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Farce must stop now!

1. Can anyone confirm to me that a month or two back a Turkish MP was arrested in Bangladesh for giving Qurbani to Rohingya refugees?

2. This is in some ways a nationalist BAL government that - despite the traditional Bengali deference to westerners - has confronted western governments on some issues. If it is willing to get in to arguments with the US it will be prepared to do the same with Turkey.

Though the trials are a farce, Turkey should not interfere in our internal affairs. It may result in a downgrading of ties between Dhaka and Ankara and the non-completion of some deals due to "bureaucratic problems".

Turkey under Erdogan has become a bully, insulting other countries even at times threatening them, we should tell Erdogan and the Turks to f*** off.

though the trials are a farce, Turkey should not interfere in our internal affairs. It may result in a downgrading of ties between Dhaka and Ankara and the non-completion of some deals due to "bureaucratic problems".

Turkey under Erdogan has become a bully, insulting other countries even at times threatening them, we should tell Erdogan and the Turks to f*** off.
Do you really feel that the farce is really an internal issue from your hind sight or you are veneering your motive to package yourself as a pseudo-intellectual? Now listen up BIMBO, we don't give rat's azz on what you cook but don't try to froth here psycho-coco-patsy ness because it would lead us to drawn you under Bharati shyte, understand? BTW, Is it really difficult to figure out that blessed by bag of Bharati's money and trick, RAWAMY regime has been running their show at BD? Then why can't Erdogan or Mursi poke his nose on it?
I dont think there were any necessity of trials. Those people behind the bar are well know war criminals. They should had been summarily tried in the central jail (Same was as Cl. Taher) and hanged in the first year of AL came to power.
Unlike JI's leaders being the victims of popular myth U are a proven liar in PDF. Then let all of us line up to cut your tongue, kick your arse and cuff your buttock to pull U at the nearest precinct, deal? Popular myth like Anna Nicole married 90 yrs. old out of sheer love and Saddam set on WMDs happened to be true as well, right? Halar Shaitan kothakar.
Jamaat leader Quashem Ali invested 25 million usd in appointing lobbyists in the USA to campaign against war crimes trial against him. Then just imagine how much was invested by Jamaat as a whole...

Provide the proof that "25 million usd" invested; not from second hand heresay but authentic proof that $25 million being used for lobbyists.
Unlike JI's leaders being the victims of popular myth U are a proven liar in PDF. Then let all of us line up to cut your tongue, kick your arse and cuff your buttock to pull U at the nearest precinct, deal? Popular myth like Anna Nicole married 90 yrs. old out of sheer love and Saddam set on WMDs happened to be true as well, right? Halar Shaitan kothakar.

I am not a war criminal... neither nobody has any complaint against me. Even Hitler committed suicide before getting caught. How come those Rajakars still alive??? If they had any shame they would had killed themselves after 16th Dec 71.
Provide the proof that "25 million usd" invested; not from second hand heresay but authentic proof that $25 million being used for lobbyists.

Thursday, August 23, 2012Front Page

War Crimes
ACC to probe Quashem's lobbying

ACC to probe Quashem's lobbying

Staff Correspondent
The Anti-Corruption Commission will conduct an inquiry into the allegation that Jamaat-e-Islami leader Mir Quashem Ali invested $25 million in appointing lobbyists in the USA to campaign against war crimes trial against him.

The commission had received a document from the law ministry regarding appointment of lobbyists by Mir Quashem and decided to probe the allegation, ACC Chairman Ghulam Rahman told The Daily Star yesterday. The ACC would take necessary steps on the basis of the findings in the inquiry, he added.

Meanwhile, Law Minister Shafique Ahmed said his office had received the document from Zead Al Malum, a member of prosecution team dealing with crimes against humanity committed during the Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971.

The commission could file a case against Mir Quashem on charges of money laundering if probe findings substantiated the allegation, he said.

Mir Quashem, detained in connection with crimes against humanity, might have appointed lobbyists so that they could place his profiles before the US government and US senate to stop trial proceedings against him, the law minister said, adding the prosecutors might draw attention of the International Crimes Tribunal to take action against the Jamaat leader.
More precisely...

