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Fawad Choudhry Quits PTI ..and Asad Umar Follows !

to me default is chemo, to get the cancer/army in remission. its painful but needed.
Default is the second worst option for Pakistan, worst being buking itself. But I guess IK and his supporters will do just about anything. It reminds me of the diljale aashiq who throw acid on the faces of girls who reject them.
Mate the awaam is asleep they will continue hybernating until it gets to a
point where they can't feed themselves with any food.
Pakistan can manage the food crises too.

I hope members realize that if push really came to shove, GoP can nationalize a lot of the agri-food sector industries and manage the production, supply and distribution of staples on war footing.

Pakistan produces sufficiently enough to not have a situation where people cannot feed themselves. The reason the current situation has exacerbated the problems (and thus you see people standing in long lines to get atta/staples) is because the demand/supply is all in the hands of private sector which milks the situation for its own needs and passes on the price hikes to the consumers using rising inflation as an excuse.

Where there is a will, there is always a way. This is not an ideal solution by any means, but it has been done in the past and can be done if there was indeed a need to manage the supply of staples/edibles within the country.
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I don't know what IK's plan is. He is fighting a fight he cannot win.
His only option EVER war so apply some public pressure and befriend the establishment again. In his love for Faiz Hamid, he spoilt his relationship with entire Pak Army. Now he can only be a spoilsport but never a King or Kingmaker in Pakistani politics. He should consider going into exile and continuing the fight from there.

The frictions between Imran and the Establishment first appeared, to the best of my knowledge, after the Fall of Kabul in August 2021. Rumors started appearing about the next appointments of the ISI and Military Chiefs. Rumors were so strong that Fawad Ch. had to deny them. But Imran had a plan to stay in power and that went through coopting the Army and the intelligence units in Pakistan. And what is becoming crystal clear--especially after watching an Imran admirer like Irshad Bhatti lately--is that Imran wanted the next two appointments to help Imran retain power for the next several years. Imran knew his popularity was not high enough to win the next elections otherwise, as the NCM started to become a reality starting January 2022, Imran would have called the elections, which was his Const. right. But repeated setbacks in byelections and even setbacks in KPK which is supposed to be Imran's homeground, were not good signs for Imran, otherwise he would have called the elections in March 2022.

All of that is water under the bridge. Time to look forward.

What Pakistan needs is stability for several years. I am old and seen a lot--like @VCheng here-- but even I have not seen such anarchy in Pakistan where EVERY pillar of the State is discredited. That is a very dangerous status for any nation. Pakistan is like Somalia or Afghanistan, politically speaking. But unlike the two countries, Pakistan's geopolitics and large, poor population makes Pakistan a very combustible place. Pakistan still has genuine friends and their advice is to get the house in order before they would help.

To me, it is obvious that Imran will not be allowed to come back to power for the next few years at least, if ever. But putting him in prison and banning his party would be dangerous and an insult to the tens of millions who support him. It is best he goes to a forced-exile for a few years while his party led by sane people like Asad Umar. He is not too old and is a fit, athletic person. He has a good chance for a grand come back. Others had such comebacks before him.
What Pakistan needs is stability for several years. I am old and seen a lot--like @VCheng here-- but even I have not seen such anarchy in Pakistan where EVERY pillar of the State is discredited. That is a very dangerous status for any nation. Pakistan is like Somalia or Afghanistan, politically speaking. But unlike the two countries, Pakistan's geopolitics and large, poor population makes Pakistan a very combustible place. Pakistan still has genuine friends and their advice is to get the house in order before they would help.

To me, it is obvious that Imran will not be allowed to come back to power for the next few years at least, if ever. But putting him in prison and banning his party would be dangerous and an insult to the tens of millions who support him. It is best he goes to a forced-exile for a few years while his party led by sane people like Asad Umar. He is not too old and is a fit, athletic person. He has a good chance for a grand come back. Others had such comebacks before him.

The system will continue to ensure a steady supply of suitable puppets to be rotated in and out of figurehead positions as and when needed, as long as they do not commit the cardinal sin.
The system will continue to ensure a steady supply of suitable puppets to be rotated in and out of figurehead positions as and when needed, as long as they do not commit the cardinal sin.

