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False Flag Alert ! JeM conducting training for underwater attack, forces on alert: Navy Chief

Wonder if the Indians are doing this because they want to look funny or they really are that retarded. Never go full retard.
very good , stay on alert terrorists can strike when you are not alert.

The have to lucky only one time...thats the only bad thing when you are the target....but if something happens 10 times more pakistanis will also die...indirectly...the blow back will come...it has always been that way...many posters even senior posters here forget that.
The have to lucky only one time...thats the only bad thing when you are the target....but if something happens 10 times more pakistanis will also die...indirectly...the blow back will come...it has always been that way...many posters even senior posters here forget that.

Yeah just like 300 terrorists killed and Abhi-non-done downed F16 and flew back safely to India... Fools
Yeah just like 300 terrorists killed and Abhi-non-done downed F16 and flew back safely to India... Fools

Learn to read and even better understand the post you are quoting before you open your filthy mouth...i was saying being the target of terrorism the attacker has to get lucky only one time...there are hundreds of posts by pakistanis here openly supporting your deep states policy sending hundreds of armed men into india...you call them whatever you want...we call them terrorists...now replace the name india with pakistan...the same applies...this bleeding india with thousand cuts...tens of thousands of pakistanis have paid for this cuts with their lives...thats the blow back...you talking as if not even 10 pakistanis have died from terrorism since you started your "freedom" struggle for the kashmiris....in fact the most acutely affected nation when you compare india and pakistan on terrorism...its pakistan that has suffered more...more like pakistani people...so their is definitely a huge blow back for your "struggle" in kashmir.
Learn to read and even better understand the post you are quoting before you open your filthy mouth...i was saying being the target of terrorism the attacker has to get lucky only one time...there are hundreds of posts by pakistanis here openly supporting your deep states policy sending hundreds of armed men into india...you call them whatever you want...we call them terrorists...now replace the name india with pakistan...the same applies...this bleeding india with thousand cuts...tens of thousands of pakistanis have paid for this cuts with their lives...thats the blow back...you talking as if not even 10 pakistanis have died from terrorism since you started your "freedom" struggle for the kashmiris....in fact the most acutely affected nation when you compare india and pakistan on terrorism...its pakistan that has suffered more...more like pakistani people...so their is definitely a huge blow back for your "struggle" in kashmir.

Us sending armed men into india? You have been doing the same since the very beginning inside Pakistan.

P.S. If you understood my comment, I was being sarcastic. Guess someone like you doesn't get it because well... you're illiterate.
Us sending armed men into india? You have been doing the same since the very beginning inside Pakistan.

Yeah you keep rationalizing as to why its so right to sending jihadis into india...we will keep sending you the same gift in a different box...you keep dreaming about bleeding india while we set your house on fire in retaliation...the world has still not called india a terrorist state nor is india being investigated by FATF for terror funding...nor was Osama sleeping peacefully beside an indian army garrison...it was probably RAW who smuggled OBL into pakistan and informed CIA about his whereabouts to give bad name to pakistan .

P.S. If you understood my comment, I was being sarcastic. Guess someone like you doesn't get it because well... you're illiterate.

Thats was not sarcastic it was foolish...no amount of personnel attacks will change the reality on the ground which you refuse to see...not just you but most pakistani posters have this view that only they are giving a bloody nose to india...refusing to smell the smoke from the fire lit by india in their own backyard.
Yeah you keep rationalizing as to why its so right to sending jihadis into india...we will keep sending you the same gift in a different box...you keep dreaming about bleeding india while we set your house on fire in retaliation...the world has still not called india a terrorist state nor is india being investigated by FATF for terror funding...nor was Osama sleeping peacefully beside an indian army garrison...it was probably RAW who smuggled OBL into pakistan and informed CIA about his whereabouts to give bad name to pakistan .

Just to burst your bubble, RAW cannot do shit in Pakistan and as far as OBL was concerned, the Pak Army knew about him and they allowed the US to carry out this attack. Why do you think there was no response at the border by anyone from the armed forces when it was detected that US forces had entered Pakistan? I won't give much details here as I am in no position to disclose confidential information but you didn't have any hand in OBL.
Yeah you keep rationalizing as to why its so right to sending jihadis into india...we will keep sending you the same gift in a different box...you keep dreaming about bleeding india while we set your house on fire in retaliation...the world has still not called india a terrorist state nor is india being investigated by FATF for terror funding...nor was Osama sleeping peacefully beside an indian army garrison...it was probably RAW who smuggled OBL into pakistan and informed CIA about his whereabouts to give bad name to pakistan
Why you guys thinks India is/was always innocent, only Pakistan doing bad/evil things against India, you forget the 71, why you interfere our internal matters (Creating Mukti Bahini to support traitors of East Pakistan), Why you captured siacen glacier, you forget sarbajeet singh,Yadev, and lot of unnamed spys trying to destabilized Pakistan from day one (47) were these guys PREACHING in Pakistan, you're backing off Baluchistan insurgency, you're backing off PTM insurgency based on Afghanistan since 47, stop spreading/sponsoring terrorism via Afghanistan and Iran, YOU"RE THE BIGGEST MESS/THREAT FOR THE PEACE OF SUB CONTINENT
JAY TERRORIST HIND @IFB :blah::blah::blah::blah:
Why you guys thinks India is/was always innocent, only Pakistan doing bad/evil things against India, you forget the 71, why you interfere our internal matters (Creating Mukti Bahini to support traitors of East Pakistan), Why you captured siacen glacier, you forget sarbajeet singh,Yadev, and lot of unnamed spys trying to destabilized Pakistan from day one (47) were these guys PREACHING in Pakistan, you're backing off Baluchistan insurgency, you're backing off PTM insurgency based on Afghanistan since 47, stop spreading/sponsoring terrorism via Afghanistan and Iran, YOU"RE THE BIGGEST MESS/THREAT FOR THE PEACE OF SUB CONTINENT
JAY TERRORIST HIND @IFB :blah::blah::blah::blah:

and Pakistan is the one in FATF list, known for proliferating nuclear design, harboring Osama, creating taliban etc. You morons act like only after 47 Islam started that even the Arabs laugh at you.

Pakistan is the only Terrorist cesspool in whole of Asia. Earlier you lot die you natural deaths, rest of us will be happy.

Just to burst your bubble, RAW cannot do shit in Pakistan and as far as OBL was concerned, the Pak Army knew about him and they allowed the US to carry out this attack. Why do you think there was no response at the border by anyone from the armed forces when it was detected that US forces had entered Pakistan? I won't give much details here as I am in no position to disclose confidential information but you didn't have any hand in OBL.

"Allowed" :D You dip shits do revision history at your whims.
Underwater attack hmm will we target indians living inside oceans? May be an indian oil rig? But why? Makes no sense

This is very primitive thinking
and Pakistan is the one in FATF list, known for proliferating nuclear design, harboring Osama, creating taliban etc. You morons act like only after 47 Islam started that even the Arabs laugh at you.

Pakistan is the only Terrorist cesspool in whole of Asia. Earlier you lot die you natural deaths, rest of us will be happy.
yes we have problems, and yo're not stealing you nuclear design from the world what stupid you're, Terrorist can be every where difficult to find, could USA stop 9/11 before its happen, You are the Biggest terrorist nation on earth @waz @The Eagle @Horus please ban this troll and thanks
And you country and religion believes lies and Deceptions
and JAI TERRORIST HIND @ranadd ;):enjoy:

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