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : A trial for the future of Bangladesh

A total of 10 accused — most are Jamaat leaders — are presently in the dock. Jamaat has reportedly deployed significant sums of money to influence the US policymakers against the war crimes trial. Law minister, Shafique Ahmed, alleged that the government has evidence to show that Jamaat has appointed lobbying firms in the U.S. and the U.K. to frustrate the trial. The minister alleged publicly that Mir Kashem Ali, a Jamaat leader now facing trial, and also the key person behind the fast growing Islamic Bank, as also the head of Jamaat’s media house, had paid $25 million to the U.S. lobbying firm Casadian Associates.

There is also a USA government document about it but not finding that now.
Originally Posted by idune

Provide the proof that "25 million usd" invested; not from second hand heresay but authentic proof that $25 million being used for lobbyists.

In response:

Thursday, August 23, 2012Front Page

War Crimes
ACC to probe Quashem's lobbying

ACC to probe Quashem's lobbying

Staff Correspondent
The Anti-Corruption Commission will conduct an inquiry into the allegation that Jamaat-e-Islami leader Mir Quashem Ali invested $25 million in appointing lobbyists in the USA to campaign against war crimes trial against him.

More precisely...

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : A trial for the future of Bangladesh

Law minister, Shafique Ahmed, alleged that the government has evidence to show that Jamaat has appointed lobbying firms in the U.S. and the U.K. to frustrate the trial. The minister alleged publicly that Mir Kashem Ali, a Jamaat leader now facing trial, and also the key person behind the fast growing Islamic Bank, as also the head of Jamaat’s media house, had paid $25 million to the U.S. lobbying firm Casadian Associates.

1) ACC is govt instrument say and do anything to push Awami League govt agenda.

2) Awami League minister "allegation" quoted by Hindu is NOT precise evidence, its "allegation".

3) ACC was looking into "allegation" but no proof neither by newspaper nor by ACC on 25 million USD.

3) ACC made the statement on "allegation" more than four months ago but no proof or case on money laundering?

And you are paddling base less claim of "25 million USD invested" for lobbyist? That is how Awami League and its propaganda captain spread lies. You made claim by using unsubstantiated allegations, now show the proof, Otherwise get another mark for being pathological liar.
I am not a war criminal... neither nobody has any complaint against me. Even Hitler committed suicide before getting caught. How come those Rajakars still alive??? If they had any shame they would had killed themselves after 16th Dec 71.

Razakars are losers.

1. They lost the 71 war.

2. They have very little electoral support in Bangladesh.

3. They have found a refuge on the internet where they can abuse and insult Bangladeshis and curse Bangladesh and use foul language e.g a razakar above just called me "Bimbo". However I will not degenerate to the level of a razakar as this is what razakars are all about i.e. swearing, lying, insulting. It is reasons like this why they are losers and will never succeed in anything.
Where is Captain of Awami propaganda? He still can produce proof of his "25 million usd" claim.
In response:

1) ACC is govt instrument say and do anything to push Awami League govt agenda.

2) Awami League minister "allegation" quoted by Hindu is NOT precise evidence, its "allegation".

3) ACC was looking into "allegation" but no proof neither by newspaper nor by ACC on 25 million USD.

3) ACC made the statement on "allegation" more than four months ago but no proof or case on money laundering?

And you are paddling base less claim of "25 million USD invested" for lobbyist? That is how Awami League and its propaganda captain spread lies. You made claim by using unsubstantiated allegations, now show the proof, Otherwise get another mark for being pathological liar.

Why do you expect me to proof everything line by line to you??? Or ask to give you proof??? If I or any other person really need to give proof then there wont be any necessity for an investigation by ACC.

You said ACC is a Government instrument and will do anything that Awami League do. I wont disagree but here a clear cut case of money laundering has been brought against Mir Quasem Ali. This money laundering case cant be proven against any body without concrete proof. So just chill... If Mir Quasem Ali is innocent nothing will happen to him.

But here the report that I have earlier posted mentioned that the commission had received documents from law ministry about appointing of the lobbyists in US, UK and some other country and also hiring some people.

So basically 2 charge have been brought against him.

1. Money Laundering

2. Trying to create obstacle in the war crime trial by appointing lobbyists in different countires.

For money laundering one almost clear cut case have been found from US government document itself. Based on 2011 document He already have given 2,80,000 USD to the lobbying firm and including registration I believe it is 3,10,000 but so far no such legal money transfer has been detected from Bangladesh.

daily sun | First Page | Mir Quasem siphoned off huge money to foil war crimes trial

However, the money was not transferred through the formal banking channel of Bangladesh, officials of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence (BFI) confirmed.