You are correct but I have some qualifiers:
Blame Imran for all we want--and I am consistently against his policies since April 2022-- but Imran has broken some taboos and created a narrative against the Establishment of Pakistan. In time, that narrative is going to manifest itself politically. How should the Pakistani people use that now-dominant narrative against the Establishment? By using political processes: Dialogue. The best course of action for Imran after April 2022 was to tap into the grievances against the Establishment which exist in both the PPP and PMLN; the latter two parties have seen far worse from the Establishment than Imran has ever seen. They were/are Imran's natural allies.

But then Imran, as I keep saying, was too arrogant and too stupid to have seized that opportunity after April 2022. I see in today's videos Imran is finally acknowledging it was the Establishment which kicked out and blackballed Nawaz Sharif. A tad too late, Mr. Imran Khan, now that you have dug yourself a deep hole!!
But then Imran, as I keep saying, was too arrogant and too stupid to have seized that opportunity after April 2022. I see in today's videos Imran is finally acknowledging it was the Establishment which kicked out and blackballed Nawaz Sharif. A tad too late, Mr. Imran Khan, now that you have dug yourself a deep hole!!

That is typical Imran Khan the "politician", a day late and a dollar short and with a few screws missing and not firing on all cylinders with both eyes closed, as they say, no matter what his cult members believe about him. Whether he is able to atone for his sins remains to be seen.

Already the messages from his intermediaries about parleys are getting frantic inside the Beltway and to Pindi.

For a vehicle stuck in the mud without a functioning reverse gear, it is going to be a while it is extracted, if ever.

As always, I can do for now is to observe.
Court asked them to leave politics/Niazi or spend few weeks/months in jail, they left Niazi.

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1- Court said that in jest. And the judge said 'Aap aik press conference kar lain warna yeh nhn chorain gay aap ko'. My complaint to the court as well, why TF are you not giving a blanket order to get court permission before arrest if you know jo haramzadgi chal rahi hai?

2- Are you really proud that the courts of your country said that? Really?

3- Being in jail by yourself is somewhat bearable. But how your three generations are harrassed, business shut down, women manhandled, that becomes the breaking point.

4- The middle class or non-generational people like Maleeka Bokhari, Asad Umar maybe, etc etc don't have the same clout as the likes of Sharjeel Memon, Rana Sanaullah, or even Shah Mehmood. Those people don't sit in the same jail and don't get the same behavior by the police like these guys do. There is a difference.

Sharam karo yar thori si if you really are defending all this.
Dollarkhor kuttas are threatening to rape and kill innocent family members of politicians and party workers.
What difference is there between them and terrorists like ttp? Both have become terrorists.
I still have sympathy for the average soldiers but it is up to them to decide if they want to continue serving and fulfilling orders of such sick people.
The ones giving the orders and the ones carrying out the orders, both are terrorist rapists who should be treated and punished as such.

Your family is worth more than Pakistan in its current state. Do not sacrifice your family for a state controlled by traitors.
History will not write you as anti state rather it will write you as liberators.

Take every measure possible to protect your family. If the traitors in power can go by “the enemy of my enemy is a friend” then you can also go by that. If they take funding from your enemies, you can take funding from their enemies.

Pakistanis, don’t shy away from going to any length to protect yourself and your family.
The best course of action for Imran after April 2022 was to tap into the grievances against the Establishment which exist in both the PPP and PMLN; the latter two parties have seen far worse from the Establishment than Imran has ever seen. They were/are Imran's natural allies.

But then Imran, as I keep saying, was too arrogant and too stupid to have seized that opportunity after April 2022. I see in today's videos Imran is finally acknowledging it was the Establishment which kicked out and blackballed Nawaz Sharif. A tad too late, Mr. Imran Khan, now that you have dug yourself a deep hole!!

I differ slightly.

At the time, IK was not as anti-estab as he is now. He was willing to sit down with PPP and PML for elections, but the PPP and PML (within Pakistan) did not want to go to elections because they didn't expect whatever had happened. Nawaz Sharif was pushing for elections, but was then held back. Finally when push comes to shove, the estab tries to force them to go into elections, but then NS does not budge, because the promises made to him weren't yet fulfilled. After seeing this impasse, IK then gets frustrated. Remember his famous 'truck ki batti' remark? It was during these days.

In a nutshell, he was ready to somewhat sit down and go to elections, but then the promises made by the estab to the PML and PPP needed to be fulfilled and of course personal ambitions came into play.

