistan these iranians r also destablising pakistan nd pakistans balochistan hand in hand with india all the activities nd sabotage tht is done in pakistans balochistan r done by iranians nd indians hiding in iran nd it was iran which created bla so this is the true face of iran.

so why don't u guys just NUKE this evil IRAN or at least threaten them. after all when Pakistani mighty army can beat a country 7 time larger then here it's can easily beat Iran can't it? Plus they don't even nuke to retaliate u back.
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