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Favourite National Anthems?

Their anthem also contains the word dushman (enemies) probably a Turkish word, I suspect ethnically they are the descendants of the conquered Dacians with little influence from roman legions.kudos friend.

What you are genetically/ethnically matters little a lot of the time to what you identify with culturally. I mean glorifying Trajan in the anthem is interesting. It reminds me of the Scipio verse in Italian national anthem.

Romanians do indeed have Turkish influence too because of the Ottoman invasions. Thats how ole Vlad (dracula) made his name (resisting them) and why many still see him as a hero that is misrepresented outside of Romania.
It may not actually be a real country, but I love the Tuva national anthem.
Waltzing Matilda a song by the Australian romantic poet Banjo Patterson should have been the national anthem of Australia but due to the fact that it is the story of a robber it was not adopted as such.

The song has words which are not used in modern English but you will find references to them in many Australian brands.
Words like:
Jumback.... A Sheep
Billabong .... A Pond

Here is singer Slim Dusty singing this song at the closing ceremony of the 2000 Summer Games.


This song is also the marching song of the American First Marine Division who adopted it while they were stationed in Australia during WWII.

By the way this is the Australian National Anthem

What you are genetically/ethnically matters little a lot of the time to what you identify with culturally. I mean glorifying Trajan in the anthem is interesting. It reminds me of the Scipio verse in Italian national anthem.

Romanians do indeed have Turkish influence too because of the Ottoman invasions. Thats how ole Vlad (dracula) made his name (resisting them) and why many still see him as a hero that is misrepresented outside of Romania.
Emperor Trajan the father of Hadrian if my history is correct and Scipio may well have been a Berber, two folks who may not have any link with the respective nations yet they are revered in their anthems, interesting indeed.kudos

You're welcome :P

I will never forget this awesome scene:

sadly, i can't play these vids because of my depleted monthly download limit... will watch on the 1st or 2nd when i will recharge the subscription,
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