After that things got worse between the two and here we are!
The frictions between Imran and the Establishment first appeared, to the best of my knowledge, after the Fall of Kabul in August 2021. Rumors started appearing about the next appointments of the ISI and Military Chiefs. Rumors were so strong that Fawad Ch. had to deny them. But Imran had a plan to stay in power and that went through coopting the Army and the intelligence units in Pakistan. And what is becoming crystal clear--especially after watching an Imran admirer like Irshad Bhatti lately--is that Imran wanted the next two appointments to help Imran retain power for the next several years. Imran knew his popularity was not high enough to win the next elections otherwise, as the NCM started to become a reality starting January 2022, Imran would have called the elections, which was his Const. right. But repeated setbacks in byelections and even setbacks in KPK which is supposed to be Imran's homeground, were not good signs for Imran, otherwise he would have called the elections in March 2022.

All of that is water under the bridge. Time to look forward.

What Pakistan needs is stability for several years. I am old and seen a lot--like @VCheng here-- but even I have not seen such anarchy in Pakistan where EVERY pillar of the State is discredited. That is a very dangerous status for any nation. Pakistan is like Somalia or Afghanistan, politically speaking. But unlike the two countries, Pakistan's geopolitics and large, poor population makes Pakistan a very combustible place. Pakistan still has genuine friends and their advice is to get the house in order before they would help.

To me, it is obvious that Imran will not be allowed to come back to power for the next few years at least, if ever. But putting him in prison and banning his party would be dangerous and an insult to the tens of millions who support him. It is best he goes to a forced-exile for a few years while his party led by sane people like Asad Umar. He is not too old and is a fit, athletic person. He has a good chance for a grand come back. Others had such comebacks before him.
Don't worry guys, Pakistan has no future for educated political workers ...

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And we know where we are going, and it surely is not up. :sad:

No no, we are going up.

PTI gets almost disbanded, restrictions put in place, IK arrested, then we have FREE AND FAIR elections in October, and we get a flourishing democracy until the next poor chap shows some eyes to the guy with the medals.

That's as up as can be in 'Mumlikat-e-Khudadad-e-Pakistan'.
No no, we are going up.

PTI gets almost disbanded, restrictions put in place, IK arrested, then we have FREE AND FAIR elections in October, and we get a flourishing democracy until the next poor chap shows some eyes to the guy with the medals.

That's as up as can be in 'Mumlikat-e-Khudadad-e-Pakistan'.

@Meengla had a point yesterday that they've accelerated all this before the end of June to get him out of the picture and rupture PTI. With the possibility of getting the loan as some feel IK was a thorn.
From what I see, PDM and Co. will be ready for the October elections. Do you feel they will not head into it? SS term, I believe, ends in August.
What do the families of khaki have anything to do with this? Silly wishes and insha'Allah's have no place in sane minds.

That won't happen even if the country defaults. National security will always trump other expenses even if it means not having the ability to finance capital expenditures (equipment upkeep etc.)

Secondly, our military is diversified sufficiently with the Chinese and Pakistan will manage to work with them to sustain key programs and weapon systems. Military salaries and pensions are not the most significant expense of our government, it is unfortunately the sovereign and public/private sector debt servicing that eats the lion's share of our revenues.

For ANY Pakistani to wish default on Pakistan (regardless of who runs the country and whatever your politics are) is simply mean-spirited and petty.

Good one! :-D

Why not? only the commoners deserve to get picked up, abused and bully? Does khaki only deserve all the privileges?

No matter what sort of marketing u guys do. A shit product remains a shit.

What do the families of khaki have anything to do with this? Silly wishes and insha'Allah's have no place in sane minds.

That won't happen even if the country defaults. National security will always trump other expenses even if it means not having the ability to finance capital expenditures (equipment upkeep etc.)

Secondly, our military is diversified sufficiently with the Chinese and Pakistan will manage to work with them to sustain key programs and weapon systems. Military salaries and pensions are not the most significant expense of our government, it is unfortunately the sovereign and public/private sector debt servicing that eats the lion's share of our revenues.

For ANY Pakistani to wish default on Pakistan (regardless of who runs the country and whatever your politics are) is simply mean-spirited and petty.

Good one! :-D

And Allah was with u guys, u would not have needed to justify all ur acts. And fighting for tyrants does not make u shaheeds either.
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