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Favorite Music Genre?

Dream theater was awesome one point of time (Images and Words/ Metropolis pt 2), now they come out with stuff that is just annoying. Or maybe i've grown older.

Had to agree over here :agree:
. .
Guys i am crazy about metal and death metal...i litsen to all forms of metal and little bit hard rock too..my favourite bands are devildriver,kataklysm,tool,children of bodom,icedearth,disturbed,in this moment,gojira,slipknot,a perfect circle and lamb of god.pop,hip hop and rap are not in my dictionary..they are crap..keep rock keep metal...head banging and banging and banging.......
. . .
Nemo is the best....
But now Night Wish has become Crap, They Kicked out Tarja :disagree:
Hell with new Night Wish

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Nemo is the best....
But now Night Wish has become Crap, They Kicked out Tarja :disagree:
Hell with new Night Wish

80kOBeMEm2I[/media] - Nightwish - Nemo [HD 720p]


well if you like nemo so than what can i say,for me thir best song is 'sacrament of wilderness',different ppl have different choices..well i dont care tarja is in or out..i want anette to stay:smitten:.thats all..
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Hi guys i joined and i just wanted to clear somthing up .

i saw alot of people calling nightwish a crappy band where as they make very good and orignal music if you don't like a band just say so you can't say they are crapy.

oh and one more thing emo girl you said that nightwish is a gothic metal band and others called it progresive metal

so you guys think they are progresive and gothic metal?
sorry mates your wrong.

Nightwish is a symphonic and power metal band ;) hope that clears somthing up.
@ the guy who listens to rock'N@roll and doesn't like pop.
Uhhh dude rock'N'roll is very much similar to pop ;).
. . .
Good old Dire Straits---

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Lyrics ©2002 Megaherz
Siehst du mich ---- Do you see me

Hörst du mich ---- Do you hear me
Was hab ich dir getan --- What have I done to you
Warum zerstörst du mich --- Why are you destroying me
Fühlst du mich ---- Do you feel me
Spürst du mich ------ Do you notice me
Wenn du mich nicht mehr liebst----- If you don't love me anymore
warum berührst du mich ------ why are you touching me
Brauchst du mich ------ Do you need me
Sag glaubst du nicht ------ Say, don't you believe
Dass es besser ist ---- that it is better
du lebst dein leben ohne mich----- you live your life without me
Erkennst du mich ------ Do you recognize me
Verstehst du nicht ------- Don't you understand
Warum bist du überhaupt noch hier----- Why are you here at all
Was willst du noch von mir ---- What do you want from me
Augen auf ---- Eyes open
Wer sieht versteht ---- Who sees, understands
wie gnadenlos die Zeit vergeht -- how mercilessly time passes
wie sich der Zeiger dreht ---- how the hand turns
unentwegt ---- continuously
Er steht nie still ---- It never stands still
Du weißt nicht was du willst -- You don't know what you want
Du weißt nicht wo du stehst -- -- You don't know where you stand
weißt nicht woher du kommst ---- don't know where you come from
wohin du gehst ---- (or) where you're going
Du weißt nicht was dich treibt -----You don't know what is driving you
was am Ende für dich bleibt ----(or) what remains for you at the end
Warum bist du so blass ---- Why are you so pale
so kalt so herzlos ---- so cold, so heartless
Du weißt nicht was du tust ------You don't know what you're doing
weißt nicht woran du glaubst -----(or) what you believe in
Sag mir wozu und ob -----Tell me why and whether
du mich noch brauchst -----you still need me
Wenn's einfach nicht mehr passt------If it simply doesn't fit anymore
Wenn du mich wirklich nur noch hasst --If you really still only hate me
Warum bist du noch hier ----- Why are you still here
Wofür ----- What for
Was willst du noch von mir --- --- What do you still want from me
Was willst du noch ------- What do you still want
Was willst du noch von mir ------What do you still want from me

Siehst du mich -------Do you see me
Erkennst du mich ------Do you recognize me
Ganz tief in meinem Herz ------There's still space for you
ist noch ein Platz für dich -----deep down in my heart
Ich suche dich ------I am searching for you
Ich sehne mich ------I am longing
nach dem was ich geliebt hab -----for what I have loved
doch ich find es nicht -----yet I don't find it
Augen auf -----Eyes open
Wer sieht versteht ----Who sees, understands
wie gnadenlos die Zeit vergeht -----how mercilessly time passes
wie sich der Zeiger dreht -----how the hand turns
unentwegt -----continuously
Er steht nie still ------It never stands still
Viel zu lange ------Much too long
Viel zu spät -----Much too late
Sturm geerntet -----Storm reaped
Wind gesät -------Wind sown
die Zeit vergeht ------Time passes
unentwegt ------continuously
Sie steht nie still -------It never stands still

Megaherz. Rammstein ,Eisbrecher:bounce:
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guys i want to post the video "PUSSY" by rammstein it is sexually explict but damn funny :rofl:.should i post the uncensord version:D.
. .

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