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Fastest growing religion

It's something I always push but fundamentally it doesn't matter

I would prefer 500 million rock solid faithful muslims to 2 BILLION and growing where we have a mixture of conservative and liberals clowns

Islam has the lowest MEDIAN AGE of all major faiths and by some distance, we are in prime family bearing age and will grow quickly this century

The fight isn't the growth, although time and numbers is everything in the long-term

It's ensuring our children have Islamic values, faith, principles instilled in them so they can defend a d implement our faith and culture and not just become drones in this one world debauched culture that is spreading around the world

The battle is in all our homes and just calling ourselves muslims and allowing liberal, degenerate behaviors into our families is pointless

This is a WAR

The other religions have fallen, Islam is the last bastion of faith in this world
This American is a CIA agent who specializes in inciting hatred among Muslims and other non-Muslims and destabilizing target countries.
It doesn't really matter, to be honest.

Almost all of Islamic prophesies regarding Youm-al-Qiyamah (End of Days) have been fulfilled. I mean, entire Western cities now take part in LGTVHD+ shenanigans with so called "pride flags" everywhere.

Now, I don't care much about Christian conservatism but at least their core beliefs align with ours. Besides, the point I'm trying to make is the fact that no one would've thought, even back in the 90s, that homosexuality and such would take such a dramatic turn... practically forced down our throats, so to speak!

It was a taboo a mere decade ago or so but now it's a widely accepted 'belief,' 'lifestyle' or whatever you like to call it.

And that means we should brace for Dajjal!

But of course, Medina will have to fall first:

"Madinah will be deserted while in its prime! Then, it will be inhabited by birds and beasts."

And I sometimes wonder how that's going to happen. An incident at a nuclear plant, along the lines of Chernobyl?

I mean, animals DO live at Chernobyl site! They've adapted to the radiation.


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