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Fake stories of Bangladeshis intruding into India?

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You been to both Commilla and Sylhet but never been to Agartala and Gowahati. Agartala the state capital probably the half the size of our district town Comilla (Akhaora could be a better comparison). Gowahati is pretty big (not bigger than sylhet) but the highest skyscrapper they have is 6 storeyed whereas Sylhet has building 20 storyed high. Dont compare Comilla with Bombay. You have a way of looking down at yourself.

Mate, a few buildings don't say much about the overall development :coffee:
Mr. Zainal Abedin is a former student leader and a freedom fighter who crossed over to India in 1971 for military training, joined the Mujib Bahini and fought for the freedom of Bangladesh alongside the Indian Army. Mr Abedin holds a masters degree and a BEd.

A valiant writer and journalist. He was a freedom fighter in 1971.He is now working as a teacher of Social science in SOS Hermann Gmeiner College,Dhaka.he was a journalist of APP(Associated Press of Pakistan).He is the editor of Weekly EKALER KOTHA .

Mohammad Zainal Abedin Wrote the book RAW and Bangladesh and irked Indians and Indian dalal like A.H. Jaffor Ullah. A.H. Jaffor Ullah like a typical Indian trained parrot does not know who Mohammad Zainal Abedin is and his work. Yet using Indian paid time to foam his mouth with baseless attack.
As expected Indians are desperate to resale A.H. Jaffor Ullah written fundamentalist Indian script.

:lol: Am not saying that Zainal Abedin doesn't exist. He is not the only one eking out a living by India bashing and scaremongering. We have one on this very forum. Its just quite amazing that a Social Science teacher at a school is so well versed in these strategic affairs.

My objection was to the use of a western name "Igor Siljanoski" to make his drivel more believable. And thats not the only fake name he uses. "Willard Payne" is another name he uses to peddle his bs.

Some examples:

Fake Stories of Bangladeshis Intruding Into India|| By Igor Siljanoski

Fake Stories of Bangladeshis Intruding Into India|| By Muhammed Zainal Abedin


India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext|| By Igor Siljanoski

India's Designs to Harm Bangladesh Using Islamic Militancy as Pretext|| By Muhammed Zainal Abedin


Crossfire War: Dhaka - RAW Uses Ford Foundation in Anti-Bangladesh Campaign|| By Willard Payne'

Crossfire War: Dhaka - RAW Uses Ford Foundation in Anti-Bangladesh Campaign|| By Muhammed Zainal Abedin

This can mean only two things, either the guy Muhammed Zainal Abedin is a pathological plagiarist, which is quite shameful for a highly qualified man like himself, I mean he has a M.A and B.Ed and teaches social science in a school ffs:rofl:! or as I said earlier Igor Siljanoski and Willard Payne are pseudo names being used by Zainal RAW Abedin, so that he can be taken seriously. Either case quite pathetic.
And if thats not enough, somehow all these articles written by Zainal Abedin aka Igor Siljanovic aka Willard Payne end up on highly reputed Pakistani websites like Rupee com, Islamabad Globe, Pakistan ka khudhafiz.com, Karachi Telegraph and what not!

I mean according to Islamabad Globe, Muhammed Zainal Abedin even got the coveted LISA Award in 2007, for his book published in 1995. A man with such credentials has got to be taken seriously!

If you guys are wondering what LISA is. Well LISA stands for London Institute of South Asia, a very legit organisation which is not run by Pakistanis at all. :: London Institute Of South Asia ::

Bangladeshi journalist gets LISA award on ‘RAW and Bangladesh’

Bangladeshi journalist and researcher Md. Zainal Abedin gets LISA (London Institute of South Asia) Annual Book Award this year (2007) for his book “RAW And Bangladesh”, published in 1995. In a letter LISA, a London-based research organisation that stands for liberty, democracy and human rights, informed Mr. Abedin, “This award is given to a book that made a difference. That difference usually constitutes belated recognition. In your case, that is indeed so.”The award will be conferred on him in London in mid-July next. Abedin have already authored nine books and hundreds of features and articles, both in Bengali and English.

