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Fazlur rehman leaves press conference leaving maryam alone.

only in joint sessions, PTI still does not have majority in Senate. My early calculations was incorrect.
Joint sessions are not a problem. Chairman senate is from the govt
PPP must not support law making by the PTI. They should stick with corrupt PDM
She rejected the Diesel Mullah proposal for marriage... She said she was in love with Bilawal Billo who in turn showed not interest in her and was instead eyeing her husband captain Safdar... All the while Zardari was busy assaulting Sherry Rehman...

Bunch of clowns...

Don't call him Captain
People need to go back and check my previous posts. Establishment has already given NRO to both Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. All of this is just a dopi drama to save PPP vote bank. Asifa Zardari will be launch prior to the next elections.

He will most likely be dead by next elections, he is terminal and doesn't have much time left.
People need to go back and check my previous posts. Establishment has already given NRO to both Nawaz Sharif and Zardari. All of this is just a dopi drama to save PPP vote bank. Asifa Zardari will be launch prior to the next elections.

Unfortunately this may be the truth. After all, The Establishment is the Master Blaster Corrupt Organisation.
Never mind, another 2 years of tyranny propped up by ppp and the establishment. Establishment has nothing to do with politics but started out by labelling Quad e Azam's RA sister as a traitor. Nice to see Umar Ayub firmly in the cabinet.
Let the people taste more of this disaster.
Surely Zardari should be given a portfolio in PTI Mr 10% with Mr 110%
Never mind, another 2 years of tyranny propped up by ppp and the establishment. Establishment has nothing to do with politics but started out by labelling Quad e Azam's RA sister as a traitor. Nice to see Umar Ayub firmly in the cabinet.
Let the people taste more of this disaster.
Surely Zardari should be given a portfolio in PTI Mr 10% with Mr 110%

Mr 10% percent has backstabed Godfather league big time, it was a fatal mistake by Godfather to trust Daku Zardari, Khawaja Asif was saying before he didn't trust Zardari and PPP have achieved more than what they wanted from PDM, nothing new here dirty politics of Pakistan was a disaster from day one, since the status quo parties came into being.
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