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Farmers march towards Delhi turning into a battle ground


Oct 16, 2020
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Over 50,000 To stand at Delhi Border Today, The farmers say they are prepared for a six-month protest in Delhi if need be and will not return until the Centre's three farm laws -- which leave them vulnerable to big corporates and threaten their livelihood Says Farmers Body

New Delhi: Modified tractors, carrying rations, woollens, essential items and people, trundled through Haryana in the chilly winter evening as thousands of Punjab farmers protesting against the Centre's new farm laws, slowly moved closer to Delhi, undeterred by police barricades, tear gas and water cannons. "More than 50,000 farmers will be standing at the Delhi border by today evening," two farmers' bodies claimed. The day has been replete with clashes -- on one occasion the protesters even pitched the yellow iron barricades into the river below while trying to cross a narrow bridge. Leaders in Punjab and Haryana, meanwhile, carried on a political tussle, with the BJP accusing the Congress of brainwashing farmers for its own interests and the Congress hitting back with sharp questions.


Question for all the keyboard warriors and Factobedia's of BJP and Co:
What good are 500 Billion$ reserves if the citizens are not able to afford basic necessities? of course they are lesser beings not being the high-class Brahmins nor RSS members
Modi Gee and Companions doing a very fine job, Thank you in advance :pakistan:
Over 50,000 To stand at Delhi Border Today, The farmers say they are prepared for a six-month protest in Delhi if need be and will not return until the Centre's three farm laws -- which leave them vulnerable to big corporates and threaten their livelihood Says Farmers Body

New Delhi: Modified tractors, carrying rations, woollens, essential items and people, trundled through Haryana in the chilly winter evening as thousands of Punjab farmers protesting against the Centre's new farm laws, slowly moved closer to Delhi, undeterred by police barricades, tear gas and water cannons. "More than 50,000 farmers will be standing at the Delhi border by today evening," two farmers' bodies claimed. The day has been replete with clashes -- on one occasion the protesters even pitched the yellow iron barricades into the river below while trying to cross a narrow bridge. Leaders in Punjab and Haryana, meanwhile, carried on a political tussle, with the BJP accusing the Congress of brainwashing farmers for its own interests and the Congress hitting back with sharp questions.


Question for all the keyboard warriors and Factobedia's of BJP and Co:
What good are 500 Billion$ reserves if the citizens are not able to afford basic necessities? of course they are lesser beings not being the high-class Brahmins nor RSS members
Modi Gee and Companions doing a very fine job, Thank you in advance :pakistan:

These agricultural reforms were much more needed, good that Modi Govt is not succumbing to congressi goons and stay firm in their quest to save poor farmers from decades old exploitation by middlemen.
This is the actual response for Indian Farmers from Bharati Troll Sena.

They are not farmers, these congressi goons and middle men who fear their long exploitation of poor farmers is coming to an end. These reforms will ensure farmers will get fair price for their produce and won't have to sell cheaply to middleman
Over 50,000 To stand at Delhi Border Today, The farmers say they are prepared for a six-month protest in Delhi if need be and will not return until the Centre's three farm laws -- which leave them vulnerable to big corporates and threaten their livelihood Says Farmers Body

New Delhi: Modified tractors, carrying rations, woollens, essential items and people, trundled through Haryana in the chilly winter evening as thousands of Punjab farmers protesting against the Centre's new farm laws, slowly moved closer to Delhi, undeterred by police barricades, tear gas and water cannons. "More than 50,000 farmers will be standing at the Delhi border by today evening," two farmers' bodies claimed. The day has been replete with clashes -- on one occasion the protesters even pitched the yellow iron barricades into the river below while trying to cross a narrow bridge. Leaders in Punjab and Haryana, meanwhile, carried on a political tussle, with the BJP accusing the Congress of brainwashing farmers for its own interests and the Congress hitting back with sharp questions.


Question for all the keyboard warriors and Factobedia's of BJP and Co:
What good are 500 Billion$ reserves if the citizens are not able to afford basic necessities? of course they are lesser beings not being the high-class Brahmins nor RSS members
Modi Gee and Companions doing a very fine job, Thank you in advance :pakistan:

Support indian govt to hurt india in long term support farmers to hurt indian govt in a short term choice is yours
These agricultural reforms were much more needed, good that Modi Govt is not succumbing to congressi goons and stay firm in their quest to save poor farmers from decades old exploitation by middlemen.

They are not farmers, these congressi goons and middle men who fear their long exploitation of poor farmers is coming to an end. These reforms will ensure farmers will get fair price for their produce and won't have to sell cheaply to middleman
It has its downsides aswell mere dost stop thinking its all good for farmers they were scammed by middlemen before they will be scammed now aswell only difference is that the middlemen this time will be the big corps...
These agricultural reforms were much more needed, good that Modi Govt is not succumbing to congressi goons and stay firm in their quest to save poor farmers from decades old exploitation by middlemen.

They are not farmers, these congressi goons and middle men who fear their long exploitation of poor farmers is coming to an end. These reforms will ensure farmers will get fair price for their produce and won't have to sell cheaply to middleman
And one more thing are big celebs Kangrezi aswell ?
Yeah and not your people so.
But you want to make Akhand Bharat, so we are one isn't it ? :D
Btw instead of trolling here, it would be better if you could be a little productive and shed some light on this issue. From the news reports it seems to be a serious situation, the farmers are coming prepared for a long sit-in
Btw instead of trolling here, it would be better if you could be a little productive and shed some light on this issue. From the news reports it seems to be a serious situation, the farmers are coming prepared for a long sit-in
Shed some light on what? This has been discussed to death on here, farm bill. Any further details can be found in OP too. And everyone has the right to protest, so let them. This is a serious situation? Not so much.
Shed some light on what? This has been discussed to death on here, farm bill. Any further details can be found in OP too. And everyone has the right to protest, so let them. This is a serious situation? Not so much.
Yes that is the question, if everyone has right to protest then why are they not being allowed? Why are they being tear-gassed? Thankfully the police request to turn stadiums into jails has been turned down. Lets see how it unfolds but from the visuals it does not seem they will budge this time however the weather might not permit them for a longer sit in. :pop:
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Yes that is the question, if everyone has right to protest then why are they not being allowed? Why are they being tear-gassed? Thankfully the police request to turn stadiums into jails has been turned down. Lets see how it unfolds but from the visuals it does not seem they will budge this time however the weather might not permit them for a longer sit in. :pop:
Who said they are not being allowed? They are allowed to protest in the specified place, unlike some places where blocking highways are a norm, in here traffic will go on as usual even with snags. :pop:
Who said they are not being allowed? They are allowed to protest in the specified place, unlike some places where blocking highways are a norm, in here traffic will go on as usual even with snags. :pop:
Of course blocking highways/Road/ should not be allowed. Peaceful protest is everyone's right. I hope they reach some mutually beneficial agreement soon 🤞

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