“We have inquired into the issue as some newspapers at home and abroad reported it. But we found no documents of transferring such a huge amount by Mir Quasem or Mir Masum through any bank working in Bangladesh,” said an official of Bangladesh Bank on condition of anonymity.

“This does not mean that they did not send the money. May be they have siphoned off the money using informal means evading the banking channel,” he also added.

The report can be seen in the following link:

Please go to US Senate Public Website:

U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Public Disclosure > LDA Reports

Then Click on:
Search the Lobbying Database (LD-1, LD-2)

After that, select "Client Country" - and then submit. New window will open.

So bottom line the case of money laundering which have been brought against him including trying to influence the war crime trial by lobbying in the USA can not be proven unless there is a clear cut evidence for it.

So instead of jumping wait for the investigation report which if I can remember well is due on January 29, 2013. If he is innocent he will be freed else he will pay the price though the real charge against him is taking part and committing war crime.

Where is Captain of Awami propaganda? He still can produce proof of his "25 million usd" claim.

I have many more important thing to do then work as a mouth piece of certain party because that feeds your pocket. You just see everything with your political prism but the real world is much more different then that.

Most importantly the 25 million USD proof has been brought against Mir Quasem by Government not me and Law ministry have provided proof to the commission.

If you believe it is false then wait till January 29, 2013 when the investigation report will be published. If the claim is not true he will be free from this charge but I am reminding you again war crime is the main charge which has been brought against him.
I am not a war criminal... neither nobody has any complaint against me. Even Hitler committed suicide before getting caught. How come those Rajakars still alive??? If they had any shame they would had killed themselves after 16th Dec 71.
Just because your Bharatio Baba, Jhetha, Pisha etc. have taught you that the easiest way of getting rich is to rob opposition’s wealth as ‘War Booty’, I don’t have to join the Chorus on ‘Falsely accusing’ the finest men of the world as ‘War Criminals’(স্বাধীনতা পরবর্তী ভারতীয় লুটপাটের বর্ণনা দিতে গিয়ে মেজর (অব) আব্দুল জলিল তার একই বইয়ে লিখেন: ” পাকিস্তানি বাহিনী কর্তৃক পরিত্যক্ত কয়েক হাজার সামরিক বেসামরিক গাড়ি, অস্ত্র, গোলাবারুদসহ আরো অনেক মূল্যবান জিনিসপত্র ট্রাক বোঝাই করে নিয়ে যাওয়া হচ্ছিল। প্রাইভেট কার পর্যন্ত যেখানে রক্ষা পায়নি, তখনই কেবল আমি খুলনা শহরের প্রাইভেট গাড়িগুলো রিকুইজিশন করে খুলনা সার্কিট হাউজ ময়দানে হেফাজতে রাখার চেষ্টা করি। এরপূর্বে যেখানে যে গাড়ি পেয়েছে, সেটাকেই পাঠিয়ে দেয়া হয়েছে সীমান্তের ওপারে। যশোর সেনানিবাসের প্রত্যেকটি অফিস এবং কোয়ার্টার তন্ন তন্ন করে লুট করেছে। বাথরুমের মিরর (আয়না) এবং অন্যান্য ফিটিংস পর্যন্ত সেই লুটতরাজ থেকে রেহাই পায়নি।” আমার প্রশ্ন এসব লুটপাটের বিচার কে করবে? মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সহাযতার জন্য আজ যেমন বিদেশ বন্ধুদের পুরস্কৃত করা হচ্ছে। ঠিক একইভাবে লুটপাটের সঙ্গে জড়িত বন্ধুদের বিচারের ভারও তো সরকারকে নিতে হবে। http://newsmediabd.com/যুদ্ধাপরাধের-বিচার-এবং-আ/#.UNogXW_7K8s ). And how did Hitler perish was still a mystery, although there was no comparison between Hitler and the then JI’s leaders. Because at that time, the current Bangladesh was part of ‘PAK’, for which people willingly voted and no referendum took place to annul it. So, sane, knowledgeable and patriotic people’s jobs were to defend their country, which JI leaders tried to do. Then how did it equate with Hitler’s actions? They didn’t invade or attacked other country to expand their empire rather they were defending the territorial integrity. So, how did it resemble traitorousness?

