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Fawad Chaudhry's debate with Indian Anchor about his statement

Pretty stupid of Pakistanis, especially government officials, to appear on Indian channels. You don’t see Indians come to Pakistani channels.

India has totally cut itself off from Pakistan, from cricket to music to even people to people contact. Indians have made a conscious decision to separate themselves from Pakistan and Pakistanis. Yet, every time, like an abused lover return to their partner, Pakistanis continue to consume Bollywood, obsess about Indian popular culture and embarrassingly crawl behind them. Even for an outsider like me, this is just a huge second hand embarrassment and difficult to rationalize.

Pakistani posters aren’t even allowed on Indian online forums. Imagine that! It’s hard to explain the inferiority complex of Pakistanis
That assertion of inferiority complex is not true at all.

Pakistanis may be obsessed with Bollywood but that's because most people in Bollywood look more close to average good looking Pakistani than average good looking indian. This creates the delusion in some uninformed Pakistani's mind that somehow india is the same or similar to Pakistan. As worlds open up and people are learning more about others and themselves, indians will lose their importance.

Its indians who feel racially inferior and spent their lifetime living and proving their delusion that india-Pakistan is the same. They are more obsessed with Pakistan, spend far greater time pleasing Pakistanis than Pakistanis will ever do.

Also Pakistanis were not taught in schools their true history. It were Punjabi Aryan priests who created Hinduism (after their split from fellow iranian/aryan priests who resided on the west side of indus river i.e. the land called ariana such as current kpk, balochistan etc.) and went to india and colonized them. They were few yet ruled most of india.

Meaning we in Pakistan took nothing from indians. WE gave them their culture and religion including their current language.

Indians are far more obsessed with Pakistani looks and feel far more inferior. We see that everyday wherever we go. That's also the reality.

Also you have Pakistanis like me, who never ever watched an indian movie nor listened to Bollywood music. I just see these Bollywood Indians in various news channels of Pakistan or sometime when watching TV ( changing the channel when Indian stuff comes up).

Even my younger brothers and sisters run to get the remote to change the Pakisani TV channel as soon as anything remotely indian comes up, knowing fully well that "bhahi jaan" will not be happy if they immediately did not change the channel. They always happily do. No one in my family watches Indian junk. We watch Pakistani, arabic, Turkish and iranian channels only. My family members can speak some arabic (studying at school), Turkish and many speak persian (my pashtun side at least). They all live in Pakistan.

Good for you, but you’re the exemption and not the rule.
That assertion of inferiority complex is not true at all.

Pakistanis may be obsessed with Bollywood but that's because most people in Bollywood look more close to average good looking Pakistani than average good looking indian. This creates the delusion in some uninformed Pakistani's mind that somehow india is the same or similar to Pakistan. As worlds open up and people are learning more about others and themselves, indians will lose their importance.

Its indians who feel racially inferior and spent their lifetime living and proving their delusion that india-Pakistan is the same. They are more obsessed with Pakistan, spend far greater time pleasing Pakistanis than Pakistanis will ever do.

Also Pakistanis were not taught in schools their true history. It were Punjabi Aryan priests who created Hinduism (after their split from fellow iranian/aryan priests who resided on the west side of indus river i.e. the land called ariana such as current kpk, balochistan etc.) and went to india and colonized them. They were few yet ruled most of india.

Meaning we in Pakistan took nothing from indians. WE gave them their culture and religion including their current language.

Indians are far more obsessed with Pakistani looks and feel far more inferior. We see that everyday wherever we go. That's also the reality.

Also you have Pakistanis like me, who never ever watched an indian movie nor listened to Bollywood music. I just see these Bollywood Indians in various news channels of Pakistan or sometime when watching TV ( changing the channel when Indian stuff comes up).

Even my younger brothers and sisters run to get the remote to change the Pakisani TV channels as soon as anything remotely indian comes up, knowing fully well that "bhahi jaan" will not be happy if they immediately did not change the channel. They always happily do that. No one in my family watches Indian junk. We watch Pakistani, Arabic, Turkish and Iranian channels only. My family members can speak some Arabic (studying at school), Turkish and many speak Persian (my pashtun side at least). They all live in Pakistan.

Though I fully agree Pakistani politicians must never give interviews to not just indians in india but also to indian journalists say on aljazeera etc. We should completely ignore indians in our world. Indians have nothing to do with us.

Good for you, but you’re the exemption and not the rule.
Good for you, but you’re the exemption and not the rule.

Still we do not have any inferiority complex. Far from it, we feel actually superior. Also Bollywood obsession is only partially true however. Unless Pakistan develops our own film industry and more sophisticated kind, Indian films will continue to fill the gap for a while.

Bollywood obsession is also found among other people too now a days (e.g. Arabs who feel quite superior to Indians).

In near future due to advances in automatic translation and dubbing, a world of media and films will become available from around the globe that everyone would be able to watch and understand (and enjoy). Indian films will lose their place in this explosion of media and entertainment.
Pretty stupid of Pakistanis, especially government officials, to appear on Indian channels. You don’t see Indians come to Pakistani channels.

India has totally cut itself off from Pakistan, from cricket to music to even people to people contact. Indians have made a conscious decision to separate themselves from Pakistan and Pakistanis. Yet, every time, like an abused lover return to their partner, Pakistanis continue to consume Bollywood, obsess about Indian popular culture and embarrassingly crawl behind them. Even for an outsider like me, this is just a huge second hand embarrassment and difficult to rationalize.

Pakistani posters aren’t even allowed on Indian online forums. Imagine that! It’s hard to explain the inferiority complex of Pakistanis

Absolutely true.
Pmln is the real danger and threat to Pakistan as compared to bla or ptm because they are nobodies
Indian Anchors/Journalist are Totally Idiot,
I watched Musharraf interviews on Indian TVs, One Anchor was male, other was female,
Anchors were same stupid, they were fighting like dogs,

In this interview, he is forcing Fawad Ch. to accept that Pakistan was responsible in Pulwama attack,
Even group belongs to Al Qaeda Network who did more attacks in Pakistan than India and even banned in Pakistan

Indian anchor is forcing Fawad Ch. to condemn China, even Chinese are facing terrorism from US proxy..

He is fighting that there are no issues in Kashmir, even Kasmiris always waves Pakistani Flag...

Indian TV anchors/journalists are not like International Standards, They are wild like dog..
Its better Pakistani stupid politicians should stay away from them..

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