"RAW and Bangladesh" author Zainal Abedin gets LISA award | Islamabad Globe


So to all the saner Bangladeshis( And I know you are out there somewhere:P) don't believe every bs thrown at ya. Its quite obvious where all this propaganda comes from, but a bit too little too late. Like 40 years late:lol:
:lol: Am not saying that Zainal Abedin doesn't exist. He is not the only one eking out a living by India bashing and scaremongering.

It make perfect sense for Indians to copy and paste Mohammad Zainal Abedin written article and publish it under a pseudonym "Igor Siljanoski". Only to descredit the content of the article. Content that clearly exposes indian lie and decption on mythical illegal immigration.

When indian lie and deception exposed, it is known indian tactic to play victim using "india bashing" face. Its getting too old now.

Fact of the matter is what is in the content of the original article and article shows how india lie and deceive.
It make perfect sense for Indians to copy and paste Mohammad Zainal Abedin written article and publish it under a pseudonym "Igor Siljanoski". Only to descredit the content of the article. Content that clearly exposes indian lie and decption on mythical illegal immigration.

When indian lie and deception exposed, it is known indian tactic to play victim using "india bashing" face. Its getting too old now.

Fact of the matter is what is in the content of the original article and article shows how india lie and deceive.

:rofl: So first you lots try to convince people that Igor Siljanoski is some Canadian Author, now that claim in busted, its the Indians who are posting as Igor Siljanoski to undermine the famous analyst Muhammed Zainal Abedin? Mind you whose credentials include an M.A, a B.Ed and is now working as a school teacher of social science.

How do you explain the retarded and rabidly anti_India, Pakistani websites such as Rupee News publishing Igor Siljanoski's works then? Whats next evil RAW and Pakistan is ganging up against Bangladesh? Or better yet Rupee News is run by RAW? To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if thats your next argument.

I think you just outdid yourself idune. I must say this is pretty epic. you really think people are this gullible? :woot:
And here's another epic article from "Igor Siljanoski". I ll quote a paragraph for you,

Global Politician - Lest we fail to understand Indian design

Don't tell me Igor Siljanoski is a Bangladeshi now. Its just a pseudoname put on by some pathetic Bangladeshi, who thinks that he can peddle his bs and be taken more seriously, if he uses a white man's name.

Quite pathetic:lol:

They will be remain delusional.

Reminds ne of rupee news "international" correspondents.....lol
How do you explain the retarded and rabidly anti_India, Pakistani websites such as Rupee News publishing Igor Siljanoski's works that? Whats next evil RAW and Pakistan is ganging up against Bangladesh? Or better yet Rupee News is run by RAW? To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if thats your next argument.

Any site can republish the article posted under pseudonym "Igor Siljanoski". But it is more likely indians used that pseudonym originally to spread and descredit the content that exposes indian lie and deception.
Any site can republish the article posted under pseudonym "Igor Siljanoski". But it is more likely indians used that pseudonym originally to spread and descredit the content that exposes indian lie and deception.

And we should believe that, cause it came out of your mouth? As I said pretty shoddy propaganda work, too many loopholes. I hope you and your ilk still get paid though. :cheers:
Any site can republish the article posted under pseudonym "Igor Siljanoski". But it is more likely indians used that pseudonym originally to spread and descredit the content that exposes indian lie and deception.
Any bangladeshi site can republish the article posted under pseudonym "Igor Siljanoski". But it is more likely bangladeshi used that pseudonym originally to spread and descredit the content that exposes bangladeshi lie and deception
Thanks Bangladeshis for making my morning bright, yet again. :)