Initially, JI’s founder also opposed the creation of PAK, for which he wasn’t attacked by Bharatios but then why for BD? Looked like ‘Bichar Mani Kintu Boro Talgas Ta Amar’ came into equation. Although they were overcome by superior ‘Force and deception’ to box up Muslims of SA in three different entities, by historic turn their point of views became ‘No way silly’ anyway. Today, scholars throughout the world are coming to consensus that entire Eurasia would have come UNDER Muslim’s rule, hadn’t partition took place. BRITS simply thwarted Soviet’s expansion along with Muslim’s one with that. So, how big of philosophical were JI founder and the then leaders? And like Hitler’s one, where were the concrete proof of their anti-human activities
? Could the prosecutors bring a single first hand proof/eye witness against their wrong doing? (মুক্তিযুদ্ধের নয় নম্বর সেক্টরের কমান্ডার মেজর (অব:) আব্দুল জলিল তার ’অরক্ষিত স্বাধীনতাই পরাধীনতা” বইয়ে লিখেছেন: আমার জানতে ইচ্ছে করে কোলকাতার বিশেষ এলাকায় যুবতী নারী সম্ভোগে অধীর কামাতুর ঐ সকল আওয়ামী লীগ নেতাদের মনোসরোবরে একবারও ভেসে উঠেছে কী যুদ্ধরত পূর্ব বাঙলায় পশু পাঞ্জাবী কর্তৃক ধর্ষিতা বাঙালী মা-বোনের বীভতস চেহারা?” একই বইয়ের আরেক জায়গায় তিনি লিখেন: ”শরনার্থী শিবির থেকে অসহায় যুবতী হিন্দু মেয়েদের কোলকাতা শহরে চাকুরি দেয়ার নাম করে সেই সকল আশ্রয়হীনা যুবতীদেরকে কোলকাতার বিভিন্ন হোটেলে এনে যৌন তৃষ্ণা মেটাতে বিবেক দংশন বোধ করেনি। তারা বাঙালী মুক্তিযুদ্ধের নেতা হবে না তো হবে আর কে বা কারা! হানাদার পাক বাহিনীর সুযোগ্য উত্তরসূরী তো একমাত্র তারাই-আওয়ামী লীগ নেতৃবৃন্দ”। আমার প্রশ্ন এসব ধর্ষকদের বিচার কী আন্তর্জাতিক অপরাধ ট্রাইব্যুনালে হবে? নাকি এসব অপকর্মের বিচার হবে অন্য কোন ট্রাইব্যুনালে ? সে ট্রাইব্যুনাল কি সরকার গঠন করবে, নাকি সে ট্রাইবুনাল গঠণের দায়িত্ব নিতে হবে জনতাকেই?)So, why would the JI leaders be ashamed instead of you, who got corrupted through and through to call the most honest people as RAZAKARS (Depicted as a curse in Bangladesh but a very nice word otherwise)?
Captain planet's propaganda exposed again, cassidy and associates do not show a 25 million dollar transfer, a maximum of 300 k combined. Lobbying is completely legal and just. Best of luck proving money laundering to cassidy and associates and 300 k is a small amount.
Captain planet's propaganda exposed again, cassidy and associates do not show a 25 million dollar transfer, a maximum of 300 k combined. Lobbying is completely legal and just. Best of luck proving money laundering to cassidy and associates and 300 k is a small amount.

That is just part of the amount as mentioned by Government. Nor I said that is the full amount. If you really believe that is a propaganda why dnt you or any other Jamaat supporter or sympathizer filing a law suit against Law Minister and Law Ministry for filing this case against Mir Quasem Ali.

Regarding Lobbying ... yes it is legal in USA but according to the report it is violation of the US Lobbying Disclosure Act 1995...

daily sun | First Page | Mir Quasem siphoned off huge money to foil war crimes trial

The agreements are reportedly controversial and violation of the Lobbying Disclosure Act 1995 of US, as the company did not disclose sufficient information about its engagement as lobbyist of a foreign political party.

Mir Quasem Ali appointed lobbyists on behalf of Jamaat in other countries also and in almost all the cases the agreements remain hidden and sources of the payments are not transparent.

Instead of shouting here go write a letter to Law Minister and ministry that it is a propaganda.

Lastly 100 USD or 1 Million USD .... money laundering of any money is a crime. If he has not done anything or if this cant be proven, he will be freed from this charge.
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