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Farhad Dabirian killed in Syria


Nov 27, 2008
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Report: Iran Revolutionary Guard commander killed in Syria

An Iranian semiofficial news agency and an opposition war monitor report that an official with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard who took part in battles around war-torn Syria has been killed near the Syrian capital

By The Associated Press, March 7, 2020, 9:13 AM

BEIRUT -- An official with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard who took part in battles around war-torn Syria was killed near the Syrian capital, an Iranian semiofficial news agency and an opposition war monitor reported Saturday.

Iran's semiofficial Fars news agency identified the commander as Farhad Dabirian and said he was killed in the south Damascus suburb of Sayyida Zeinab. The area is home to a holy shrine for Shiite Muslims.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the killing and Fars reported no additional details on how Dabirian was killed.

Iran is an ally of Syria and has offered military advisers and sent militiamen and material support to help President Bashar Assad's government forces in the nine-year civil war.

Fars said Dabirian was a commander of the battle to retake the historic town of Palmyra from the Islamic State group.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, also reported that Dabirian was killed Friday night without saying how. It added that the late commander was close to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group.

In recent years, Israel has repeatedly carried out airstrikes in Syria against targets belonging to Iran and its regional proxies. One airstrike last month killed two members of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, which is backed by Iran.

Seems like second assassination of an Iranian military man.
Martyr Dabirian was responsible for the security of Zeinabiah shrine in Damascus.

Price for the blood of him and the rest of martyrs is annihilation of all terrorists (Wahhabis/zionists/centcom) in the region.
Report: Iran Revolutionary Guard commander killed in Syria

An Iranian semiofficial news agency and an opposition war monitor report that an official with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard who took part in battles around war-torn Syria has been killed near the Syrian capital

By The Associated Press, March 7, 2020, 9:13 AM

BEIRUT -- An official with Iran’s Revolutionary Guard who took part in battles around war-torn Syria was killed near the Syrian capital, an Iranian semiofficial news agency and an opposition war monitor reported Saturday.

Iran's semiofficial Fars news agency identified the commander as Farhad Dabirian and said he was killed in the south Damascus suburb of Sayyida Zeinab. The area is home to a holy shrine for Shiite Muslims.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the killing and Fars reported no additional details on how Dabirian was killed.

Iran is an ally of Syria and has offered military advisers and sent militiamen and material support to help President Bashar Assad's government forces in the nine-year civil war.

Fars said Dabirian was a commander of the battle to retake the historic town of Palmyra from the Islamic State group.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an opposition war monitor, also reported that Dabirian was killed Friday night without saying how. It added that the late commander was close to Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Lebanon's Iran-backed Hezbollah group.

In recent years, Israel has repeatedly carried out airstrikes in Syria against targets belonging to Iran and its regional proxies. One airstrike last month killed two members of the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad, which is backed by Iran.

Iran Guard's Commander Dies In Syria In Possible 'Assassination'

you have turned Syrian cities into rubble. Your Muslim sect should be ashamed of yourself killing tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims. pretence of fighting ISIS you have made millions of Syrians into refugees.
ALQ isis and all other forms terrorism are fruit of american using extremists against the USSR in Afghanistan back in 80s in doing so they received aids from Saudis which provided money & ideology beside one of the neighbors .. the same concepts & methods with same players has been used in Syria & Libya ...
you have turned Syrian cities into rubble. Your Muslim sect should be ashamed of yourself killing tens of thousands of Syrian Muslims. pretence of fighting ISIS you have made millions of Syrians into refugees.

Oh I forgot Sunni terrorists like Al Queda, Saddam, ISIS, can just blow up mosques and kill innocent Sunni and Shiites that’s okay.

I don’t see Sunni terrorist crying about their Palestinians brothers being killed daily by Israel. I don’t Sunni terrorist thugs crying about USA killing 100K civilians to take by Mosul from ISIS or 1 million Iraqi civilians during Iraq invasion.

Many Sunnis support terrorist groups like ISIS and Al-Queda who kill innocent civilians and commit war crimes. But Sunnis turn a blind eye because those groups are also Sunni.

@kingQamaR and @TheImmortal please take this sectarian garbage elsewhere. If you can't control it, you are not welcome here.

@Dubious @The Eagle @waz @Irfan Baloch pretty sure some forum rules were broken here.
most of the sectarian hate is spewed by Sunni members of this forum. I would be shocked to see A Shiite member hating on a fellow Muslim due to his sect. But many trolls come on this side to provoke members.
I am not interested in shocking you. I will let you find out yourself.

how can you be sure they are really Sunni or even Muslims?
wake up and think of the possibility that you are playing in the hands of enemies of Muslims.

rid yourself from sectarianism don't differentiate trolls by their sect. Middle east has more to do with politics and personal interests than the sectarianism.
Recently Corona virus took down one of the main advisor of Iranian hardline regime For both Ayatollahs and Govt. before sulamni now this. US is out there doing witch hunt.

Looks like Soon Whole Iranian regime leadership will be wipeout.
Martyr Dabirian was responsible for the security of Zeinabiah shrine in Damascus.

Price for the blood of him and the rest of martyrs is annihilation of all terrorists (Wahhabis/zionists/centcom) in the region.
Yawn . You've been saying that since soleimani got roasted
Martyr Dabirian was responsible for the security of Zeinabiah shrine in Damascus.

Price for the blood of him and the rest of martyrs is annihilation of all terrorists (Wahhabis/zionists/centcom) in the region.
You failed to mention Rafidhi pigs in the region.

OT: Khas kam jahan pak
If i am an IRGC commander i would be cold sweated rn. Everytime a low rank soldiers starts targetting US facilities, another high ranking commander got smoked.
If i am an IRGC commander i would be cold sweated rn. Everytime a low rank soldiers starts targetting US facilities, another high ranking commander got smoked.

"you can shoot one man but nothing will stop the plan" US lost Afghanistan to Iran they will lose Iraq and Syria and Yemen and many more to Iran too as all of the Middle east is Iran's national security not a playground for other powers to play in.
"you can shoot one man but nothing will stop the plan" US lost Afghanistan to Iran
Nope they lost it to taliban. A sunni unsurgency

"Middle east is Iran's national security not a playground for other powers to play in.
But the fact is, you're sorrounded by US military base and there's little you (and your puppet goverment in baghdad) can do about it.

Ps:-syria is not lost, its been like a treaty ally to iran since hafez took power.
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