\The Awesomeness that is BD section of PDF/

---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

Any bangladeshi site can republish the article posted under pseudonym "Igor Siljanoski". But it is more likely bangladeshi used that pseudonym originally to spread and descredit the content that exposes bangladeshi lie and deception

pseudonyms don't come with such credentials --

Igor Siljanoski is a policy professional working and residing in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. His previous experience was in the public sector as an economist, economic development consultant and business and financial planner. Igor is lecturing macroeconomics at the St.Clair College of applied arts and science in Windsor, Ontario. Igor holds Masters Degree in Political Science and Honours Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of Windsor, Canada. Email: igor.siljanoski@gmail.com

Thanks Bangladeshis for making my morning bright, yet again. :)

\The Awesomeness that is BD section of PDF/

---------- Post added at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------

pseudonyms don't come with such credentials --

Igor Siljanoski is a policy professional working and residing in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. His previous experience was in the public sector as an economist, economic development consultant and business and financial planner. Igor is lecturing macroeconomics at the St.Clair College of applied arts and science in Windsor, Ontario. Igor holds Masters Degree in Political Science and Honours Bachelor of Arts in International Relations from the University of Windsor, Canada. Email: igor.siljanoski@gmail.com


This BD section always provides me with comic relief.
Are we discussing Fake Story.
:rofl: So first you lots try to convince people that Igor Siljanoski is some Canadian Author, now that claim in busted, its the Indians who are posting as Igor Siljanoski to undermine the famous analyst Muhammed Zainal Abedin? Mind you whose credentials include an M.A, a B.Ed and is now working as a school teacher of social science.

How do you explain the retarded and rabidly anti_India, Pakistani websites such as Rupee News publishing Igor Siljanoski's works then? Whats next evil RAW and Pakistan is ganging up against Bangladesh? Or better yet Rupee News is run by RAW? To be honest I wouldn't be surprised if thats your next argument.

I think you just outdid yourself idune. I must say this is pretty epic. you really think people are this gullible? :woot:

@ roy_gourav Babu, I find you are quite intelligent and matured in this forum. I also come to know that you are not a Bangali Babu. I also come to the conclusion that your background is either Indian military or intelligence. You are always talking with reference and authority. I also congratuate you for digging the identity of Muhammad Zainal Abedin or Igor Siljanoski. But the question is whatever he has written is absolutely true. Why each and every time you are still in the stage of his identity?

@ We are the citizens of Bangladesh and being brought up here. We know each and every thing what is going on in our country. We have lot of friend in Army, Navy, Airforce, NSI, DGFI, RAB and other organisation. Moreso, in this 21st century nothing can be hide.

@ We have seen what RAW or India is doing in our country for the last 40 years. But again it is true that off lately we come to know that what RAW had been doing in the then East Pakistan. RAW had an hand in the Agartala Conspiracy, this had been propagated by the Pakistan authority many a times but many of us did not paid any hid to it. We thought that India is our friend so how come they can do so much of harm to our people. But, "Astin ke neche sap chupa hua hai", we lately realise, sorry for the late. Now, donnot teach us again, "Sare Jaha se ach cha Hindustan Hamara". For your knowning sake, we may not like Jinnah but the spirit of his "Two Nation Theory" still prevail in our country one way or other way. It was there, it is there and will remain may be in another form. You cannot kill them all, the way you planned to kill all Biharies from East Pakistan. The Pakistan movement was spontenous from the Eastern wing and it was not created artificially where 97 % supported it. But it does not mean that again we will become Pakistan !!!!!!!

@ If I recollect my memory, I saw after independance your troops looted all weapons and many other foreign made valuable items. In those days there were hardly any foreign made items in India this is a fact. The living standard of common India people were far far below than the common East Pakistani. In those days we were not the second class citizens of Pakistan being propagated by you people and your agents inside Pakistan. Yes in East Pakistan since all the 22 families of industrilist who came from India were Urdu speaking so naturally they had a soft corner for the local Biharis. Initially the Bengalee people were little bit suspected in the defence jobs which had a historical reason but soon was over. That is why the percentage was less. In those days the economy of the then East Pakistan or whole Pakistan was a "Nomuna" in the 3rd World countries. OK, now forget about united Pakistan, we are now independance with your kind help after giving lot of blood.
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